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midiphy SEQ v4+

latigid on

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Thanks, niklasni1! :grin:

Good news: we've received a first batch of cases from Adrian, and have listed it in the shop! :)




It might be sold out quickly, but the next batch of cases is already ordered, the availability situation should improve over time.
Also, we've created "superkits" allowing you to get every essential part you need at once (containing Core, UI and Case kits).





Enjoy building and happy holidays! :)

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Just a little request for builders:

If you are ordering from a different major electronics supplier to Mouser it would be really helpful for people if you could share a BOM for that reatailer. 

A list of BOMs could be added to the wiki, a user on Reddit was asking for a BOM for Tayda for example, a retailer I never heard of before from Thailand but are popular on Muff Wigglers and in the Synth DIY community apparently.


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Tayda is quite good really and usually has a 15% discount code once per month on F##book. The THT resistors are super tiny ones and the switches aren't great, but I've had fairly good luck with ICs and potentiometers.

Just to clarify: we don't have any relationship with Mouser, it's just they have a decent selection and availability of less-common connectors and ICs. At least for the digital circuits there should be no difference using "cheaper" parts. 

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It seems Mouser only has 33 of the MEC switches left (you need 34) and they have a 30 week lead time on getting more!

I found RS Components still has them.

What about the DMOS chip? TBD62381AFWG,EL. This is also out of stock at Mouser. Can I substitute another IC in the same series?



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4 hours ago, pat_00 said:

It seems Mouser only has 33 of the MEC switches left (you need 34) and they have a 30 week lead time on getting more!

I found RS Components still has them.

What about the DMOS chip? TBD62381AFWG,EL. This is also out of stock at Mouser. Can I substitute another IC in the same series?




I just replied in the general out of stock parts thread:


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hi all,

made good progress so far buidling the pcbs with the help of peters video. the core seems to work since i succefully uploaded seq v4, also the sd card loader is working. but when connecting the JA PCB i get random flickering on all its leds no matter which app is loaded.

is there already a place to ask for help regarding the build?

thank you

Edited by rbv2
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Just now, rbv2 said:

hi all,

made good progress so far buidling the pcbs with the help of perters video. the core seems to work since i succefully uploaded seq v4, also the sd card loader is working. but when connecting the JA PCB i get random flickering on all its leds no matter which app is loaded.

is there already place to ask for help regarding the build?

thank you

Edit: Andy has a dedicated thread see below:


Edited by Smithy
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Merry Christmas everybody!!!

Last week I also got all packages in my mailbox, the case looks supurb, stylish and sturdy, really profi!!! I already finished and checked the Core PCB's so yesterday I started on the rest with the new video tutorial. Also outstanding work on this tutorial. It's quite an advanced soldering job, but with the video it's all very clear and do-able. Thanx indeed for all this hard work!!!

But as soon as I came to the TBD62381A, I noticed I had ordered a smaller piece. The original was out of stock, so I choose an other one, but the wrong one, aaahhh. .HERE you'll find the right replacements, But they only ship from US , digikey or mouser and I need to order at least for 20 or 60 euro's, and the thing is like 70 cents...and I'm a bit broke after these orders...So I'm stuck for now :(...

I did the tests and everything seems to work fine, encoders and LeMec and Matthias switches, see PIC, so I can't wait to finish the machine. Maybe someone in Europa with a spare TBD62381A I can buy?!




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53 minutes ago, latigid on said:

Merry Xmas!

62083 is available at TME:



P.S. fantastic work so far!

He that's good news, thanx! I got a package from TME yesterday, if only I had checked.....I looked for the  62381 at TME, not the 62083, thanx again!

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This is no. #4! ;)




Inside the beast:
Note , power/USB connection is not based on Micro-match here cause I used a first version wCore I already own.


So this one is little bit customised.

  • The MEC switches:
    I used 5GTH920+1LS096-15.0 instead of 3FTH9+1S11-16.0.
    5GTH935.JPG+ 1LS096-15_0.JPG
    In this series, without smd led model accept regular 3mm led. The led is easy to install. The 1LS caps is made for that too.
    Like for the 3FTH9 model, led must be bent like this.

    Switch has specific position for the led's legs.

  • The Soft Touch knob
    I was obliged to adapt it to flush the surface. Without modification they are 5mm under the surface :/
    Then first I made a wood support to be able to mill it precisely.

    Before milling:


    Result is perfect, at pushed position the knob fits inside the hole of the case.

  • A 5mm diameter led window.
    For that purpose I used a special cast acrylic for led diffusion
    Surface of the beat led will be plane, colour is homogenized in the entire hole, clear led are usable and placed under.


The two screens are regular LCD(not OLED) cause I had it in stock, but it's definitively the next update.
They are not low profile then ribbon must be soldered directly to the LCDs, no enough room for the connectors.

I replaced the IIC Board by a MCAN connector(RJ11) and 2 DIN Sync Outputs.
I will not use the expansion board for the moment then I put a blank plate.

Voilà! This is my SeqV4+

I got no problem to build this big box, with Peter's tutorial it's a child game. I strongly recommand to follow his tutorial cause there's a lot of tips you have to know and you can't guess!
In general this is a very well though and designed project, the case is very precise, if you follow the instruction all will fit perfectly.
The final result is beautiful, awesome :)

Thanks to Andy, Peter, Adrian and Thorsten for their time, their effort and their passion!
Thanks guys for that gift, I love it!!!!!!

Best regards

Edited by Antichambre
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