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PacTec PT-10 Bulk order for Europe, (case for MB-6582). CLOSED


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Crystal mounting pads? I didn't know there was such a thing.

If anyone reads about this and thinks they really need "crystal mounting pads", you can use a tiny piece of card to hold the crystal off the PCB while you solder it, or if you really want to get fancy, make a "crystal mounting pad" out of cardboard.

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Crystal mounting pads? I didn't know there was such a thing.

Standard on certain types of board, to insulate via's and provide a little bit of stand-off. As you can see, they're not exactly expnsive - unlike the mounting stand-offs for LED, which can cost more than the LED.

Crystal pads at Rapid

There is a whole range of this type of hardware - the military nearly always had their transistors on pads. If you're using old fashioned TO5 cans these can stop a mechanical shock detaching the track on single sided boards. I used to fit them to some makes of light dimmer pack for on the road use, cut down on repair bills a lot.

These are free to those that want them, (and I'm posting a box to), whilst I have stock. Anyone else needs to send me an SAE.

On a similar note, I've realised that I can give  4 people a bag of sixteen of those mylar 22n caps. Same rules.

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those mylar 22n caps
hey i am interested, but i only need 12 caps, i already have the 4 others. Very nice from you.

BTW i have used the Wilba cardboard technique and it works very well. Another hack is to use a very small piece of adhesive rubber on the diode print (which contains the metallic hole), then solder as usual.

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