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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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On 7.11.2016 at 7:34 PM, TK. said:

o new CC functions which can be configured in MIDI->ExtCtrl.: o Play/Stop: allows to assign the PLAY button to a CC o Record: allows to assign the RECORD button to a CC

I tried this. I am able to turn recording on via CC, but not off again. Is value Zero supposed to turn it off, or just any change should switch it on/off?

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Hello there

Could anyone confirm his Song mode working correctly?

my seq is playing next song positions but it does not changing patterns




a3 jump a1

so it will play over and over a1,a2,a3 but it will not change patterns

and it will show asterisks g1*:g1*:g1*g1


best regards


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Did some posts disappear?

I posted a suggestion (a "hold" button for indefinitely repeating a step in a Song) but now it's gone (?)

And the two replies of others who liked it  :-)

EDIT: just found it...  I must have been in the "front panel" thread when I wrote it 

Edited by oozitron
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Another small suggestion for the chord handling is as follows:

We now use abbreviations like A/2 and A/3 for different octave of the same chord voicing. But now suppose that we would have local octave transpose parameter layers (just like the local root note TK implemented).  Then we could do more transpositions with less scrolling.  And maybe it would free up display space to allow for musical chord names instead of the single letters.  Maybe it is even possible to make a chord inversion parameter layer?

I'd be happy to discuss this with you, provide help, and rewrite the section in the beginners guide.  I can do simple hacks in the code, but not much more than that.


Edited by EsotericLabs
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to request an item for the wishlist to help with Song composition.

"Take Over Patterns" copies into current song position, but doesn't do mixer maps or mutes states, and overrides current position.

"Save and Take Over Patterns" copies pattern into new song position based on pattern slots, A1, B1, C2 etc. It does to mixer maps and mute states but song's don't logically chain from A1, B1, etc and there's only 16 phrase changes with this one.

Neither are great at accelerating song composition. I'd like something inbetween.

"Add pattern state to song" - Adds mixer maps and mute states (only if different) then adds a new song position and copies the pattern in. It has nothing to do with the pattern slot shortcuts (A1, B1 etc) but appends to the current song structure.

With this feature you could logically create an entire, replayable song, with program changes in one run.

Based on my post here.


Edited by mongrol
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  • 2 weeks later...

   Im going to post this here only because Ive been dreaming of this  (modulate step trigger advancement from another track)

especially interesting if you could not only advance but transpose with the modulator track

 sh101/jx3p style sequencing 

Edited by lobit
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Can support for jog shuttles be implemented?

A very common component has the following encoding:



The central "shuttle" is an absolute type with 10 degree resolution (36 pulse per revolution rather than the normal 24), while the outer "jog" is normal Gray code. I propose the jog be assigned to up/down buttons combined with increasing amounts of FAST, e.g. something like:





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On 25.11.2016 at 9:31 AM, EsotericLabs said:

Another small suggestion for the chord handling is as follows:

I've to spend some thoughts about this.
The request makes sense, but to ensure compatibility a new parameter layer type for this kind of Chord handling has to be introduced.

This means that instead of only 32 chords in Chord1, and 32 additional chords in Chord2 mode, we would have up to 128 chords available - ideas how to fill the space? ;-)

On 4.12.2016 at 8:31 AM, mongrol said:

I'd like to request an item for the wishlist to help with Song composition.

Added to wish list - makes sense, but will need some time to implement this

On 13.12.2016 at 6:43 AM, v4 said:

there is a bug in Transpose that can be reproduced by setting force to scale to Arabian for a track and hitting G# or A# in the Transposition menu. verified on two machines in 4.091 and the latest beta.

I will check this with high priority

On 14.12.2016 at 6:46 AM, lobit said:

   Im going to post this here only because Ive been dreaming of this  (modulate step trigger advancement from another track)

especially interesting if you could not only advance but transpose with the modulator track

 sh101/jx3p style sequencing 

Still on the wish list, but lower priority compared to other (especially easy to implement) requests

On 17.12.2016 at 0:17 PM, latigid on said:

Can support for jog shuttles be implemented?

