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BLM 16x16+X PCB and case order [CLOSED/waitlist]

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Name            PCB BLM   PCB miniCore   Case   Shift button   M2 hardware   4xLED
latigid on      1         1              1      1              1             1
Rowan           1         1              1      1              1             1
Phatline        2         2              1      2?             1             1
TK              1         1              1      1              1             1
Altitude        1         1              1      1              1             1
rwo             1         1              1      1              1             1
jojjelito       1         1              1      1              1             1
tashikoma       1         1              -      1              -             1  
workspace       1         1              1      1              1             1
flyweight       1         1              1      1              1             1
Grizz           1         1              1      1              1             1
blingy          1         1              -      1              -             1
ganchan         1         1              1      1              ?             1
Macotronic      1         1              -      -              -             - 
sbm             1         1              1      ?              ?             1
Jack            1         1              1      ?              ?             1
tabularasa      1         1              1      ?              ?             1
sonicwarrior    1         1              1      ?              ?             1
Total          19         19             15     14(+4?)        10(+5?)       17


Name            PCB BLM   PCB miniCore   Case   Shift button   M2 hardware   4xLED
latigid on      1         1              1      1              1             1
Rowan           1         1              1      1              1             1
Phatline        2         2              1      2?             1             1
TK              1         1              1      1              1             1
Altitude        1         1              1      1              1             1
rwo             1         1              1      1              1             1
jojjelito       1         1              1      1              1             1
tashikoma       1         1              -      1              -             1  
workspace       1         1              1      1              1             1
flyweight       1         1              1      1              1             1
Grizz           1         1              1      1              1             1
blingy          1         1              -      1              -             1
ganchan         1         1              1      1              ?             1
Macotronic      1         1              -      -              -             - 
sbm             1         1              1      ?              ?             1
Jack            1         1              1      ?              ?             1
tabularasa      1         1              1      ?              ?             1
sonicwarrior    1         1              1      ?              ?             1
jbdiver         1         1              1      1              1             1

Total          20         20             16     15(+4?)        11(+5?)       18
Name            PCB BLM   PCB miniCore   Case   Shift button   M2 hardware   4xLED
latigid on      1         1              1      1              1             1
Rowan           1         1              1      1              1             1
Phatline        2         2              1      2?             1             1
TK              1         1              1      1              1             1
Altitude        1         1              1      1              1             1
rwo             1         1              1      1              1             1
jojjelito       1         1              1      1              1             1
tashikoma       1         1              -      1              -             1  
workspace       1         1              1      1              1             1
flyweight       1         1              1      1              1             1
Grizz           1         1              1      1              1             1
blingy          1         1              -      1              -             1
ganchan         1         1              1      1              ?             1
Macotronic      1         1              -      -              -             - 
sbm             1         1              1      ?              ?             1
Jack            1         1              1      ?              ?             1
tabularasa      1         1              1      ?              ?             1
sonicwarrior    1         1              1      ?              ?             1
jbdiver         1         1              1      ?              ?             1

Total          20         20             16     14(+5?)        10(+6?)       18


Okay, I will have to CLOSE this order now, mostly because of the shipping effort from my side. All others who are interested can go on a waiting list for the next batch or jump in if people above are too slow to pay etc.

Posted (edited)

Waitlist        PCB BLM   PCB miniCore   Case   Shift button   M2 hardware   4xLED
latigid on      1         1              1      1              1             1
audax_axon      1         1              1      ?              ?             1 
Total           1         1              1      1              1             1


I'm in for the waitlist - interested in this build to pair with my MB6582 and in progress SEQ V4

Edited by audax_axon
Posted (edited)
Waitlist        PCB BLM   PCB miniCore   Case   Shift button   M2 hardware   4xLED
latigid on      1         1              1      1              1             1
audax_axon      1         1              1      ?              ?             1  
ffw             1         1              1      1              1             1 
Total           3         3              3      2              2             3
Edited by =FFW=>
  • 2 weeks later...
Is the pricing in the OP still correct?



Cases are $270 due to the modifications mentioned. Postage a little cheaper. 18 button pads are $79 from Mouser.



So your location is Switzerland? Because that would mean the involvement of the customs office.



I will post when next travelling to the EU for cheaper shipping, unless you prefer otherwise :)

Posted (edited)

Dear all, many thanks for the PM responses so far. I am currently waiting on info from grizzganchan, blingy, and sonicwarrior. The PCBs are basically finalised, I will order the batch and build another, then commit to buying cases. If I can get payments reasonably quickly you might get your boards in 4-6 weeks or so.



Edited by latigid on



I have sent out the PayPal invoices, many thanks for those that have paid already. I just have to make the PCB gerbers and they'll be on the way.


I figured it would be best to open a USD account to make things easier, so I will get that set up and send out bank payment details early next week.



Just a note on the cases: I realise that $270 seems expensive, so I thought it might be interesting to see what it would cost at FPE.

A 330x330 mm square panel in 3 mm aluminium with the 289 holes, 5 M2 threaded holes, slots and milling for the sliders, and 20 M3 blind studs comes to a single price of $322.03 (with discounts depending on quantity). Remember that the case I specified includes bends which really helps with the stability, cutouts for the DIN connector, the second U-shape piece with rubber feet, powdercoating for longevity and worldwide shipping (with luck VAT free).


