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MIDIbox SID V2 Editor


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First thing i'd try is using another OS, if you have the option.

I don't know if your problem could be caused by fragmentation of the midi-data, but you could try using miditrix.

Are you running a DAW in parallel? Maybe it sets the cutoff to zero, everytime you play a note?

If your problem doesn't occur with the filter switched off (on the sammich), this might be the case.

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Maintained enough as it needs to be; it supports all the SID v2 features. I have had weird behavior when running it along-side a DAW though so I don't use it for realtime changes because of that. Otherwise, it does the job, perhaps with less finesse than it could, but it works and it's free :)

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Well, I will give Miditrix a try then but I found another thing that most likely destroy the whole sammichSID thing for me... :cry:

... so far I did all testing with a simple 44khz Cubase project but all my real project are 48 khz...

and when I start the Editor it resets 48khz to 44khz ?! :sad: :hmm: :geek: :nuke:

I don't understand why it triggers the sampling rate at all...

Using the laste Motu 424 drivers ...

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OK, the sample rate thing can simply be circumvented by starting the editor first and then the DAW (not surprising really). But the sample rate thingy is worth to be mentioned anyway. On another note, I tried Java 32 and 64 bit meanwhile and it did not help. I also tried miditrix but I gotta give it a second try.

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Well, I gave Miditrix another try, tried this and that but it did not change anything (including defragment option).

So just to recap: Once I changed the Filter Cutoff, the next change of ANY other param stops any midi note data to the sammichSID.

The editor itself actually keeps on working. For instance, if I change the Cutoff and, say, the waveform of OSC1, it does that.

Sammich and me are very sad. Today Sammich showed a sad smilie on his LCD Display. :bye:

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Hi Param1,

I am using Win7 64bit, a MB6582 and an M-Audio Fasttrack Ultra Midi Interface and it works fine for me, no problem changing on the cutoff within the editor.

Otoh, I had severe trouble with a different MIDI Interface (akai mpd32, their midi implementation sucks ;-))

Might be also a cable problem (e.g. too long/too noisy midi cable), although that sounds esoteric ;-).



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Does the problem with the filter control still occur when you restart a fresh editor, disable the stereo mode and unlink all cores? In other words, make sure that you only control one single SID chip?


ps. I'm sorry I haven't provided more support for the editor. I initially made it for my own use and then decided to share it with the community here, but with my current job as PhD candidate I don't have the time to provide much support.

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Thanks for chiming in guys. I focused so much on the Filter Cutoff thing, that I didn't notice that pulse wide modulation does the same thing. And there were a couple of other problems, when the SID did not react well to the editor changes. By the way, the Editor "destroyed" my midi ouput to the Sammich also when I was not in my DAW.

But you probably noticed that I used past tense, and the reason for that is, that the problem seems to be solved. :sorcerer:

And because I think it is always important to state how a problem was solved (and not just ask for help and silently solve the problem) here is the (not surprising) answer:

As stated earlier I used MidiOX and Miditrix in combination with MidiYoke. I tried different setups, for example the one here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_ed.html

I think I actually tried the right setup very early with MidiOX but it did not work because of the lack of midi defragmentation (I assume).

What did (for example) not work?


What I mostly did , was to send the Editor Data to virtual Midi Yoke cables and from there to the Motu Device and from there to the Sammich. (and visa versa)


Send Midi Note Data from my Keyboard to Motu In, from there to the DAW Midi Track, from there with Midi Through to the Motu Midi Out and then to the Sammich.

What did work?

Editor: Same as above.

Daw: Send Midi Note Data from my Keyboard to Motu In, from there to the Daw Midi Track, from there with Midi Trough to a third virtual Midi Yoke Cable, from there to Motu Out, from there to the Sammich.

So right now I am really happy. And of course thanks go to this helpful community. A special thank has to go out to imp. Your last post basically made me try miditrix with 3 virtual cables.



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Hey, that's good news! I'm happy it works now. If only someday Microsoft/Apple/Sun/Java would stick to the official MIDI conventions written down about 30 years ago, and properly test their code before releasing, we could make a stable editor that doesn't need such a work-around on a specific system. But I'm afraid that time will never come.


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  • 2 months later...


Not certain if this is a bug as I guess it would have been reported a while ago, but...

I use the editor to make a Multi patch. Make new sounds for the oscillators and save/transmit from the editor to the memory of my Sammich. No problems - all seems stored OK.

When I turn the Sammich back on (or just change the patch) all the sounds are screwed up. So I load up the editor, transmit the patch from the Sammich to it - still messed up. If I then click on the patch to edit it, it starts to come back to life a little and some of the sounds reach their correct settings. If I come out of the edit screen and go back into it a few times, it all eventually gets restored.

Anyone else experienced this?

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Very strange!

Currently I've only following explanation for such an effect:

Under the assumption, that Notes are played by a sequencer at the same moment where the MBSID Editor sends patches to sammichSID, and under the assumption that you are using a SW based solution to merge the MIDI streams, it could happen that the SysEx data get corrupted during patch uploads.

Which operation system are you using, and how do you merge the MIDI streams?

(At least I can confirm that there is no problem under MacOS)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I'm using XP pro with a Steinberg Midex 8 interface (which is generally pretty reliable with sysex). I've tried doing it with no notes playing, but still the same problem. I'll try another interface before we get too far into it as it could well be the problem. I seem to recall a problem with loading in the patch bank via the editor though (it was missing every few patches). It worked OK with the Mios software though. Maybe the Mios software transmits more slowly somehow?

Hmm - I'll check it out...

Very strange!

Currently I've only following explanation for such an effect:

Under the assumption, that Notes are played by a sequencer at the same moment where the MBSID Editor sends patches to sammichSID, and under the assumption that you are using a SW based solution to merge the MIDI streams, it could happen that the SysEx data get corrupted during patch uploads.

Which operation system are you using, and how do you merge the MIDI streams?

(At least I can confirm that there is no problem under MacOS)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey all, using mac osx 10.6.8 and trying to upload to my sammichSID and get this message...


Every thing is connected as it should be (as I would if doing sysex dumps on my elektron gear)


Edited by bhc303
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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

erm, has anyone got this editor working under osx lion? *hopes*

Hey Tini, i don't know if you found a solution since you asked about OS X Lion, but i just found one as I had the same trouble : the editor could'nt fin any of my sound card midi port.

I just installed the mmj (Midi for Java) extension that you can find here : http://www.humatic.de/htools/mmj.htm

Simply copy the "libmmj.jnilib" et "mmj.jar" files to /Library/java/extension and the Editor should have access to your midi port. At least it work for me with an Audio Kontrol 1 soundcard.

haha just realised that Thorsten posted the link just before. So what works for OS X 10.6 is also required for 10.7

Edited by Yan
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  • 5 months later...

So, just to have a confirm:

I'm on Mountain Lion and there isn't a way to upload, download and edit sammichSid/Midibox Sid patches?

I've read also about the Ctrlr thing, butt seems that's broke also that one..

Now with my sammichSid i can "only" edit and save patches on the device? Can't i save and edit them elsewhere?

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