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Everything posted by Antichambre

  1. If you're patient you can order an hot air station for a few. When my weller felt, I ordered this one in the hurry thinking that it will be temporary. Finally I didn't ordered a new professional one cause this chinese Baku does the job. For less than 60$. https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/1PC-free-shipping-220V-BAKU-BK-601D-LED-Digital-Display-Hot-Air-SMD-Rework-Station-Solder/32710858274.html?spm=a2g17.search0104.3.36.2dda51baNT7k5T&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2_10065_10068_319_10892_317_10696_453_10084_454_10083_433_10618_431_10304_10307_10820_10821_537_10302_536_10843_10059_10884_10887_100031_321_322_10103,searchweb201603_59,ppcSwitch_0&algo_expid=dc792ded-6237-41d5-ba4e-70cfbec6007a-5&algo_pvid=dc792ded-6237-41d5-ba4e-70cfbec6007a best Bruno
  2. lol Yeah I've got some default pages opened when my computer is switched on, all my email boxes, messenger and midibox forum! My computer is always switched on when I'm home. And I work 80% of the time at home so. ;)
  3. ?? QH pin which is connected to the STM on SI, is an output! It sends 5V cmos level to the STM, the inputs pin of the STM are '5V tolerant' then you don't need level shifting down in this way(165 to STM).
  4. Then you can use a chip which is made for that: https://www.mouser.fr/datasheet/2/268/Atmel-9684-AT42-QT2640_Datasheet-1368948.pdf Its a 64 sensor input(8*8 matrix). It has a SPI port, easy to interface with any Core. You need only one IC for less than 8€. Best regards
  5. Hey, If you need more just tell me ;) Best Bruno
  6. And a single CPU, an STM32F4 to take advantage from the MIOS32, AND good ADC with multiplexed input? An 8 inputs ADC with eight (8:1) multiplexers will give you 64 inputs ;)
  7. No I can't, it depends on the functions you need on your 'mainboard' and the ones you already mapped. Best Bruno
  8. Yeah but you have to be sure you don't loose on other function on the new pin or they are not used somewhere else in MIOS32. No no there's no problem for that, this is just a bit dirty in code for the moment, and I have to complete it, I didn't write any callback installer for the HID for example, this is toDo. I can share, I already shared it with my dipCoreF4 beta testers ;)
  9. In this extended chart you can see the functions available for each pin, (It's from stm32f4 documentation.)
  10. Yes the disco is designed like that. Only the OTG FS (USB#1) is available. but the stm32f4has two OTG, the FS and the HS, this last is made to use a high speed phy but can work at full speed without. check the chart I share above, you will see that there's pinout for the FS and the HS on dipcore columns. In MIOS32 the problem with the 407 is that the pin for the second USB(OTG_HS) are used for SPI2 which is your J8/9 Spi port. Then on the dipCore I moved the SPI function to other pins . AND I implement it in MIOS32 ONLY for the DipCooreF4. In MIOS32 the DipCore has is own pinout and functions.
  11. You want two USB with HID support. Which uC you use on your 'mainboard'? I implemented the second OTG HS for the STM32F405RG, coded in MIOS32 with/for the DipCoreF4 pinout. I just put an STMPS2141STR as protection, the same as Disco one. https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_manual/70/fe/4a/3f/e7/e1/4f/7d/DM00039084.pdf/files/DM00039084.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00039084.pdf
  12. Hello Chris, Which feature do you need? Best Bruno
  13. Workaround at osh park for castellation. https://docs.oshpark.com/tips+tricks/castellation/ Use micromatch as low profile connector eagle files Best regards Bruno
  14. Antichambre


    Of course it's done. I don't manage collisions in basic mode, it was the case before but after some tests I removed it cause it was working fine, for a basic mode. Errors happens only when the traffic begins to be very dense. On error It doesn't stop or isolate the node I just loose some frame. It's a choice for this mode. Very short frames but collision are not handled. In enhanced Mode the Extended Id is used there's no problem. But I will do if you think it's a bad idea to let it like that, for that I've got 2 choices: Using the extended Id for basic mode too. I can add 3 bits for node signature in the standard id and limit the basic mode to 8 nodes maximum. struct { // extended u32 none:1; u32 is_request:1; u32 is_extended:1; u32 src_node:7; u32 dst_node:8; u32 app_type:3; // standard u32 cable:4; u32 type:4; u32 vman_prio:3; // ports u8 src_port; u8 dst_port; }; } mios32_mcan_header_t; I can shift vman_prio field after type and cable and use it for a 3 bits limited Id. Yes I have to change all verbose function to optional and add levels for it. I will do ;) More than that I have to complete, error handling and field filtering for enhanced mode. Best Bruno
  15. Antichambre


