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Everything posted by jojjelito

  1. What you need is a knob with a set screw. Most of those tend to be for 1/4" so you need a shim to make up for the difference. A collet knob is what you should search for. Change your Mouser language to fit... /J
  2. The TPD Nyanalizer is way cool! Those choir sounds were *very* Bladerunnner-esque! Plus the overall demo song was nice! Thanks! Your stuffed plush animal did look very scared before you removed it. Or was it simply in awe of the MB-SEQ? Truly building a mystery there! If I wasn't too lazy, or held up with that modular thing at the moment I would attempt to build this. Or maybe draw a diagram. Stockholm says hi, J
  3. Well done! It gets nicer and nicer. Did you redo the enclosure as well? Wonder how much Ponoko wants if they make one...
  4. jojjelito

    TWINsid V1.1

    Hot like fire! Well done!
  5. Yay! Who would have thought it would be so easy to connect a BPM display plus the Nyanalyzer (it shows if you're making dubstep or being otherwise obnoxious) to the MB-SEQ? Hawkeye: We can haz a photo tutorial - Big Pimpin the MB-SEQ? /J
  6. I think I need to add those displays to modular panel 2 right next to the modularized OLED Shruthi DCO/VCF. Darnit - there should be a design freeze one of them days Well done Peter and Thorsten! I can haz schematix for dat? Blinkenlichts finde ich sehr Gut! Greets, Johan
  7. Thanks! She needs populating first But, it will all be good, goofy, gooey fun in the end. Design freeze was 111009, aiming at working like mad to have it up and running by 111111 one one eleven!!!! 2xVCOs (Thomas Henry - one 566, one XR2206), a dual/stereo CEM3379 VCF (PML), dual envelopes (PML), ring mod (Fonik), SN76477 noise and S/H (TH and Fonik), Ian Fritz Wavolver waveshaper on our own PCB, Germanizer germanium diode distortion (PML) and MB-seq w/ 8channels of CV/Gate (TK's genious sauce and design - Wilba stylee CS, Fussylizard arranged the order, Julian F did the panel, we did the CV/Gate out PCB). This is PML stylee (that's me and my pal FS) - we mix the borrowed (TK, Thomas Henry, Fonik, Ian Fritz) with our own custom sauce. Next time we eat the future!
  8. From the album: Jojjelito's pixx-o-stuff

    Just testing racking the monster. Science! :sorcerer:

    © Fate, destiny and all that...

  9. Glenn Underground meets 90's PC gaming! Cool stuff!
  10. Well, the slight issue with the 4046 is that you need it to be under exponential control to be musically useful. Take a gander at the fine work of Thomas Henry who coaxes 7 octaves out of some PLL chips. Watch your brand! Matthias Herrman (Fonik) made some very nice looking PCBs a short while ago. The thing is that those make a complete VCO with it's own waveshapers. It has the nastiest sync sound I've yet to hear! You then need to send the square-waves (and nothing else!) through the 3396 waveshapers if you want to use that IC fully. Otherwise you'll end up with a glorified VCF/VCA combo better buiit using other means. You'd be better off if you could get direct control over the generation of square-waves for the timing of the 3396 VCO/Waveshaper. It's easy to set up a V/Oct VCO in your lab, but very much overkill for cost reasons. That's why lots of polys used timer chips under control of 8-bit micros plus several 3396's for the synth voices. It would be very expensive to use discrete VCOs, even VCO chips as the Matrix 12/Xpander/JP6/8 etc once did. Today you could get away with finding slightly dedicated MCU's such as the dsPIC and waveshapers and you've entered DSI analog territory. /Fan of analog synths
  11. Mmm, 0 BPM is nice and slow. Also, this is very minimal as far as a CS goes...
  12. Hmm, this could make a fine NCO/DCO using direct digital frequency control. So, MIDI control would be possible. However, this looks like it's intended for high resolution motor control. It's possible that it can also go lower in frequency in the audio band. Note that it only outputs square and pulse-waves so you need a waveshaper in order to get any other waveform. The CWG is for more servo or stepper control trickery. But, add a CEM3396 or a similar waveshaper and you're good to go. This is what DSI (Dave Smith) is doing with the DSPic and the PA397 (later derivative of the CEM3396) in the Prophet-08, Mopho etc.
  13. Drilling 8 euro-card sized (100x160mm) PCBs wasn't a walk in the park. Where are my robots, now that we live in the future?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Hawkeye


      j - btw. nice sauce boss deluxe answer in the cem/nco thread :)

    3. jojjelito
    4. jojjelito


      Nice and stressed - drink some Rooibos tea instead.

  14. Nice combo of 80's style dreamy polysynth and distorted drums!
  15. jojjelito

    mbseqv4l 3

    Cute couple!
  16. The panel is close to done at Schaeffer. A couple of days in transit and... I CAN HARDLY CONTAIN MYSELF :frantics: Drill night on Sunday for the last home-etched PCBs (taking that to the factory is for sissies). Then, it's off to assembly. The engine roar upon ignition will dwarf anyting sent into space. Or probably just go bleep. We'll see.
  17. jojjelito

    Crowbar Module

    Now, ain't that a nice-looking little PCB. Level-up with red SMT LEDs for broken fuse indication. I found such a board at work today and one of these day's I'll clone that. But, this is far easier to service. Kudos!
  18. stasera la luna.ci porterà fortuna la luna. Yes, the 80's are back, again. And again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jojjelito


      But, do you like Chopin? Those were the good old days.

    3. Antix


      haha sure I like Chopin since I am back into the USSR to Catch The Fox with my Self Control :-)

    4. jojjelito


      As long as you rembered to tell Gloria to slow down!

  19. Got a code from a helpful member (BIG thanks!) and it seems to have worked. Keeping my fingers crossed. Zis topic seems done.
  20. Mmm, the matrixed version sure is trickier. Plus, if you don't buy loads of diodes, I suspect that you don't even save money. It's all pull-up to the bumper at ucapps.de it seems. Who knew, I was too caught up in my modular when I answered. Thus, I only said something about what I could easily check at that time /Il Scuro
  21. I'll sell you someones kidneys in order to get moar SIDs. Sounds totally BAWS (I'm not referring to the nadgers)! Plus points for the use of piano. /Sauce boss
  22. Hi peeps, I'm considering sending a 9HE monster front panel to Schaeffer and it will cost me dearly for a couple of those. Does anyone have a referall code so that I could get some rebate on my first order? I thought I saw someone post one, but I had no luck searching. Thanks, /J
  23. Your switch pinning looks OK. I'm curious as to why you used one data line per switch instead of the diodes plus matrix arrangement used in the MB6582? I guess your way (the classical way) is far easier to debug and conceptually grasp though :thumbsup: I've got no idea at thi point in time if a resistor to VCC like you did it or a resistor to GND is to be preferred - someone else maybe knows. Guess I should read up some before forming an opinion (what - that's like thinking before you speak?!). /J
  24. Congrats! I saw that you did the obligatory blue LED photo. It looks like you've been watching Gattobus on Youtube and became inspired. /J
  25. Yay! Jungle is now retro in a cool way. Great work man!
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