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[WTB] Waldorf Knobs


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Hi guys.

I am very interested in buying some of them waldorf knobs that wilba use on the mb6582.

I couldn't find any running bulk order for these right now, so if anyone has any spare knobs, feel free to pm me. Optionally I could cooporate with someone to organize a new bulk order if there enough people are interested..

I have never organized a bulk order, so if there is going to be a bulk order, I would appreciate help from someone who has completed a bulk order on these knobs from before. I can't even find the knobs on www.albs.de - I only see the picture of them in the slideshow on the front page.

Let me know if anyone is interested.

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Current List 01/08/11


Hawkeye        50

PhilTaylor     30

Phunk          15

Orangehand     15

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gtxdude        30 

Hurolura      100

olga42         60

altitude       50

starfire       20

dmagic         15

technobreath   20 

Toadstool      30

krisschneider  20

kroutshev      15

skunks         20

mburch         25

Elop           25


psyreactor    100

gtxdude        30

olga42         30

technobreath   30

Toadstool      30

kroutshev      15

orangehand     30

For further info read the next 3 pages... ;)


Old post:

hey..i wrote them two days ago to get a quote on how much the knobs are and whats the minimum order amount. I assume they are closed during the german holidays.

I let you know here as soon as i have a reply.

Edited by phunk
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From their website the minimum sample order is 30 euro. For the total number of knobs for the MB6582 and maybe a few other future projects (you know 1 project isn't enough :ahappy:), you should hit that total with no problem.

Color options are little low though. I posted their current stock list which can be found here

Drehknopf DK16-190V3 A.6/4,5 AT=14 schwarz soft-grau (grey on black) - Qty 1

Drehknopf DK16-190V3 A.6/4,5 AT=14 schwarz soft-grau 1677498 (grey on black, not sure of the difference) - Qty 1381

Drehknopf DK16-190V3 A.6/4,5 AT=14 schwarz soft-rot 3092 (red on black) - Qty 397

Drehknopf DK16-190V3 A.6/4,5 AT=14 schwarz soft-transparent klar (transparent on black) - Qty 3144

Drehknopf DK16-190V3 A.6/4,5 AT=14 schwarz soft-wei (white on black) - Qty 202

Hope this helps. :thumbsup:


Edited by Digineural
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Consider me in! I am looking for 15 Waldorf knobs of any colour but preferably red and black for my MB6582. I'd probably want another 15-20 for future projects too. I emailed Albs.de some months ago asking for prices and minimum order levels etc and never heard back from them at all.... :(

How many interested people do we need to start a bulk order?. More to the point, is anybody volunteering to start one? :wink:

Happy New Year comrades!! :D

Edited by toadstool
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OK! There is interest here.

I would love to organize a bulk order, but there is a but...

I have one big disadvantage in the case of organizing this myself - I do not live in EU - I am in Norway. Me ordering in from germany would mean extra costs:

- 25% VAT

- Additional (for now unkown) customs fees.

- I don't know if you would also have to pay VAT and customs fees on import back into EU...

This would inevetibly add to the costs, and wouldn't be a very smart way to do it for the whole community...

The best way would be to run the bulk order from Germany - That way we would probably avoid both VAT and other fees when exporting them to everyone, because the value wouldn't exceed the limit for free import for each package.

In case of a bulk order, I can assist in organizing in every way I can from here, but it wouldn't be smart to send it out of Norway with the price in mind.

Phunk, are you a candidate for running a bulk order? You're from Germany... I'm not gonna push anyone into taking on the work of organizing this, but if i.e. you Phunk could do it or another german it would be the best solution I would think... Or maybe it is just as cheap for anyone inside the EU to do it?

I can organize everything I can organize from my computer.

I AM going to get those knobs, even if I have to buy the whole bulk myself - but that wouldn't be optimal :). If the price is 0.60 each in a bulk of 100 as mentioned earlier here by someone, I will take 50-60 knobs myself.

So the way this looks now:

Me: 50-60 - black / red

Hawkeye: 15 black / transparant

Toadstool: 30-35 black / red

Magic-D: 15 black / transparant

I am also flexible with my colors prefs, but most of all I would like black / red ones. But I can also use black / white and black / transparant too... I'll just adjust to what is more convenient for the bulk order.