The pricing is also based on the quantities requested so far, which I'm basically ordering at cost. I'd say "trust me" and pick up a case with this bulk order as I probably won't be able to offer this pricing again unless there was similar interest. I could try to anticipate the total numbers, but this would be at my own risk. Worst case I would take the extras and possibly build them for sale or offer them in kit form for latecomers, but here you would lose the free shipping option.


Anyway, it's of course up to you whether you want a case or not (most people have). I also need to enlist a few more sign ups as a few have asked to move to the waitlist.




Hmm, sorry about your circumstances. I have to see if there's sufficient interest from the waitlist, otherwise I might have to refund the already collected PayPal payments or adjust the pricing. It might be an option to just order the PCBs for now and do a run of cases later.


I cancelled your one and somebody else's as explained by PM. I have no margin on the cases as I figured you'd want them as cheap as they could be. I have contacted all of those who expressed interest in the hopes of maintaining the same pricing. But I'm not going to risk a personal loss, even though I could order some cases now and some later at the same price. I have to commit to a certain number, and I realise now that circumstances change and no one can guarantee that they'll have the funds in a few months, which could leave me thousands out of pocket. If I can't get the numbers I will have to increase the pricing or refund those already paid. 


Sorry for the inconvenience to all involved... but it won't be a problem if I can just get a few more on board. I'm hopeful of this :)

Posted (edited)
I too, received no PM with the invoice. Only the one on the 2nd of August.



Hello, you requested bank transfer as payment method, I haven't sent these yet as I am setting up a USD account (no point in exchanging currency twice...), plus a few people don't have the funds to pay at the moment.




Here's the current situation: I have had 7 payments already from PayPal, one which I would re-send and 5 to be paid by bank transfer. I calculated pricing for 16 cases, and as three people have pulled out for now it puts me behind. I've contacted all the others who expressed interest in the project asking if they want to join.



I see these options:

1) Hopefully get enough signed up to make the quantities (perhaps I'll wait one week for answers)

2) Order at the same price with the hope/expectation that others will come in later. I may need to take a small deposit from the "waitlisted people" if that was the case.

3) Hold the payments now and wait for more people to join.

4) Go ahead with the order, but with increased pricing for the cases given the lower quantities.

5) Refund just the case costs, have a new order open for cases.

6) Refund everything, wait for more sign ups.

7) Flag the whole idea for now.


To anyone that has sent me money already, I'm sorry about this situation and I'm doing my best to fix it. Also learning internet Bulk Orders as I go :smile:. I'm not out to screw anyone, and if things are looking down I will refund your payment straight away. Let's discuss via PM if you need anything clarified.


When the best option is clear I will send out invoices for bank payments.

Edited by latigid on
  • Like 1

for me the case could wait, the soldering will take a while anyway...asambling later.


it would be tragic if the whole thing did not get reality... its time for a new way of making music :phone: ... a step forward to be complete...ya i know thats impossible.


do you have Part (type)-list for this thing? (how many shift registers, size of smd leds and so on, numbers silicon button-matrices, fader)'

for me the case could wait, the soldering will take a while anyway...asambling later.


it would be tragic if the whole thing did not get reality... its time for a new way of making music :phone: ... a step forward to be complete...ya i know thats impossible.


do you have Part (type)-list for this thing? (how many shift registers, size of smd leds and so on, numbers silicon button-matrices, fader)'


I am hopeful, let's wait one week to see who gets in touch with me.


For the parts list I have the Mouser carts ready to go (you can then try to find alternative parts if you want) but as they normally ship within a day or two I think I would rather check the final PCB version first.

Posted (edited)

Hey Latigid on,


sorry that i didn't set me too the list till now. To many things happend in the meantime. The mean reason was vacation...so now i am back and got your PM. I have a little bottleneck on my bankaccount at the moment but i hope i can manage it. So i set me down onto the waitinglist. Please let me know how its going on with the ordering/payment/delivery-process.

I see a little problem with that project. As you started the thread i looked to www.flikto.de because of the silicon button matrix and at the startingpoint they had enough for one order...but at the moment they dont have this buttons in stock. So at the moment it is a kind of russian roulett...if they dont get them again anymore...i have a PCB and a case for buttons that dont can be ordered anymore. I think that many people here wanna order from flikto and the fact that they dont get new in stock for the last weeks makes me a little bit scary. But okay i am on the waitinglist and if you order i am in!




Best regaerds


Edited by MaG2k

Hi, great news! I realise many people are on vacation at the moment. I will reply personally to you but I wanted to mention the button availability here.


I would recommend buying the silicone buttons from Mouser at the same time as the remaining components. If adafruit have a supply deal with Mouser then it means that they intend to make these for a while yet. And still, they are readily available directly from adafruit but you would of course have to pay for shipping that way. The order from MIDIbox would even be enough to justify a production run for them I think. So: don't panic :) but you could email them if you were worried. I once asked if any larger discounts (hundreds) were possible and got a pretty terse response, but maybe they get that a lot :).


I'm in Sweden, so I guess that means more expensive postage for people who are mainly in Germany. That said, we could arrange a European bulk order for the silicone buttons in case there's any interest. I don't know if we could amass enough people for a discount, but it should be feasible and might shave off some money for those :)



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