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Dual SSM2044 PCB Bulk Order


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yes, gold :) but you won't see much of it when it's soldered. But gold (ENIG) is the best surface for long shelf live, i.e. the pcbs don't loose their ability to be soldered as fast as other surfaces. That's also the reason why SmashTV's PCBs are usually ENIG :)

ok, photo time again :D everything fits and works as expected :) The trimmers are smaller versions than the usual ones, but the big ones also fit in well.



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I am running the SSM2044 chip sale very soon.

Everyone who bought PCBs from seppoman will be contacted by email to confirm their order.

The plan is to buy a sample 100 from the supplier, confirm they are good, and then order more, so it might be a few weeks before I start posting orders.

Best guess estimate of price per chip is AU$7 / US$5.85 / 4 Euro based on today's exchange rates.

Postage in a regular airmail letter will be as low as AU$5 for 10 or less ICs. Insurance and Registered Post are optional for the big orders.

An additional ~3.5% will be added to offset PayPal fees.

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Totally.....but are there different kinds of SSM 2044 chips? I know you also have a ceramic type....there is a guy here in Holland that sells them but for around 20 euro a piece...is this to much or has Wilba made the deal of the century??

for what I know there are no different versions. I think I've seen the page of that guy in Holland, but you can't compare prices from these kind of shops. This is a vintage synth repair guy who offers many kinds of rare speciality ICs, so that's not the place to buy large numbers of ICs but he's providing a probably good service to people who e.g. own a PolySix with one broken voice who will be very happy to find a shop where they can get a spare part locally for (only) 20 Euros. If you need more ICs, there's also hongkongsuperseller aka goodbuy711 on ebay where the 2044 is somewhat more expensive (also the shipping is more expensive) than what you can get from Wilba. So here's my recommendation: If you're on Wilba's list already, use the opportunity for a very good price. If you are not, that's no catastrophy, buy them on eBay.

Regarding the pricing of that kit on ebay - I don't see a ripoff there. It's just the same situation as with the dutch repair shop guy. This kit has a different target group, it's made for beginners to intermediate Modular DIYers who regard a complete kit without the need for parts searching more valuable than saving money. Of course this kit looks more or less like a standard copy of the SSM's datasheet cirquit. It doesn't offer any special benefits. A similar PCB can be had from Fonik on electro-music.com much cheaper but not as a kit. For the use with MBSID etc, my module is certainly more interesting. But there will be other people who think that kit is worth the money. And just because our community here is very noncommercial and people like Wilba/Smash/Mike/TK/me/... are offering stuff at a very low price tag doesn't mean others outside of our community must be evil rippers because they chose to try to make some money from their skills (at least as long as they're not stealing other peoples' work of course...). If you think it's too expensive, you're probably just not their target group. Live and let live :)


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