Could be implemented, but I have to experiment with this hardware before I can give a final confirmation

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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On 19-12-2016 at 8:35 PM, TK. said:

I've to spend some thoughts about this.
The request makes sense, but to ensure compatibility a new parameter layer type for this kind of Chord handling has to be introduced.

This means that instead of only 32 chords in Chord1, and 32 additional chords in Chord2 mode, we would have up to 128 chords available - ideas how to fill the space? ;-)

Excellent, 128 is a lot of possibilities! We might include inversions, guitar voicing, all tensions, different bass notes, stacked fourth and  fifth polychords to begin with. Then I'll happily check my modest collection of jazz and exotic chords encyclopedias.  :lol: 

Do you want 4, 6 or more note chords? How many characters for names? 4 plus a long name?  In the C code format we used for the chords2 layer?


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 21.12.2016 at 3:08 PM, EsotericLabs said:

Excellent, 128 is a lot of possibilities! We might include inversions, guitar voicing, all tensions, different bass notes, stacked fourth and  fifth polychords to begin with. Then I'll happily check my modest collection of jazz and exotic chords encyclopedias.  :lol: 

Do you want 4, 6 or more note chords? How many characters for names? 4 plus a long name?  In the C code format we used for the chords2 layer?


See core/seq_chord.c: up to 6 notes, up to 6 chars.
In the step display I will print the first 4 chars, this should be considered while naming the chords.
Yes, just provide the table in C format so that I can directly take over w/o translation

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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The enhancements of the last months are now officially available (and documented):

MIDIboxSEQ V4.092

   o new parameter layers for track specific root note and scale

     Root selection strategy: if Root is assigned to any parameter 
     layer of a track, the layer can either select the global root 
     selection ("Glb") or set the root note for each step explicitely.

     The global root selection is configured in the FX->Scale page,
     it's either "Keyb" (for MIDI keyboard entry) or C, C#, ... B

     The local root selection is C, C#, ... B

     Notes and Chords will be transposed accordingly if the track is in
     Normal mode (and not in Transpose or Arpeggiator mode)

     Similar for Scale: it can override the globally configured scale
     of the FX->Scale page for each step.
   o new drum configurations: 4*16/2*64, 4*16/2*128, 4*16/1*256

   o new configuration option in Track Mode page: "Note Last/First"
     Allows to specify, if the transposer should take the last or first
     played note (previously it always played the last note)

   o new configuration option in Track Mode page: "STrg" (Step Trigger).
     If activated, the step progression will be controlled from the transposer
     bus, hence it can either be triggered from a loopback track or from an 
     external MIDI device (MIDI keyboard, sequencer, etc.)
     Note that each track can be assigned to a dedicated transpose bus
     (4 busses are available), this allows to control 4 independent step progressions
     for all 16 tracks.

   o individual steps of CC, PitchBender, Program Change and Aftertouch
     layers can now be disabled so that they won't play.
     Turn the encoder to the rightmost position (value 128)

     Also the init value has been changed: for these layers, the steps
     are now disabled by default.
     For CCs please change the init value by yourself in the UTIL->OPT
     page (option #12: Initial CC value)

   o new behaviour of CLEAR button in recording mode:
     it clears only the selected step (instead of the entire pattern).
     During live recording it will clear the "played" steps while the
     button is pressed.

   o new CC functions which can be configured in MIDI->ExtCtrl. page:
     o Play/Stop: allows to assign the PLAY button to a CC
     o Record: allows to assign the RECORD button to a CC

   o new option in Groove page: Sync
     Allows to sync the groove to the global reference step (RefS)
     or to the local track step

   o fixed G# transpose

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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 so im curious.. Is there any way to now transpose chord with the encoders by changing the root note?

what I mean is..   If I have a C minor chord can I use a knob upwards to make it D minor ? and up again to make it E minor  that kind of thing?

