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Everything posted by nILS

  1. nILS


    Some pictures will really help, considering you don't have to many posts/not too many people around here know you :thumbsup: Also, the reason why you want to sell it and a price tag help.
  2. Interesting stuff, I took the liberty of moving it to the correct section for ya :thumbsup:
  3. I just like answering "you made a typo there" with "you made a typo there". :whistle: :flowers:
  4. Small nitpick, Arkay, and I feel bad for saying it, as I'm not one of those spelling nazis on forums, but you're missing a comma, there shouldn't be a "." before "but" and it's "nazis" not "nazi's". Please stop doing that.
  5. Alright, I'll talk to TK how we'll handle the order(s) and then report back :-)
  6. As for the gm5x5x5, I'd obviously volunteer to do another run if there's enough people on the list. I am fairly sure a lot of the people on the list already have boards, but if there's demand I can contact them and see how many are still interested. nILS
  7. Well, yeh. So? G'day to you, too sir. Besides being partially wrong - in my opinion - (I can totally have my technically inclined friend build it for me), his opinion is... well, just that. His opinion. I applaud him for presenting his opinion in spite of the guard-dog reputation MIDIbox users have around the interwebs. And I enjoyed reading it, not necessarily because I agree with him, but because he actually used proper punctuation and more importantly coherent, full sentences. That said, please do not respond to that or any other blog or reference to MIDIbox unless you actually have something to say that goes beyond "ur wrong - f*ck u!!!" and are capable of using full sentences :-)
  8. What, I haven't finished this yet? Weird! :whistle: Well, it's mostly working and pretty much just needs some minor bugfixing and testing. How's your C?
  9. Didn't the Genesis have an SN76489 as well?
  10. From the chapter 'Installation' in the MBSID manual (http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_in.html)
  11. Fake != remarked. Apparently SIDs get cleaned and remarked a lot.
  12. The whole touching thing makes it sound a bit like a ground issue. Kinda hard to know where exactly the problem is though ;) I'd try removing all ICs that you don't need one by one (CS first, LCD as well) and see if there's one that makes a noticeable difference.
  13. There's also a few videos on youtube that show people using them. For instance the bassline engine demos by TK:
  14. Yep, the pollin ones are... not so great :whistle: I usually use the Adam Hall 19" cases (available @ thomann.de for instance). Musikding.de has the same ones (it just doesn't say Adam Hall on the box) a bit cheaper in 1U and 2U.
  15. If you jumper them accordingly the pins will be disabled on the gm5. So you can just let them float (also, as a general rule, you do not want to ground output pins, only inputs).
  16. Wild guess: Semi-bad solder connection that actually needs to warm up and expand to make proper contact?
  17. Wenn sich da nicht irgendwas wildes getan hat, ist diese Annahme falsch. SwinSID braucht nur 5V.
  18. nILS

    ucapps bestellung

    Wow, google translate sure sucks these days. Nein, im den meisten Fällen kriegt man nur eine Text-Datei mit den Bestellnummern. Nur in einigen erlesenen Fällen gibt's tatsächlich einen Link auf einen Reichelt-Warenkorb.
  19. 1) Opto: Yes, always. 2) config: Mainly the name under which the device shows up on your PC 3) Jumpers: You probably want 110 (one input), won't hurt to have the option of adding an output.
  20. nILS


    How'd I miss that for so long? Very sleak! Love it! :flowers:
  21. 1) Find someone in the country of the seller, and ask nicely if they'll forward your paypal money. 2) Pay via paypal 3) Wait for the friendly person to do the bank transfer 4) get stuff
  22. If you get no voltage at all you have a problem in the PSU section. Trace every trace with a continuity tester from the DC socket through the rectifier to the voltage regulators. If that's all goo, you simply forgot to turn the switch on :)
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