Now these wishes are in different color options, I don't know how flexible this is when ordering the bulk - if one can vary the color options within one bulk it would be easy and fast to organize this.

With the interested guys just in this topic we're up to 110-125 in total already.

Anyone want to join me an take this to the next step?



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I'd be happy to organise the bulk order including dealing with redistribution and postage etc. I'm UK based (=EU) and customs should not be a problem. I have just sent another email to Albs to ask for a quote including shipping for 100 black/red and 60 black/transparent knobs. I will only confirm the quote and make a purchase once I hear back from them (or from Phil or phunk or anyone else on this forum).

If somebody else would rather do the bulk order or deal with Albs then let me know. I have funds waiting and am keen to get these knobs ASAP. I've scoured the net for other knobs but none that I have found really 'cut the mustard' if you know what I mean :wink:

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I've scoured the net for other knobs but none that I have found really 'cut the mustard' if you know what I mean :wink:

I know exactly what you mean. Those waldorf knobs are mean! :pirate:

Hey hawkeye, thats ok. As I said, I am getting these knobs even if I have to buy the whole bulk myself :) But why do a small order with just a few people when there is more people interested - just curious - not disrespectful - don't get it wrong :)...

But since there seems to be enough interested people anyway, so when you hear from Albs toadstool, just calculate the price for the knobs and start the thread in the bulk order forum and people can sign on. I also want these knobs ASAP, I can pay whenever the order is ready for distribution. As I said I will take about 50-60 knobs myself if the price doesn't suddenly rise through the roof. I would also be interested in some of the black / trans style buttons - but that would be a much lower number - something like 10 or so...

As I also said, I can assist in the bulk order process with whatever I can do here from Norway.

We should get this going as soon as you hear from ALBS if it's still interesting by that time. As I understand from you (toadstool) funds won't be a problem - but if needed I can also contribute with funds prior to the redistribution. But that is dependent on that there is enough people in on this. :)

If you toadstool, or anybody else who has contacted albs hear from them, let us know what the outcome is.

- Ingebret

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But why do a small order with just a few people when there is more people interested - just curious - not disrespectful - don't get it wrong :)...

No worries, no offense, really :-)

It´s just that phunk is doing it and I understand the complexities and work involved in a large bulk order - if phunk wants to do a large one, consider me in.

Why phunk? Because he is based in Germany (= less shipping around and less taxes for us) and has already contacted Balthasar :) - and also I want to visit his studio and fetch the knobs there :)

Have a good new year!


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Ok, so I just got the word that Hawkeye, magic-d and some other guys will make a mini order and won't be joining this planned bulk order as I thought, that is of course ok!

I just hope people is still interested in this so that me and toadstool don't have to buy a life-time supply of waldorfs by ourselves :) Will do if nescessary :P hehe

Just give me or toadstool (if u are still up for it toadstool) a PM if you want in and we'll see how many we get :)

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The price per piece is not confirmed yet. We are waiting to hear from Albs.

Keep in mind that the price per knob is just for the knobs. Shipping an customs fees will be added to this, and also VAT for non-eu countries like norway.

Also i dont know if there will be added cost for the redistribution... what is the practice for this in this community? We should try to keep it as low cost as possible...

Did i understand you correct that you want in on a bulk order?

There is now sufficient interest for a bulk order, and we will start organize the order as soon as the price is confirmed.

I also understand that there is not too many of these knobs in stock at Albs, do anyone know if they restock and how long that would take?


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Hey guys,

as stated above ALBS is still closed. I called them yesterday and they will be opened by next week. I will post the info here then.

<2cents info="before this is going into the wrong direction">

The 0.60€ p.p. mentioned in this thread is not the price that you will have to pay for the knobs. It is the price that ALBS sell them for. That is without german VAT, shipping and handling by ALBS, shipping and handling by whoever does runs the bulk. In all the last official ALBS Waldorf bulks in this forum the knobs were sold for 1.20€ p.p. and I think that was for a reason :-) Please take that into account when putting numbers here.


Current list:


Hawkeye         30

PhilTaylor      30

Phunk           15

Orangehand      15

Wilba           60

gtxdude         30 

Hurolura       100

olga42          60

altitude        50

starfire        20

dmagic          15


psyreactor     100

gtxdude         30

olga42          30

technobreath    50

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