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CLOSED: Black Re'an P401 Soft-touch knobs - 39 cents each


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Hi all,

Not rave flu.  In fact serious personal problems in which I could not be at home.

I will gladly share the issues with anybody who cares to message me privately in need of an explanation.  I really don't want to make the gorey, embarrassing details of my misfortunes and screwups public in a forum like this.

I trusted a younger relative to mail them out for me.  In exchange I gave him 50 bucks.  I was lied to.  Since then he has become not my relative (due to a divorce and some very bad blood flowing between some people, at which I found myself in the centre).  Meanwhile I had to go away for a while, first on an unexpected work detail, then later for (mental) health reasons.

I got back last week, and have made the situation right.  Everybody's knobs are on the way.

I assume no shame in this matter - these were circumstances beyond my control.  Please give me a day or two to get caught up in what's left of my life and I will return to this forum.  Sorry to all who were inconvenienced by this.

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patience! shit!

(sorry but I'm growing very impatient with the impatience here)

Hey, take a break then.

Btw, the reason i posted this comment is because i'm about only 7 or 8 hours car ride from his location, same country. I should received them bye now. No ?

No knobs eating this weekend!!

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As English is not my native language I often don`t know what some English say when speak in acronyms but I`m always willing to learn. I improved my English alot thanks to MB forum. Slang dictionary usually help, but sometimes dont. Here is what I found as a result for FSS. I wonder what Stryd meant to say.  :)

Acronym   Definition

FFS Facial Feminization Surgery

FFS Fallback Fault-tolerant Server

FFS False Financial Statements (auditing)

FFS Farmer Field School

FFS Farmers Financial Solutions

FFS Farms for Schools (UK)

FFS Fast File System

FFS Fast Filing System (BSD, Unix)

FFS Fast Frequency Sweep

FFS Fast Full Search (algorithm)

FFS Fault-Free Set

FFS FearFul Silence (gaming clan)

FFS Federal Financial System

FFS Federal Financial System (a software product)

FFS Fédération Française de Ski (French)

FFS Fédération Française de Surf (French)

FFS Fee-For-Service

FFS Feedback Fuel System (fuel injection in internal combustion engines)

FFS Femoral-Facial Syndrome

FFS Ferrovie Federali Svizzere (Swiss Railway)

FFS Fertility and Family Surveys

FFS Fight or Flight System

FFS Final Focus System

FFS Fingal Farm Supply (Ontario, Canada)

FFS Fire and Forget Seeker

FFS Firewall Feature Set (Cisco router)

FFS Flame Fluorescence Spectroscopy

FFS Flash File System (method of making flash memory appear as a disk drive)

FFS Flash Flood Statement

FFS Flexible Fertigungs-Systeme (Germany)

FFS Flood/Flash Flood Statement (US NOAA)

FFS Florida Folklore Society

FFS Föderation Freiheitlicher Sozialisten (German)

FFS For Freak's Sake (polite form)

FFS For Further Study

FFS Force Feel System

FFS Form Fill Seal (packaging)

FFS Formatted File System

FFS Free Flow Speed (highway capacity, civil engineering)

FFS Freedom for Some (internet news)

FFS Freie Fettsäure (German: free fatty acid)

FFS Fringe-Field Switching (Hyundai Electronics)

FFS Front des Forces Socialistes

FFS Front Forces de Socialiste (Socialist Forces Front; political party, Algeria)

FFS Full Flight Simulator

FFS Full-Flow Settling (pond)

FFS Fumble Finger Syndrome

FFS Funded Feasibility Study

FFS Future Finance System

FFS Fuze Function Setter

FFS Fast File Splitter

FFS Fast Filling System

FFS Fat File System

FFS Federated File System

FFS First Fit Scheduler

FFS Fixed File System

FFS Flip Flops

FFS Fold Flat System

FFS Free for Shipping

FFS Free Form Surface

FFS Full Flight Simulation

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Ok, calm down everyone, nothing to freak about, i just saw that the email i used to contact Steve knobs p401, wasn't his! only shit! I ordered Rean knobs from another guy named Steven last summer and i used his email address to contact steve knob p401. My bad, now i just sent am email to Steve.

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Ok, calm down everyone, nothing to freak about,

My arse! 'Wait loudly' somewhere else if you don't wanna piss people off.

Then you realise you were in the wrong, and you tell us to "calm down"? You're quick to nag, but not so quick to apologise huh!

And why send an email and nag nebula? it's only been a couple of days, and you know he's got other shit going on right now. Why the hell is it so hard for you to just sit and wait? What's wrong with you?

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My arse! 'Wait loudly' somewhere else if you don't wanna piss people off.

Then you realise you were in the wrong, and you tell us to "calm down"? You're quick to nag, but not so quick to apologise huh!

And why send an email and nag nebula? it's only been a couple of days, and you know he's got other shit going on right now. Why the hell is it so hard for you to just sit and wait? What's wrong with you?

;D ;D  Inspector Stryd_one, probably the package was sent to my secondary postal address. I'll know only on Monday.

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