    @ALL .About the MCAN MCAN, MIDIbox Controlled Area Network Low cost MIDI(Native) Network using CAN, this is MCAN… 2 cores interconnected with simple 'One Wire'. But you can add more: 2 wires in fact, we need a short common ground too. Bus length is limited to a total of 45cm. Unknown maximum number of Cores, but 4 is suggested. 3 interconnected Cores with CAN Tranceivers: Cables between the MCAN modules are RJ12, I use molded high speed ADSL cables from supermarket. First RJ12 connector is IO, second is a Loop Thru. If loop is not used each MCAN module has a 120 Ohm terminator switch. First and last nodes must have terminator ON. Bus length is limited to a total of 15m. Unknown maximum number of Cores, just respect maximum bus length. For both connection methods, the Cores are dialoguing in MIDI natively, thru the 16 virtuals MCAN ports. This is something you can expand, you can create your own Sysex based MCAN layer to build one unique app which is in fact a multi-Core App. Or you can easily create your MIDIBox(es) based Network to interconnect yours Seq, Synth and/or Controllers App. with easy to find ADSL cables. Note: In basic mode, all nodes(Cores) can talk, if one is talking the others are listening, that's all. Message priority is based on the types of MIDI events, and there's no filtering or Node ID to set. Best Bruno
  16. Antichambre


    It's fine, you obliged me to share it correctly and learn a good way to do it :)
  17. Antichambre


    @TK. Ok thank you for the explanation. helpfull. The modified trunk with MCAN features only is ready in http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Fbranches%2Fmcan%2F&rev=2654&peg=2649# I added an example for the MCAN in basic mode here: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Fplayground%2Fantichambre%2Fexamples%2Fmcan%2Fmios32_mcan_basic%2F&rev=2655&peg=2655 I can compile example properly on my side. Best regards Bruno
  18. Antichambre


    I tried but without success, under eclipse I can create a branch but i don't know where I have to..? I just 'succeed' to copy trunk in trunk and and deleted it. :( Do you suggest me to create a copy of the trunk, with another name, in the same root? branching is a new concept for me but I can try again if someone can help me, explain me a few, a kind of quickstart for branch under SVN.
  19. Antichambre


    Hi Thorsten, MCAN ports are seen as regular MIDI ports. and accessible via new enumerated ports MCAN0 to MCAN15 with base address 0x60. ... SPIM7 = 0x57, // New MCANx virtual Ports. MCAN0 = 0x60, ... MCAN15 = 0x6f } mios32_midi_port_t; It is fully embedded in MIOS32, this is 4 files to add and some changes in others. the new dirvers: mios32_can.c, mios32_can.h for the CAN features mios32_can_midi.c, mios32_can_midi.h for native MIDI other the CAN This is my entire trunk. But there's more than the MCAN feature added... It's my experiencing thrunk, I test the m16 and the dipCoreF4 with it. With it you can also test the HID support, with a Disco or wCore and OTG FS as HOST, but it remains me to add the callback installer for app layer. On the MCAN side: For testing with hardware you just need 2 or more Cores over the CAN bus, using J18 with 'MBNET' one wire. In software, MCAN driver has to be enabled. /* the use of CAN Controller must be precised. */ #define MIOS32_USE_CAN /* CAN1 is MCAN must be precised. */ #define MIOS32_USE_CAN_MIDI /* Number MCAN MIDI Ports, default and max is 16 */ #define MIOS32_CAN_MIDI_NUM_PORTS 16 More information here (dokuwiki). It's CAN and MIDI you should like it ;) Best regards Bruno
  20. Usually we mirror the pairs by putting the header on the rear side of the LCD, this is the only way but it's only for 2 row connector on LCD side, for an inline connector on the LCD this is not possible, then pairs have to be swapped on the LCD. Simple! You can turn the IDC on every way, pin 1 or 16 will always be on first or last wire of the ribbon!!! Clear? ;)
  21. But the diagram is ok, only the red annotation is wrong!
  22. Yes you're right you can't do it on the ribbon with the IDC!!! for sure! No the only way is to put the header on the rear side of the core pcb... Then @Wapata just swap the pins by pair on the LCD side, like I said before and everything will be right, and you're right there's a mistake on the diagram.
  23. http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_lcd_mios32.pdf I think you're right ! ;) "Order of wires is matching with flat ribbon cable" This seems not true.
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