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so...I had a really good idea for modifing patterns..   drawing from the tb303/ quicksilver/ avalon bassline whos sequencing separates note and timing information:

  If you were able to 're-groove' patterns by overwriting timing information into a pattern (but leave the notes intact)

like if you go to time mode in a quicksilver/avalon while its playing back the pattern and you can press either 'note' 'tie' or 'rest'  each time advancing thought the number of steps in the sequence overwriting whatever was in there previously.  with those 3 buttons you can completely re-groove a pattern on the fly without changing the note information, but instead just shifting it around in interesting ways. 

I can upload a video example 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ohhh... a new release.. again? awesome! thanks alot.. you are crazy man (in the good sense of course!!!) StepTrigger sounds fantastic - root note handling too (but I only have monophonic synths connected to the SEQ for the moment)

I have a minor thing that I implemented a year ago (or so) that could be interesting to others too - maybe making it to a next release:

While in Slave-Mode the SEQ listens to Midi Start/Stop/Continue messages from my DAW... as intended! However when working in the DAW I often want the SEQ to ignore those messages so it does not start everytime I hit play in the DAW. It was important that this function was quickly accessible.. 

***Just edited my previous post - since I changed the implemtentation***

Here is what I did:

- original function is kept as is (hitting stop/pause in slave mode mutes the sequencer - mute is released by hitting play/pause or by midi start/stop/cont command)

- I added another seq_core_slaveclk_mute state, called SEQ_CORE_SLAVECLK_MUTE_Permanent. its accessed and released by Menu+Stop but not with any other buttons or Midi Play/Stop/Cont commands. This means I can quickly mute the sequencer from playing when working in the DAW. The great thing is the SEQ stays in sync and passes Midi clock/play/stop/cont commands to connected synths in slave mode or if in master mode it can still send clock/start/stop/... commands over midi. So muting is only applied to the SEQ, not to the MidiRouter and thus the  connected synths.

This function is actually like muting all tracks but has some advantages to me: it's very quickly applied and the SEQ does not show activity anymore...

Of course I'm happy to share the code, if interested

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a small feature request I'd like to make.....

1.2 Volt/octave output mode in addition to the existing 1 Volt/Octave and Volt/Hz modes. The standard used by Buchla modular gear is the non-standard 1.2 Volt/octave pitch scale. 

Im in the process of building a Buchla 208 music easel clone and I'd like to be able to sequence it with my MB Seq 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I have two suggestions:

  • Support for ASCII Keyboards via USB Host mode. 
    • Well, naming stuff is just a lot easier with a keyboard. A feature found on some sampler like the E4 series, Z series, MPC4000 ... Might also be handy as an extra bank of bookmarks or for Menu switching maybe?
  • Saving of Trigger (Drum) Layer mute status.
    • Would make life easier for arranging in the Song Mode, you know, just copy the pattern over, unmute the Hihat etc. Right now the Trigger mutes get a) lost at power down, so if you return to a session, stuff might sound different than when you turned off the sequencer, and b) they are not tied to the pattern but to the track.
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Also it would be good if Phrase mode / Song mode status was saved with each session. Once you have a finished song structure for band rehearsals or live performance, you still have to switch the Song mode on manually (Phrase mode is the default).

EDIT: Phrase mode is not the default, instead the current Song/Phrase mode setting is carried over across sessions. Phrase mode is ok as default for a new session, but I think it would be handier if Song/Phrase mode setting wasn't global but session based.

Edited by jjonas
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I have another suggestion: under "Ext. Ctrl", the "Mutes" feature, could we have the output inverted, so muted equals 0, active equals 127? Now it does the opposite.

Reason I am asking: I want to use 16 "dummy channels" in Ableton to control the track muting (setting up an USB MIDI IO as a "remote" in the Ableton MIDI preferences) - making it easy to record a jam based on turning tracks on and off (man, I guess I am really giving away the kind of music I'm making with all those suggestions ...). It works, but Ableton interprets 127 as "on" and 0 as "off", so the state in the automation lanes is inverted. I haven't tried with other DAWs. 

