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Everything posted by nILS

  1. Within the same system you do not need another opto coupler.
  2. Hiya *, this is to inform everyone that spares bulk order #4 is starting right now. There's 40 left - first come first serve - sign up in the still Awesome Bulk Order Tool. If you have any problems with the tool, drop me a line via PM. nILS
  3. Hi guys, I am starting to sell the spares now. If you missed out on the bulk, sign up for spares here. There's 40 left - first come, first serve. Cheerio, nILS
  4. I guess you feel just a little silly now :console:
  5. That sounds more like some awesomely spammy browser toolbar than a forum issue.
  6. Maybe you just stumbled upon some spambot posts?
  7. Ja, auch ohne CS oder Einstellungen sollte der Default Patch ertönen. Du kannst alle Einstellungen per Software-Controller machen. Wenn auch die 1kHz-App nicht geht, dann stimmt aller Voraussicht nach was mit den Spannungen am SID nicht - sind die 5V und 12V (6581) oder 9V (8580/6582) am SID Sockel da? Eventuell ist am Ausgangspuffer was kaputt - kommt direkt aus Pin 27 was raus? Dann wären da noch die Datenleitungen zum SID - ist da alles in Ordnung?
  8. There's really not any voodoo in the tuner software. An interrupt gets called whenever the input pin changes, the number of changes per $time get counted and that determines the frequency, which is checked against a preset table. The distance to the closest note and that note are displayed and that's it. The whole thing was done in asm and isn't commented, so I don't think it'll be a great help ;-)
  9. [x] Blame and replace the optocoupler. They're somewhat prone to dying.
  10. That's because it is waiting for you to Upload the sammichSID hex, which you can find in the download section at ucapps.de
  11. It's your thread, feel free to ask another question here ;-)
  12. Welcome aboard albanyaka51 :flowers: You want momentary closing switches. What kind you use is entirely up to you. Typically "tactile switches" are used as they're easily available and way cheaper than nice push buttons.
  13. Rolf postet nur hier, liest aber nicht ;-)
  14. Regarding the encoder and 2nd sammichSID you want to contact Wilba directly :-)
  15. Omg, those poor girls at the post office actually put individual stamps on all the envelopes. That musta been quite exhausting. :-)
  16. Get it working and have fun with it - then post some "hooray I got it to work" post. That's even more enjoyable than a beer :thumbsup:
  17. 1)Yes, that's ok. The two holes on each side are connected to allow for different footprints. No, you do not need to fill all holes. 2) if you bent the legs, it's all good. If you actually broke the ceramic part, you might wanna replace them. 3) It's rather unlikely you damaged the resistor network. You can measure the resistance from the common pin to every other pin. 4) What exactly are you planning to do?
  18. Upgrading to the latest boot loader and MIOSStudio solved that issue for me. HTH :-)
  19. Yes, this has been done, but it's evil and you shouldn't do it. If you had the MIDI ports @ 45° you might be able to squeeze the third one in there with the other :)
  20. You can use a simple midi splitter circuit like in the gm5x5x5 for that. Like this:
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