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Everything posted by SLP

  1. Your Stekgreif Project is also pretty awesome! :D
  2. 1. Welcome aboard, mate! :D 2. The Answers to your questions have been asked many, many times. So we (well, me not) decided to write it all down. all you have to do is to read. -> http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/ -> http://ucapps.de/ Now go on and Read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, ;D regards, matthias
  3. what? no bots? me having contact with people? real people? me having a "social life"?!? :o
  4. Schritt 1/2: -> http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/midiboxmixer Schritt 2/2 -> http://ucapps.de/mios_c.html have fun ;D Es sind alle nötigen Infos online. Du brauchst Dich nur durchzulesen. :) Gruß matthias edit: In Sachen Traktor kennt sich aber MTE besser aus als ich: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=traktorizer_by_mte
  5. search for "kontaktstation". edit: and search for the midibox sensorizer by audiocommander. http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=56dK-C_Izog
  6. nicht ganz korrekt. du benötigst dafür noch 4 IIC-Module. Evtl. funktionierts auch mit 3 oder weniger Modulen. -> http://ucapps.de/midi_router/midi_router_interconnections.pdf
  7. AFAIK not, but I don't think that it's worth to DIY when you can have a *very* small 4-port USB-Hub for as little as ~5€
  8. omg.lol. dude. start reading. buy a new keyboard with working CapsLock-Key ;D
  9. well, I'm not even using any 19" housing
  10. me too yep. that's a good idea. a last question: how do you design the frontpanel? I know that there are pcb-mount midi-jacks with an extra screw for the Frontpanel existing. I just don't trust that much in PCB-mount stuff...
  11. SLP

    Mein Sid...

    Also, ich gehe mal davon aus, dass du insgesamt 4 SID-chips verwenden willst (immerhin erwähnst du ja 2 Cores). Das LCD wird hier im sog. 4-bit-mode betrieben. D.h. es werden weniger Leitungen benötigt. Die frei gewordenen pins am PIC sind nun für den CAN-Bus zuständig. Es gibt also nur ein LCD, und das hängt am Master-Core. siehe auch http://ucapps.de/midibox_sid/mbsid_v2_communication.pdf und http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_lcd_4bit.pdf
  12. i'm kinda thinking of an integrated Midimonitor.. I still have to figure out how to switch between the 5 ports..
  13. Günter Grünwald
  14. SLP

    yamaha rm1x

    hehe.. I know that feeling ;D
  15. AFAIK we're talking about the TLV5630 DACs for the AOUT-NG now. The problem I see with a bulk order of chips is, that we've got to etch our own PCBs. and @ seppoman: I never said Smash's prices are expensive. I was talking about the extremely high postage costs. But a "SmashTV"-Bulkorder is a good idea.
  16. ... and who's doing the AOUT-NG Pcb Bulkorder now? ;D Smash is the only one who sells them, and shipping is so damn expensive.. ::)
  17. yeh.. it's like a huge library... with the lights turned off ;D © Stryd_one IIRC. Can't find it anymore in the MB-Quotes Database
  18. actually they are called the "metric system" (meters, kilogramms, liters, degrees Celsius, etc) and the "Imperial Units" (inch, foot, yard, mile, gallon, ounce,.. all the "weird stuff", see the those charts). note that there are only 3 countries where the metric system is not the primary or sole system of measurement: Liberia, Burma, and... damn.... I can't remember the last one. ;D I think it's the USA...
  19. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,8700.0.html I think that one has been the only one ever. And the last time she was here was on 2007-03-13 ... ::) btw.: just found a nice pick-up-line: "What? you're single? Me too! I guess we both could make a good LP!" ;D edit: LMAO!
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