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UPDATE: hooray, nILS (ONCE AGAIN ;)) updated the layout! Thanks nILS.


* no more piggy-backing, the board is now fully stuffed with everything that's on the small gm5 board (which you don't need for this apparently)

* added 74HC14 inverters to add LED support for each MIDI In and Out

* board size is roughly 23cm*5cm (8.8"x2.0" for the metric impaired)


Hi everyone.

Here we try to gather interest in GM5 5x5 (5ins-5outs) expansion pcbs, in order to make it full scale product.


For those who don't know what i'm talking about, GM5 is a usb-to-midi solution. The board manufacturer, Ploytec GmbH, made PCB layout with 1 midi_in and 1 midi_out only, while supporting up to 5in-5outs by utilizing dedicated headers.

We try to simplify your soldering experience and avoid prototyping the remaining 4in-4out board.

Nils already created the dedicated pcb for diy etching. Now we're headed for (to be) manufactured model.


The aim is to manufacture this or similar with professional pcb manufacturer, all fancy silkscreening, laquer, etc etc.


The reason for not being posted in group buy section: it all depends on your interest; and before we shoot, we want to smell the ground.

Post your considerations, ideas, and put your credentials on the wiki if you'd like to have some of these too.

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I am interested.

After seeing the 5X5 board, I regret missing out on the order for the USB interface boards and chips.

It will be at least a few months before I can find any money for toys.

For design details, activity LED's for each jack would be good.

I noticed there are just two bypass caps for all four optos, and they aren't particularly close to any of them.

I suppose I could add a flying cap at each chip myself.

Looks great. I already have a 8X8 USB interface, but at the right price, these could be useful! Now that Edirol has stopped making the UM-880 and UM-550, there is a need for something like this.


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I am interested.

me too

For design details, activity LED's for each jack would be good.

yep. that's a good idea.

a last question:

how do you design the frontpanel? I know that there are pcb-mount midi-jacks with an extra screw for the Frontpanel existing.

I just don't trust that much in PCB-mount stuff...

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As pointed out by bugfight already piggy-backing the two boards is a nice idea but comes with several disadvantages (added real-estate, higher board price) and doesn't really have any advantages as the parts count is nearly identical. That's why I have decided against a piggy-back version.


* no more piggy-backing, the board is now fully stuffed with everything that's on the small gm5 board (which you don't need for this apparently)

* added 74HC14 inverters to add LED support for each MIDI In and Out

* updated screenshot is in the first post.

* board size is roughly 23cm*5cm (8.8"x2.0" for the metric impaired)

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Does this work with Vista 64 :P not much does :'( I need to get a dual boot with XP 32.

Seriously though I am in for a couple at least if they arent too much. I am just thinking by the time you buy all the parts and cheap case you may be better off just buying used consumer models.

I do need something to go with my Ultracore. Maybe I could wire the midi leads on the ultra core directly to this board and have MBSEQ with usb out the back. SEXY

Thanks NILS!

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Does this work with Vista 64 :P not much does :'( I need to get a dual boot with XP 32.

I have Vista x64 and I can confirm it works. This is great because I have M-Audio Midisport and they didn't release x64 drivers despite their promise. Instead they released identical product and named it Midisport Anniversary Edition ??? which is class compliant like GM5. They suck.

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