I am aware that you should be able to change the behaviour in the "MIDI Mappings" window in Ableton. Sadly setting the "Max" Value to 0 instead 127 doesn't do the trick. 

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On 8-1-2017 at 10:07 PM, TK. said:

See core/seq_chord.c: up to 6 notes, up to 6 chars.
In the step display I will print the first 4 chars, this should be considered while naming the chords.
Yes, just provide the table in C format so that I can directly take over w/o translation

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Here you go. 108 to start with.   I realize it is a lot and I hope it is practical to work with.  Community suggestions welcome of course.

Some explanations about the chord names used:

  • chords with r, 1, 2,3 mean root position, 1st, 2nd, 3rd inversion, d3 or dr3 = drop 3, d5 or dr5 = drop5. top3 tp3 have octaved-up thirds.
  • things like gC, gE, gD, gG  are guitar voicings based on C, E, D, G chord shapes. Guitar players will know. Just try them arped with a pluck sound! 
  • things like g4, g5, g6 are complex guitar voicings with roots on 4th, 5th, 6th etc strings.  Mostly jazzed up guitar chords encyclopedia stuff.
  • occasional n4 and n5 are 4 note // 5 note versions of the chord.
  • Maj, Mj and M refer to major chords, m, min to minor, 7,9 etc to dominants
  • pwr5 and pwr8 are fat power chords without roots.


