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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Good on ya m00dy. There's a paypal link in the top corner, one for webhosting is the one you want :)
  2. Hmm yeh. Anyway It's trashed so this thread can stay as a collection point. I usually don't delete posts but it'll only let the troll have his way and kill the thread. I thought of the entries in a patch contest but dammit... I can only find patches, not audio samples :(
  3. Well, there are two differences there - one is that the Q is in the chain. The other is that the total number of devices in the chain is greater. The way to tell which is the more problematic, is to rerarrnge the chain: This works: controller --> ableton live --> Presonus firebox midi out --> midibox sid. This doesn't: controller --> ableton live --> Presonus firebox midi out --> waldorf q thru --> midibox sid. What about this: controller --> ableton live --> Presonus firebox midi out --> midibox sid. --> waldorf q thru Regardless, that's probably not relevant: you should not get dropped or hung notes from the SID, under normal conditions. I would be doing some checks on the soldering and maybe components.... I smell another dead opto coming on... Have you got a spare opto to test?
  4. No need to be afraid of the MB64e, it's not so bad, if you want to DIY, it doesn't get any better :) If you wanted something like the pocket control, you could use an MB64 with a minimal control surface, or you could even code your own simple MIOS app. There are lots of code examples you can use as a starting point. However it did stand out to me that you said "Basicaly what i'd like would be something like a doepfer drehbank for cheap,", and I've always said, that DIY is not the way to go if you want something cheap. It's very rewarding, and you can make things that are customised to your needs, but it does require an investment of time and effort, as well as the tools you will require. Perhaps DIY is not really what you wanted, but if you change your mind, you know where to come for assistance ;)
  5. Hi All, Over in the French forum, there was an unusual issue which may or may not be a Vista 64 bug... Unfortunately, I don't have access to a copy of 64bit Vista, so I thought I would post here, and ask if hopefully someone has access to a Vista64 box, which they would not mind spending 30 mins or so, to install the MIOS toolchain, and build one of the example apps. Any help would be appreciated!
  6. Glad that it's working :) Pilo: yeh, something seems 'not right' there... But there's also that strange error about the 'pin' identifier, which comes from a line of code which only has a closing brace... It seems that the files have been edited or perhaps corrupted. Perhaps, all that is required here, is to download and unzip a fresh copy of the mios_base zip (obviously this would have been done on the XP box, so that would make sense)... Or maybe it's a strange msys/vista64 bug....
  7. Welcome aboard adrien :) You're probably not going to like this, but the best help you can be given right now, is to be told to go read the website/wiki/forum some more. I would imagine that the MB64e would be the most appropriate project for your needs and skills, if you look around for that, you should find some more info, so that you can make some more specific requests for us to help with.
  8. Hurry up, I have a school project!!
  9. Dude, please edit the post and remove the email address immediately. That is NOT cool.
  10. First thing, is to strip it back to just a core module and nothing else. You can either remove modules one at a time and test each time; or remove them all, and add them back one at a time, and test each time. Strict troubleshooting would say, do the former. Edit: It should be noted that not using the proper headers results in screwups just like this all the time. That's why we added Quote #17
  11. stryd_one

    DOG LCDs

    Sweeeet. I am still racking my brain to figure out how a driver that requires about 8 times the number of instructions to write the same data, can be faster? Buh?!
  12. Standard MECs are mucho clicky though... But yeh, I agree that for that price, I would be shopping around for a nicer switch.
  13. If it's old and long, it is quite likely the problem. I had to try 5 old serial cables until I found one that worked (which is now screwed into the JDM permanently hehe)
  14. Sweet! 80's as can be.... it needs (fake) leather somewhere! (actually it reminds me of an old 70's futaba RC controller)
  15. Merci, pilo! I'll watch quietly from the background now :D
  16. I am unsure... I wonder if it is this bug: I think my compile environment is broke :-[ Is the error different, each time you run 'make'? I am an ubuntu now, so it is difficult for me to test this... Perhaps try this: set PATH=c:\MSYS\1.0\bin;c:\Program Files\gputils\bin;c:\Program Files\SDCC\bin;c:\M inGW\bin;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\ System32\Wbem make Sorry I can't answer in French! :( Can anyone help?
  17. Yes, the one-word answer to why we need that smiley back: Sahira!
  18. Be glad it came back to bite you quickly, rather than leaving you to think it's OK until the middle of a gig... And that it bit, in a way that didn't kill the core. ;) If the test tone works, you've got the interconnects right. You'll know if it's rebooting by the LCD. Your wallwart sounds less than reliable, I'd replace it.
  19. You confused a workaround with a fix. See the link in my signature ;) Is it rebooting? Sounds like it. Check your voltages, check for shorts, check for overheating regulator.... What PSU is it?
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