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selling my Midibox SID on ebay


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I would like to sell my 1st midibox sid on eBay to compensate the building cost of the MB6582 that i am assembling these days (not yet finished, still not found the tact switches).


Is it possible ?

In the mean time, i ask for another project I would like to develop, with a commercial idea behind. It is the UMR, topic started at : 


For the moment it is only a project, application not developped, but a selling issue would boost me. I also plan to pay people invested in the project development ; i even had thought to hire a friend who knows assembler coding, because he has the skill for code, and i have the skill for doing apparels.

I intend to propose kits to buy, the dedicated PCB would be made by a manufacturer (no copy of the CORE of course !, cause it is too big). An assembled version would be possible, adding the fees for my soldering. Code would be published as GPL as suggested by Bill (the guy who recycled the commodore 64 keyboard with the scan matrix of Thorsten)

Thanks for replies, any comments appreciated

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Oh ?! Why is it a big difference ? Do you think I could sell it for 500$ ? My idea was that  the auction would reach 150-180$. People would be stupid 'cause it costed 117 euros to make it (i ve counted it 3 days ago), using very expensive electronic shop (local dealer, no reichelt).

Eh ! and can i put a direct buy correponding to the cost of the MB6582 ?

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Thinking that nobody would ever pay more than $500 for an ebay auction is a little bit naive. It always hurts my heart when I see that there are people who are selling even cheaply built and unattractive looking MIDIboxes for a lot of profit. And those people never asked me for permission, which hurts me even more, as the copyrights are clearly stated at many places of my website.

I think it would be better for the community if you would sell your MIDIbox via the Fleamarket of this forum.

This would be a fair deal, because you will offer it to people who already know the projects (mostly), and it should result into a realistice price w/o profit.

To your project: as mentioned in other topics, I don't understand why people are asking for a commercial option before presenting a finished project to the community. This statement is not meant personally against you, I only want to highlight, that something is going wrong when people are only motivated to contribute, when they know that they could earn some money.

If this would be my own motivation, the projects wouldn't exist! Therefore my offer for a commercial option is mainly directed to people who have the same spirit like me (and the majority of the community)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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even cheaply built and unattractive looking MIDIboxes
yes mine is ugly, i admit.
via the Fleamarket of this forum.
i have thought to some hours ago ; and will do a proposal.

but if I could pay the MB6582 with the selling of the Midibox sid, it would be better (130 € of resistors, capacitors, HE10 barrels, Ultrabright LEDs, etc !!! f###ing selectronic !)

people who have the same spirit like me (and the majority of the community)

i do not know what is the "spirit" of the community, but you have certainly noticed that i share all i ve done using ucapps, and i gave you pcb plans for doing scan matrix or bankstickx8 boards (did i gave you the bankstick ? i don't remember) and published 1 user project ... ok i still have to make a better documentation :P

For the UMR : on my opinion, what could be considered "for the community" is "how to record midi on a bankstick and read it". After that, what could be considered as my idea, my IP : "imagining a machine capable of recording several sequences at the same time, and reading them, espacially the control surface".

Of course, i would be happy to show and explain to others how to do that ! And thank u too cause MIOS is behind !(very intelligent to think a Midi OS).

And by the way, it was just an idea : between the idea and the final product ... it takes long, very long. I will ask again later if something becames real.

And all the best 2 TK !

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As I wrote: this was not personally against you, it's just my personal impression about the strange things which happened in the last months.

