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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. ... die Lieferzeit ist die durchschnittliche Bestellzeit, welche von Mischpultherstellern beim Vertrieb eingehen. Der Trick für diese Preise ist der, dass der Vertrieb die Faderbestellung von "Hendrik" direkt der Bestellung eines Mixer Herstellers anhängt und somit auf tiefere Einkaufspreise kommt... und das kann eben ein paar Wochen dauern. Greets, Roger EDIT: Was mir noch eingefallen ist. Weshalb Motorfader auch (zu-)billig sein können: Motorfader mit Zahnriemen (wie die Alps N-Type) sollten nicht länger als 1 Jahr gelagert werden, da sich sonst der Zahnriemen an die enge Biegung um die Pullies gewöhnt und daraus ein ungleichmässiger Faderlauf resultiert. - Bezüglich der langen Lieferzeit, scheint dies ja aber wahrscheinlich kaum der Fall zu sein.
  2. ...No. Nobody really can help you decide this. Search the forum for ideas, there are lots of links in the posts (search "Parts Archive"). Surf through all those electronic shops on the net. Recommended is: momentary / normally open type of switch. Greets, Roger
  3. ... wahrscheinlich kaum. - Das wäre eine Genauigkeit von 0.1mm. In meinem Kommentar ging es mehr um die Verhältnisse (128:1024). Das sind schon zwei verschiedene Welten. Auflösung aber hin oder her, das Ergebnis der "Krüppel-Kurve" is das selbe. Ich würde gar behaupten, dass ich mit den GUI/Maus Fadern der DAW sauberer mischen könnte. Greets, Roger
  4. Check the LowPower PIC. - Same type but it got "LP" somewhere within the type-number. Search the forum, there have been several threads about this. Greets, Roger
  5. ... hmmm... und 0-1023? :-\ Yepp... es soll ja auch Leute geben, welche MP3 auf 64kb/sek herunterladen und auf CD brennen. Greets, Roger
  6. http://www.voti.nl/shop/p/S-Touchpad.html Greets, Roger
  7. PM mir Deine Mail Adresse Greets, Roger
  8. Just remove the detend and your problem is solved. Greets, Roger
  9. Hallo Markus Ich habe mehrere Panasonic Jog-Dials. Vielleicht kennst Du die Knöpfe der professionellen Panasonic Video-Geräte. Die Jog-Dials sehen ähnlich aus wie auf Deinem Bild. Sind aber zylindrisch und haben einen geriffelten Gummiring. - Kann ich Dir gratis abgeben (nur Portokosten). Greets, Roger
  10. ... collet-knobs are for round pot-shafts, like Wilba said. They have some brass parts and they "grab" the shaft when the screw gets tightened just like the drill in a drilling machine. This is the most professional but also most expensive solution. Greets, Roger
  11. ... this has actually absolutely nothing to do with "nowadays" but more of what technology you're selecting for your project. - Even today a xy resistive touch does not let you use "multi touch" since this technology simply can't verify more than one touch at once. Greets, Roger
  12. ... not so with digital touchscreens, because they're actually a touch button matrix. http://www.studer.ch/pdf/flyers/Vista%207%20-%20Flyer%20(03-2003).pdf The touch fields below the on-screen rotaries (page 2) are digital touch screens and allow multitouch. Greets, Roger
  13. ... Yepp. - Die entsprechende Logarithmische kurve berechnet schon Dein host und ist nicht abschaltbar. Greets, Roger
  14. ... they are perfect for soft buttons! They are very precise in question of touch sensitivity and they allow multi touch, which you can't realize with X-Y touch screens. Greets, Roger
  15. ... Damn... and I was hoping that you're the one in the front and the one in the back is just her brother :o Greets, Roger
  16. ... it's mostly not a matter of the controller but of your host program... this should work with SlowTools... ehm sorry... ProTools ;D (couldn't resist :-*) ... expensive is a relative thing... check the linked sources on ucapps.de .... you are mixing in automation mode. - You make a mistake and hit [stop]. - assumed you're levels (faders) are now all at unity gain (zero-position). - You jump back 20 sec. in your mix. - At this point, while you were mixing, all your faders were at -20dB position. - You hit [play] again and your automation sets the fader values to -20dB. - YOUR PROBLEM: Your (not motorized faders) all are still at 0dB position... see the problem? Greets, Roger
  17. ... Sequoia, Fairlight and ProTools (why I'm using PT anyway, even when I hate it? - Because some employers make me to... money talks, bullshit walks :P). - But please no discussion about this in this thread. Calling PT "SlowTools" is not really bashing at it... it's the way it's often called in the Pro world... even from colleagues who like PT. Greats, Roger
