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Everything posted by jojjelito

  1. Hi Rosch, Pin 4 of J2 would be Dout, e.g. for chaining multiple AOUTs to one core, I think you mean Pin 4 of J1? Anyways, the Wiki says that even chaining is not supported by any existing apps. If I understand things correctly the TLV runs SPI. SPI is not a multi-master bus, so there's no collision handling if several cores would like to write data to it at the same time. Had this been doing I2C that would have been fixable, but the SID portion of the app also doesn't share envelope, LFOs or such data globally across themselves. Therefore each core only knows what it is doing, not the status of others unless MB-NET got extended. All this is AFAIK, TK or other gurus could say otherwise. Also, this has been stated before in the forums But, on a positive note: You could share the quad VCA board across since each VCA has its own CVs, just connect those where applicable. However, the full-on 4-pair stereo SSM filtering requires 4x dual SSM2044 PCBs, along with 8 SSM 2044ICs and all the rest. It could end up being costly, but given the lengths people will go to pimping their SID synths, why not? Cheers, J
  2. The SID doesn't control the VCFs, that's done by the 4 core modules. Env and VCF data is local to each core (no, it's not shared from a "master" CPU via CAN) so you'll need one AOUT_NG per core if you want the full custom shine. AFAIK the AOUT_NG is connected using I2C SPI to the core, I don't think that's set up as a multi master bus as is. Perhaps TK, Wilba or one of the guru's can tell us if that will change later down the road? The connection is: Core -> SID, Core -> Aout, SID Audio -> VCF/VCA, AOUT CV -> VCF/VCA. Plus control bits as necessary using the available port headers at each core. Best, J
  3. Firecrackers!!! Has a *harsh* intro - starting to get going at 1:52 w/ Nam June Paik gfx, analog style from 1978...
  4. I hope so - otherwise I could get some gull-wing blasters that put out 168mcd each locally. But these were free
  5. This is considerably dimmer, but this is taken in a well-lit room during daytime. It will glow nicely in the dark. Also, my gallery tells me a different story when the before and after pictures are level-matched
  6. It.Really.Smears.the.Light! Just for testing if the washers can serve as diffusors.
  7. Just a quick test, plastic somewhat opal washers and 3LEDs in series @ 9VDC, 220R.
  8. It is delaying my OLED, but happy 4th of July 'merica!

    1. Hawkeye


      lets hope it works out of tha box :-) did you read about altitudes drilling trick? maybe you don´t need the riser cards at all :-)

    2. jojjelito


      Mmm, I read about it somewhere. Wasn't it something about drilling holes for the switch shafts since there was nothing in particular at those places of the LCD/OLED PCB? ;-)

    3. Hawkeye


      guess thats about it :)

  9. Deluxe electric mistress sure loves the SID sound. Next: Mutron bi-phase...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hawkeye


      And me still craves desire for an external two-channel analog filter board for the MB6582! Shall we start that as a next project?

    3. jojjelito


      It's a plan! That means: Lots of dollars for a few AoutNGs plus adding filter/VCA boards.

    4. jojjelito


      The schmoking cat took a cue from Amy Winehouse. I tried to make it go to rehab but it said no, no, no...

  10. jojjelito


    Thanks much. This will go into my box now :frantics:
  11. jojjelito


    Looks great! Congrats! Mine's also green, but I'll have to replicate your backlight control circuitry. It's cool to see how lots of people are suddenly finishing their builds :sorcerer: And the OLED is in transit...
  12. My karma ran over your dogma. Oops.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Antix


      Guys...lets stay away from alcohol. :-)

    3. jojjelito


      Drugs are bad, m'kay?

      Especially when riding a Ducati.

    4. kristal=


      haha nice, discordians are everywhere. don't forget today is hotdog day.

  13. Bitte, einer neuen Version zum LPC nespresso präsentieren! Das macht bestimmt riesen Spass :sorcerer: Gruss, J.
  14. It is now officially Kick Ass! Hot lava!
  15. If you poke around the treads you'll end up with this blank panel for instance. Also, there's some Illustrator files to be had, but those include 1/8 inch bleed. Otherwise, there's some dxf download available at Ladyada's. Cheers, Google-fu
  16. Chasing the edge of sound - arriving at cross PWM bass. You can haz samples once I patent it :)

    1. Hawkeye


      moar demoz!!!11

    2. jojjelito


      Hafta wait for that particular one - the breadboard has changed... Sth else coming up. Might record it.

  17. Hmm, I didn't check the controller datasheet that thoroughly, just figured I'd post a link in case someone would be helped by it. It seems that Newhaven will have some explaining to do, or better provide some kind of app note or even an SDK. Let's hope they'll see this and come back with answers. Edit: Seems Newhaven answered - App note here. /Il scuro
  18. Hmm, it seems that SSD1322.pdf was only advance info. Maybe Newhave have some extra timing values in store for future use? Voxel space: Bring back Amiga!
  19. I have a few in my cart over at DigiKey, will finalize the order after the weekend. I'm about to give the 6582 the OLED treatment, plus some Shruthis, maybe even the Prophet VS. Stay tuned :frantics: If you don't get these, you can get them from Electronic Assembly or similar modules directly from Truly, but they don't sell direct to consumer.
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