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MB-SEQ V3/V4 Control Surface PCB and matching case


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Poor quality photograph of the MB-SEQ assembled, still without case, I'm using some corrugated cardboard on the sides and back.

This is about as finished as I can make it without getting one of Doug's cases ;) but I think enough for people to decide if they want to build their own, so if you want PCBs, jump on the bulk order forming here:


that number again, 1800 WILBASEQ

don't delay! eternal happiness is just a dollar away!



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what about setting a date?

It's hard to say when... I still have a 2nd SSM2044 bulk order to do (approx. 400 chips) which was delayed for a while, then another 6582A SID MEGASALE #7 which might happen before I do this SEQ PCB and parts bulk order.

If it was just the PCBs, that would be easy, I'd get everyone to pay in US$ and I'd have a pile of cash in PayPal that I'd transfer to the PCB manufacturer... I also have a good idea how much postage would cost so could precalculate a single payment from everyone.

Parts, however, complicate things immensely... e.g. I don't know shipping costs of 3654 switches and caps.... :) I have a lot of accounting to do before I start collecting money from people.

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Three DINX4 and two DOUTX4 must be used together with an ultra core, right?

No, the required DIN and DOUT are on the PCB. You connect the PCB directly to a core or ultracore through J8/J9.

What about putting a transformer inside the case and connect the box to main?

It's probably possible, but not designed. The case was designed to be compact, and not accommodate large transformers.

i.e. I'm sort of catering for two scenarios - people who want a compact desktop case (or a rack mounted case but don't want any "extras" like CV outputs), and people who want a big 3U rack case stuffed with a mains-powered bipolar PSU and an AOUT module.

There is a third scenario - a desktop/rack mounted case with external bipolar PSU and an internal AOUT... but I haven't really thought about it much.

One of the cool things about Doug's case design is the I/O panel has an L-shaped cross-section, which you can modify yourself - if you think you can squeeze a transformer (or even a switch mode PSU) inside the case, go for it, add another hole for a mains socket. But you have to know what you are doing, I can't help you with that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I still have a 2nd SSM2044 bulk order to do (approx. 400 chips) which was delayed for a while, then another 6582A SID MEGASALE #7 which might happen before I do this SEQ PCB and parts bulk order.

Pardon the hijack, but I appear to have missed the first 2044 bulk order (I was certain that I was on the list). The number I wanted has changed to 3, however, and I don't need them right now...thanks for any heads-up, I know that you are doing an overwhelming amount of work for the community!!!

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Pardon the hijack, but I appear to have missed the first 2044 bulk order (I was certain that I was on the list). The number I wanted has changed to 3, however, and I don't need them right now...thanks for any heads-up, I know that you are doing an overwhelming amount of work for the community!!!

Sorry for the confusion, I meant the 1st SSM2044 bulk order... I've already done a "trial" bulk order for just the Aussies (100pcs) and now I'm doing the real bulk order for the non-Americans, and Doug will be selling his spares of SSM2044 to his fellow Americans.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Panel number #00000002 up&running!


I built it within two evenings, and I must highlight, that it was really a pleasure. It's extremely robust, and in distance to my breadboard based solution, there is no trouble with sticking the buttons/LEDs through the frontpanel holes, as everything fits perfectly!

Well constructed, Wilba! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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here's #00000003 (good thing you left enough digits for the eventual total)

build was indeed easy*

i'm liking the layout, but i'm just now learning the mb-seq...

i've got the blm matrix rocking too, way cool.

i'm thinking a blm with these same buttons would be pretty cool.

thanks wilba and tk!

now we just need some cases...

*(except for a few erm.... well... mistakes were made, caveat emptor, force majeure, ipso facto, e pluribus unum, etc)





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forgot to mention, this was a prototype, wilba graciously allowed me to be a guinea pig.  it may be some time before production pcbs are announced.   (i'll try not to gloat too much *whack*)

but it is very nice, and there will no doubt be plenty of folks lining up...

btw, bugging wilba by filling his inbox with requests will no doubt get you shoved to the back of the line.  why not try buying him a beer instead?

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