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AY-3-8912 MINI-SALE/Group Buy


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If you are interested in purchasing AY-3-8912 chips, I recommend this site:



I'm going to run a MINI-SALE of fifty AY-3-8912 chips for the in-development module by Lemonhorse. I can get fifty chips for $3.99 USD each.

Reference the forum article here.

Reference the WIKI entry here.

Not sure how to start a new WIKI page, I may not have rights? Can some assist?

Please add your name and the quantity you would like to the WIKI page. I'll place the order once we get up to or close enough to fifty. Payment will be through PayPal. I'll put up more $$$ information on the WIKI once I get access to create a page.

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Not sure how to start a new WIKI page, I may not have rights? Can some assist?

You have to login with your forum user name and password. Then you modify an existing page, by setting a link to a new (non-existing)  page. When you try to follow that link, the wiki will notice the page does not exist and will ask you if it should be created. Choose yes, and you have a new wiki page.

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We just need 24 more chips on the list to make the order. Thanks to all those that have signed up so far!

The current order will be for FIFTY chips. After we hit the FIFTY mark, the price will most likely go up.  Fifty is all that my supplier has in stock at this moment, and if he orders more from Asia, he will get charged more since transportation costs have risen. So, get in now while these sound chips are at their cheapest!

Here is the link to the sign up list, in case you missed it earlier


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Thanks, another item in my MIDIBOX AY 3 8912 todo-list. In my view 2 chips make sense (for a better niose/tone volume control handling) but I'll have to work off many other issues first. At the moment I'm struggling with eagle for the MBHP AY 3 8912 board

Thanks for all the work you're putting into this!

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How are the options for joined shipping to remote locations like, say, Germany?

I can ship all the orders originating in Germany to one address, if you like, no problem. Depending upon the total weight of the package, the shipping cost should be around $6 - $10 USD via USPS International.

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Great! I'm closing the sale. Thanks for doing the German chip testing, Lemonhorse. I don't have a way to test these at the moment, so most likely they will ship untested. However, I have a good reference for my supplier, and he has been selling this batch without issue. They are new old stock.

I'll send out individual PM's to gather shipping and paypal information later today.

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/tilted/ - I put myself down for four, but I really only need two, so you can have two, if you are still interested. Send me a PM with the ususal information (nick, full name, address, paypal email, regular email) and I'll put you down for two of mine.

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