  18. ... and when you do a mistake, you start from the beginning again? :-\ Forget using an automation with no motor faders... this is stoneage. - You will regret it later. Why don't you buy motor faders but just don't implement the motor fader function. When your box is working fine, you can enhance your box with the MBHPMF at a later time? Sorry, but I can't give you more information about SlowTools and HUI protocol. I just read once, that the MotorMix emulation works just fine... just go for it. Search the forum for MotorMix and if you're having problems on your way, you'll get plenty of help here. Greats, Roger
  19. ... yes, they're available. But why SMD? - With SMD you'd need lightpipes. With standard LEDs, you can stick them right through the front plate. I don't know, if you can do the changing colours by prgramming different output values to the DOUTs... I think not. I think you would have to do this in hardware by experimenting with different resister values to the RGBs in parallel. (Don't know if the DOUTs will handle the current). Greets, Roger
  20. ... well, just because I heard nice sounding records where something was used for next to all other kind of equipment, doesn't make me say: "Hey, it's good" ??? ... do you mean the "DMX15"? ... Daniel Weiss started his engineering career at STUDER (right after his engineering degree) working on DASH machines. ... so far the comments. - But I still don't understand, what you wanna tell us with this...? Greets, Roger
  21. ... why don't you send Mike an E-Mail. Perhaps he's sending you just the parts with an add for handling. Greets, Roger
  22. 1st: My tunes? They're only in my head. - Since some years I don't find much time anymore to make my own music... so today I'm just doodeling around with my guitar. 2nd: The number of channels, 24bit and 96kHz doesn't make a good mix. Why I upgraded my Studio to 24/96? Because many customers think that this makes a good mix :P It's a petty... you're producing 24/96 and the end user makes a MP3 out of it... cool ::) It's not a matter of just Ins and Outs, I just didn't want any hardware patchbay anymore I need the routing software for monitoring purposes. I would like to select any Input as monitoring source. If possible, by a MidiBox ;) Greets, Roger
  23. ... Quantec, Lexicon, TC and what ever. - It's a matter of taste and the result you're looking for. I believe, there is a certain threshold of quality which is almost not measurable, which makes an effect good sounding or not so good. - Trust you ears! I don't know anything about Quantec IR, I only worked with the Quantec QRS/XL and this is a beautiful sounding reverb which I used a lot (... until it broke and the repair costs would have been a third of the list price :-\). Even if I liked the sound a lot, I couldn't use it for cerain applications because it was too noisy. In short: It's not just the theoretical quality that matters... it has to fit your result you're looking for. ... shure! Why not? In todays studio business, time is a big factor in being able to do the job in the desired budget of the customers and that for I need a nice and intuitive GUI. Did you really think that if they bring out a new plug, they're always rewriting their algorythms? Did you think that the algorythms of a Lexicon 960 are much different than the ones from a 480? They just implement the requirements for the enhanced bit- and sampling freq-rates, make use of the higher memory possibilities of their new DSPs and add some more controllable parameters. Neve? ... and??? What makes you so shure, that the engineers of Neve transformed their nice analog sound so perfect to digital algorythms? I don't know, I never had a chance to work with any digital Neve gear yet. Greets, Roger
  24. I worked with Waves TDM Diamond daily for about 2 years for layout jobs (like commercial spots, short audio commedies) and I was quite happy with it. I once mixed a music album and ended up by using only the EQ (I think t was called "Rennaissance EQ"), the rest I was doing with outboard gear (good old Lex 480 and Ureis). I couldn't get happy with the Reverb plugs for music mixes but I liked them pretty much for sounddesign tasks. Greets, Roger
  25. ... thanks drew. - I'll check that out. ... I upgraded to 96k... so it's only 64 channels The MADI cards go to the Studer D21m I/O rack http://www.studer.ch/index.aspx?menu_id=3&sub_menu_id=16&locale=en&url=includes%2fproduct_sheet_include.aspx%3fproduct_id%3d16 ... greets, Roger
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