{{0,7,-1,-1,-1,-1}, 'pwr5'},
{{0,7,12,-1,-1,-1}, 'pwr8'},
{{0,4,7,-1,-1,-1}, 'Maj'},
{{4,7,12,-1,-1,-1}, 'M1inv'},
{{7,12,16,-1,-1,-1}, 'M2inv'},
{{4,12,19,-1,-1,-1}, 'drp3'},
{{7,12,16,-1,-1,-1}, 'drp5'},
{{0,7,16,-1,-1,-1}, 'top3'},
{{0,4,7,12,16,-1}, 'MgC'},
{{0,7,12,16,-1,-1}, 'MgD'},
{{0,7,12,16,19,24}, 'MgE'},
{{0,4,7,12,19,24}, 'MgG'},
{{0,3,7,-1,-1,-1}, 'Min'},
{{3,7,12,-1,-1,-1}, 'm1inv'},
{{7,12,15,-1,-1,-1}, 'm2inv'},
{{3,12,19,-1,-1,-1}, 'mdr3'},
{{7,12,15,-1,-1,-1}, 'mdr5'},
{{0,7,15,-1,-1,-1}, 'mtp3'},
{{0,7,12,15,19,24}, 'mgEm'},
{{0,7,17,15,19,-1}, 'mgAm'},
{{0,7,12,14,-1,-1}, 'mgDm'},
{{0,4,7,9,-1,-1}, 'M6r'},
{{4,7,9,12,-1,-1}, 'M61'},
{{7,9,12,16,-1,-1}, 'M62'},
{{9,12,16,19,-1,-1}, 'M63'},
{{7,16,21,24,-1,-1}, 'M6g2'},
{{7,12,16,21,-1,-1}, 'M6g3'},
{{0,9,28,31,-1,-1}, 'M6g6'},
{{0,3,7,10,-1,-1}, 'm7r'},
{{3,7,10,12,-1,-1}, 'm71'},
{{7,10,12,15,-1,-1}, 'm72'},
{{10,12,15,19,-1,-1}, 'm73'},
{{0,7,10,15,22,24}, 'm7gE'},
{{0,7,10,15,19,24}, 'm2gA'},
{{0,10,15,-1,-1,-1}, 'm7g5'},
{{0,3,7,9,-1,-1}, 'm6r'},
{{3,7,9,12,-1,-1}, 'm61'},
{{7,9,12,15,-1,-1}, 'm62'},
{{9,12,15,19,-1,-1}, 'm63'},
{{9,15,19,24,-1,-1}, 'm6g2'},
{{0,9,15,19,-1,-1}, 'm5g5'},
{{0,9,15,19,24,-1}, 'm6g6'},
{{9,19,24,27,-1,-1}, 'm6g2'},
{{0,3,6,10,-1,-1}, 'm7b5r'},
{{3,6,10,12,-1,-1}, 'm7b51'},
{{6,10,12,15,-1,-1}, 'm7b52'},
{{10,12,15,18,-1,-1}, 'm7b53'},
{{0,7,10,12,-1,-1}, 'm7b5g5'},
{{10,15,18,24,-1,-1}, 'm7b6g3'},
{{0,10,15,18,-1,-1}, 'm7b5g6'},
{{3,12,18,22,-1,-1}, 'm7b5g4'},
{{0,4,7,11,-1,-1}, 'Mj7r'},
{{4,7,11,12,-1,-1}, 'Mj71'},
{{7,11,12,16,-1,-1}, 'Mj72'},
{{11,12,16,19,-1,-1}, 'Mj73'},
{{4,12,19,23,-1,-1}, 'Mj7d3'},
{{7,12,16,23,-1,-1}, 'Mj7d5'},
{{0,7,11,16,19,-1}, 'Mj7g5'},
{{7,12,19,23,28,31}, 'Mj7g6'},
{{0,11,16,19,24,-1}, 'Mj6g6b'},
{{7,12,16,23,-1,-1}, 'Mj7g3'},
{{0,4,7,10,-1,-1}, '7r'},
{{4,7,10,12,-1,-1}, '71'},
{{7,10,12,16,-1,-1}, '72'},
{{10,12,16,19,-1,-1}, '73'},
{{0,4,10,12,16,-1}, '7gC'},
{{0,7,10,16,-1,-1}, '7gD'},
{{0,7,10,16,19,24}, '7gE'},
{{0,4,7,12,16,22}, '7gG'},
{{0,7,10,17,19,-1}, '7gA'},
{{0,10,14,-1,-1,-1}, '7g6'},
{{0,4,10,-1,-1,-1}, '7g5'},
{{0,3,7,14,-1,-1}, 'm9n4'},
{{0,3,7,10,14,-1}, 'm9n5'},
{{0,4,7,14,-1,-1}, 'Mj9'},
{{0,4,7,11,14,-1}, 'Mj9'},
{{0,4,7,10,14,-1}, '9'},
{{0,3,7,10,14,17}, 'm11'},
{{0,4,7,10,14,17}, '11'},
{{0,4,7,11,14,21}, 'Mj13'},
{{0,3,7,10,14,21}, 'm13'},
{{0,4,7,10,14,21}, '13'},
{{0,5,10,-1,-1,-1}, 'ply4'},
{{0,7,14,-1,-1,-1}, 'ply5'},
{{0,3,6,9,-1,-1}, 'dim'},
{{0,3,6,-1,-1,-1}, 'dm3'},
{{0,5,7,-1,-1,-1}, 'sus4'},
{{0,5,7,10,-1,-1}, '7sus'},
{{0,4,8,-1,-1,-1}, '+ '},
{{0,4,8,10,-1,-1}, '7+'},
{{0,3,7,11,-1,-1}, 'm(Mj7)'},
{{0,4,6,10,-1,-1}, '7b5'},
{{0,4,8,10,-1,-1}, '7#5'},
{{0,4,7,10,13,-1}, '7b9'},
{{0,4,10,13,-1,-1}, '7b9'},
{{0,4,7,10,15,-1}, '7#9'},
{{0,4,10,15,-1,-1}, '7#9'},
{{0,4,6,13,-1,-1}, '7b5b9'},
{{0,4,8,13,-1,-1}, '7#5b9'},
{{0,4,6,15,-1,-1}, '7b5#9'},
{{0,4,8,15,-1,-1}, '7b5b9'},



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