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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. You can try it! I've always entered the commands one at a time though.
  2. If you have a READY. message, then it works :)
  3. Bootloader is here: http://ucapps.de/mios32/mios32_bootloader_v1_018.zip Upload as normal hex through MIOS Studio and change the LCD type + store as you note above. Also check that the jumper is set to the correct voltage for your LCD and that the cable is correctly "mirrored" probably by soldering the pinheader onto the back of the display and connecting the IDC there. Merry Xmas, Andy
  4. Hi Hal, Probably we/someone should write a wiki entry or something on the new features! The idea is something like this: The encoders underneath the OLED displays work just as before The encoder switch functions are in theory freely assignable but are typically used to accelerate encoder data The first row of illuminated "Soft" keyswitches are equivalent to the GP buttons plus the dual-colour step LEDs of the Wilba version The second "Selection Row" keyswitches change function depending on the button lit up around the datawheel on the JA board (see below) These LEDs are also dual colour The row of Apem/MEC switches should be familiar to V4 users The RGB Beat LED flashes a different colour for the beat and the whole measure The JA board has a built-in Activity Matrix and typically displays the track position in a single colour Other display options like a custom logo or the current BPM can be displayed (both with optional beat flash; also for the TPD) The datawheel functions as before and has a push function (currently not assigned to anything I think) The JA board carries the transport controls (play, pause, stop etc.) and a few extras The Selection Row buttons around the datawheel are: Step View Tracks Parameter Layer Trigger Layer (Drum) Instrument Track Mute Bookmark Song Phrase On the JA board, press and release one of these to change the Selection Row function Press and hold the JA button to temporarily change the Row function, which jumps back to the previous function on release On the v4+, all 16 Selection Row buttons are accessible and multiple selections are possible by holding down several buttons simultaneously Tracks are still colour-coded into groups of four tracks and named identically (e.g. G1T1-G4T4) On the V4, tracks were chosen with four track groups and four tracks for a total of 16 tracks and only three trigger and parameter layers had dedicated buttons (normally holding Param./Trig. C would bring up the layers menu screen) Rear panel has a USB B port (power/data) for better mechanical strength Switch for USB OTG host is provided but we notice some devices are incompatible Footswitch/gate input (currently not assigned to functions) Rear panel LEDs: Green: power Orange: SD Card available Red: any received MIDI IN Blue: LED any transmitted MIDI OUT I think that's it! Best, Andy
  5. You mention AINSER, but talk about muxes. Do you mean AINSER64 (even if not all multiplexers are used)? Are you using a self-designed board or something from uCapps? Maybe the scanning isn't working properly? Try http://ucapps.de/mios32/ainser_jitter_mon_v1_002.zip for diagnostics.
  6. @Adam Schabtach, nice job and well done on #23! The subtle colour mixing is a great idea and exactly the sort of thing intended with the RJ/SJ setup. Enjoy!
  7. Isn't the transistor topology similar to a linear voltage regulator anyway? You might avoid the issue in the first place by starting with a more reliable power supply. Users here often also employ a crowbar circuit, so those might give you some possible ideas or directions. For your simulation, consider that the transistors should be properly specced to handle the current loads, also real components might have tolerances or voltage drops that push your limits.
  8. Nearly there, cool! Could you post a photo of the clearance issue just to confirm? You mean that the soldered row on the rear of the plate PCB still conflicts? Did you trim the pins before soldering as suggested? Maybe more trimming is needed? That DIN8 is actually EOL anyway so we need to see how the replacement looks.
  9. Okay, you can add them now! https://www.modulargrid.net/e/modules_racks/add/25274 ...25275 ...25276 ...25277 ...25278
  10. Hi Niels, It's a good idea, I will look into it! Best, Andy
  11. Check also the 1N4148 diode orientation, probably all are fine as the switches work but just to be sure.
  12. I tried clearing the cookies and flushing the DNS, but the link still leads to IRC. Can't promise that I'll hang out there much but it is a good idea to update to something modern.
  13. So all LEDs are lit except play? And it's a sudden change? If the switches function properly, the issue is either with the anode side (IC3), THT resistors or with the LEDs themselves. I would check individual diode functionality with a multimeter. A possible fault is that one or more LEDs are busted.
  14. Before binning, just try the one you were sent. The sFM has linear regulators for both power rails, so the noise might not be at all bad!
  15. It is the same in much of Europe, I think because transformers draw some current even when the secondary is unloaded. The only way to kill the power is to switch off the mains (which I always do) or to unplug the wallwart. So it is seen as a power-saving scheme. Try rummaging through a second hand store or fleamarket for an old one. Alternatively you can still buy transformers and build your own, but need to be experienced with mains voltage and case it safely. https://www.reichelt.de/Transformers-toroid/2/index.html?ACTION=2&LA=2&GROUPID=8880
  16. If the PSU is heavy, then it has a wound transformer in it, so it is a linear PSU. If it is light, then it is switching as the components are much smaller (also sometimes containing a small transformer). Very few of linear ones are also regulated, but they do exist. You should measure something near the rated voltage with a multimeter. Better to load it with a 1k THT resistor. If the voltage is wildly different then it is not regulated. The current capacity of a switching PSU is much higher than for a linear PSU of the same size. Anything over a few hundred mA will be a switching PSU.
  17. Hi Niels, I am also confused, tried the other day with @Hawkeye to get an LFO going but I don't know how. It would be interesting if you could get it working with a regular CC or MIDI note track then try to change the port to AOUT. Maybe a few notes are needed in the track? Sorry that I can't help! Best, Andy
  18. TK.'s description is slightly ambiguous, but I agree with your assessment. The config file should stick and the hardware should know to keep the correct matrix assignments. Bruno is right; the 1MB flash confirms the correct VGT6 chip.
  19. I have spare ones in white and can sell them for 4€ each. PM if you're interested.
  20. For removing the SD card during runtime, we've established that this can break things, so please restart if the card was removed. (would be nice to reload the HW config file upon remounting the SD). I'm not sure if the MIDI file export is related to any particular hardware. Sounds a bit like a memory overrun. What is the flash size of your STM chip when you query in MIOS Studio/is the chip VET6 or VGT6 on the Waveshare board? Please post the request (maybe also the previous bug report) in the following thread and hopefully TK. gets some time to look at it. Additionally, provide an example session that could be tested. http://midibox.org/forums/topic/13137-midibox-seq-v4-release-feedback/
  21. Looks like an I2C interface. You want 4-wire SPI.
  22. @lp1977 nice! #22 Enjoy your SEQ v4+!
  23. Hi Adam, Interesting, the MEC/Apem switches are typically quite solid! How are you determining intermittent behaviour? Could it be that the switches are fine but the LED legs are broken/intermittently contacting (compare DIN events in MIOS Studio versus LED emission)? Removing the switches is really a pain (as is inserting LEDs when the switch is already in). I don't think the LEDs are available at Mouser. Considering the issues you've had, I think we could send you a set of replacements. If that would be too slow for you, you could also find similar replacements on eBay but they will likely ship from Asia. Best, Andy
  24. Sorry for the confusion, really what is written in the above posts is all correct and there is not much more to add. But to clear it up: all MIDIbox platform software is open-source, free for personal use. Some circuits are too, but some are not and this has been the case for quite some time. It is even less common to publish layout files. The non-commercial part means in this context that you are not permitted to run MIDIbox software in assembled devices that you sell. Peter and I provide a valuable service, which takes a significant portion of our lives, in making great, professional-quality projects available. We have the full support of the MIDIbox creator, Thorsten Klose, to do this. I hope that your confusion is resolved and you can work on your design with the documentation at hand.
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