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Is this legal???


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How about we turn this into a "I like sparrows"-poll? I personally love sparrows, got to hand feed some last weekend. Their soooo cute. If I were an animal I'd wanna be a sparrow.

Yeah, it's a bit off-topic.

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How about we turn this into a "I like sparrows"-poll? I personally love sparrows, got to hand feed some last weekend. Their soooo cute. If I were an animal I'd wanna be a sparrow.

Yeah, it's a bit off-topic.

Sparrows and Pigeons are flying rats!! They should be exterminated!!  ;D

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Pigeons are wonderful creatures. We humans just get annoyed because we introduce foreign species, and despite our endless destruction of their environment and general mistreatment, they adapt well and breed as they always did. Be nice to the birds, blame the humans.

Here, meet some aussie pigeons/doves: (did you know they're the same thing?)











Edit: How's my SNR? ;D

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Oh, we have those too, they're all over the cities ... Generally considered to be vermin. My case in point ;)

Rats with wings!

We have some exotic wood pigeons too


The ones that you posted earlier are called Parrots in the UK  ;D

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Holy crap dender what the hell?! OK it's like this - we greatly appreciate it being brought to our attention. BUT: there's a time and a place.

This is the right time (immediately) and the wrong place. This is normally a fun community and people doing this ill shit (stealing from us all) is a total bring-down. It's best to PM someone, like me or TK or any of the "frequent writers". Let us deal with this quietly and perfectly legally ;) While you get to chill and make midiboxes.

It was bad news but the guys had a funny silly idea that perfectly reflects the fun nature of this forum: to post bird pics. So we did. And we were having fun, despite the bad news you had rightly delivered (although in the wrong way)....Until you came here and had a bit of a temper tantrum.

You're pretty new around here but up until now I'd say you seemed like a decent guy, so I'm assuming you've had a real bad fuckin day and taken this the wrong way. Given that you seem otherwise nice, I'm guessing that you probably feel bad right about now and wanna apologise, right?

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Ok you know what like even care anymore. I am going to buil me some mb boxes and just sell tell to make profit. Tried to bring this to your asttention but nobody saeems to care so f**k off then........

a real pissed dender assholes

Hey DenDer. Best grappig. Wist je dat je je nu exact gedraagt als x aantal % van de leden van synthforum?

Als je je nu eens verdiept in de zaak waarom er zo geregeerd wordt inplaats van pissed off te zijn. Dan begrijp je het misschien.

Dit forum is klaar met al die doorverkopers omdat wij er niks maar dan ook niks aan kunnen doen.

Er is besloten om meer tijd en energie in de ontwikkeling te stoppen dan om illegale verkoop tegen te gaan.

Ga jij ons dan maar eens haar fijn uitleggen hoe wij dit kunnen stoppen.

En wat is illegaal? Zolang hij geen MIOS software meeverkoopt heeft hij alle recht om dat bouwval te verkopen.

Hoe controleer je dat? Onmogelijk.

Valt het kwartje?

(sorry to our english readers. ;))

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Ok you know what like even care anymore. I am going to buil me some mb boxes and just sell tell to make profit. Tried to bring this to your asttention but nobody saeems to care so f**k off then........

a real pissed dender assholes

Take a deep breath and calm down. It's obviously a breech of copyright, it pisses everybody off but there's not much we can do about it. TK is the only person that can act on this. Having lengthy discussions about it on the forum is only going to bring everybody down. Heck, it may aven lead to some people having similar ideas about cashing in on midibox.

There was a long thread about Midiboxes being sold on ebay a while back. It got a little heated and it didn't really sort the situation. i can't find it now, maybe it's being removed. Check ou this link to see what happened with another one


People were only having a bit of fun with the pigeon pictures, this forum is supposed to be fun, right? And you have to admit, those pink and green pigeons parrots do look funky. I don't know why you feel the need to get so angry, you're part of this community and I wouldn't expect you to explode like that. One problem online is that you can never completely read how someone is feeling or what tone their posts is in. I really hope you can take back the things you said and remain a valued contributer to this community.


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Okay guys i get the message...........i thought i would do right to report this......i know now that i'm gonna contact a mod about this if i ever come across one again :-*

i'm just trying to help.........i deleted all nasty bits and pieces, but it just didn't come out right from your side to with all those flying rats(i'm from amsterdam so don't tell me that they are not flying rats ;) )

@twin x ja sorry kan me er wel in verdiepen maar daar heb ik de tijd niet voor. ik zag deze voorbij komen op SF en had zoiets van nou nou mag dat wel. en zijn er in het verleden discussies geweest over dit ja ik ga toch echt niet een heel forum lezen waarom. snap je. maar idd rotary encoders zijn rotary encoders maar er wordt ook bij vermeldt dat het een MB is en dat mag volgens mij ook niet,kan het mis hebben.

en over het doorverkopen.....zijn er nog andere platforms zoals MB die op zo'n manier een SID chip kunnen aansturen? Zo niet dan heb je toch ook al een poot om op te staan....

zelf steek ik namelijk niet zo in elkaar en ik respecteer mensen hun intellectueel eigendom,ben zelf ook ontwerper namelijk van meubels etc. dus ik zal nooit zonder toestemming iets verkopen of door verkopen.

maar de reacties op deze manier schoten in me verkeerde keelgat vandaar de heftige reactie.

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Thanks DenDer for your concern. I can discuss this for hours with you about intulectual property etc. But i am gonna pass this one if you don't mind ;).

Good to hear you are a protector of int property. I can assure you all active members here think the same way.

But now you are my big Dutch friend as you also think pigeons are flying rats :D :D

p.s. (leuk verhaaltje http://www.synthforum.nl/forums/showthread.php?t=5555&highlight=Twin-X ben daar gebanned trouwens ;) lang verhaal)

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