For example: recording MIDI data directly into a BankStick: I could tell you the technical details how to do this within 5 minutes (ok, writing this down into understandable english takes one hour) - the method would even work without RAM buffering, just only a non-blocking IIC handler is required. There are also people who already talked about the usage of a compact flash in this forum, which is the prefered way to go in my eyes for such a high amount of data - especially because you are able to exchange files directly with a PC (when it is stuffed with a card reader)

But if we discuss such approaches in the forum to find the best solution, has anybody the right to claim that now this is his own IP? Even if he maybe had the initial idea (or was inspirated from ideas which have been discussed by other people before?). Is anybody still allowed to help you, or would this lead to unwanted complexity when sharing the profit?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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has anybody the right to claim that now this is his own IP?
??? i don't know

that was just to tell that i am sure we are several to have great idea while using your mbhp and the mios, and we have the opportunity to develop something we believe in. moreover, as i am job hunting these last weeks, and because i have been passing so much interesting weeks with the development or the building of midiboxes, i am imagining a manner to earn some money, not to be rich, just to live a little doing something interesting. and that's your fault ! (irony) thanks again. and something i learned this year : idea can't be licensed. so ...

moreover, to be realistic : do you think that a business plan would give me reason ? look out all artists on stage, they need products like Akai MPC or Ableton Live, much more easier to understand than the MIDI.

But i prefer to stop the discussion about commercial now. Nothing is developed, i am hunting for Radio France or the RSR, so it is far from the midibox ... and it is maybe better that it stays a hobby, it brings less sorrow.

recording MIDI data directly into a BankStick:

holy shit ! come on in the user projects section, we need your knowledge :)
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Sometimes I can't believe, what is written here ....

Which part of the small sentence


is so hard to understand ???

and something i learned this year : idea can't be licensed. so ...

False ..

You can get a patent on YOUR idea, but you can't use ideas of other for your profit.

Forgive me, but I interpret your wish this way:

You've learned how to solder a midibox and you have a idea on this and now you want to make profit on this.

... I don't like this spirit !

Sorry Thorsten, I know you are the only one who wants to answer those requests ... but I couldn't hold back this time ... and I also know, you are much to polite to write it this way.

(I hadn't my black coffee this morning, so please forgive me ...)



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Next time I won't ask and do what I want

Really? Is this a statement of intent?

I just wanted to know if i could use a mass media to resell my SID to capital the investment i made in MB6582.

"capital investment" - are you joking? We are hardly talking about setting up a factory with plant and equipment.

It would seem from your sentiment that you put no value on the knowledge you have gained from this midibox project...

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Hi guys,

what I don´t like about this thread, and it happened in some similar cases, too:

In my opinion there´s no need to insult people or be angry or moralistic on them just because they asked a question here. I mean, this board has been created exactly for cases like this one. JV asked, TK answered, JV complied to TK´s answer (at least so far). That´s the way this board was meant to work. So why not just calm down a bit?

That said, a disclaimer: I don´t want to endorse any MBHP-related commercial actions with this post, I´m just saying, if you want to be angry at someone, choose a guy who doesn´t ask here and doesn´t give a shit about TKs opinion on his actions (like e.g. the guy from the "SID-NUXX on eBay" thread - and btw, does this Argentinian "company" also still exist?)


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>> ... I don't like this spirit !

> you 're jealous

I don't think julien was the one insulted here...

> [...] if i could use a mass media to resell my SID to capital the investment i made in MB6582.

That's the definition of "commercial", ain't it?

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All of you guys start to "geht mir auf die Nerven ! "  >:(

capital investment" - are you joking
create me an account at radiospares and we talk back. Do you know how much I have to pay components ?! is it normal i recycled components from old VCR ?

1,2 euros for a 74HC595. Not shocked ?

Is this a statement of intent?
it's provocation. I don't have to be "le souffre douleur" of a person who did not had his coffee in the morning .

you put no value on the knowledge you have gained

for me, you do not have to pay for knowledge. i am sure you know "Le siècle des Lumières" ?  And yes i've learned ; what was the best thing to do ? contribute. And I did. Did you ? I think that newbies need good documented coding examples ,it was hard for me.

Now look out well eBay. You will never see my SID as auction.

BTW I tested the v2 last night and now i wonder if I should stop to sell it.

Next time I feel angryness in a post, I remove this topic  >:(

And i am really sorry to be a creative person having idea how to make cool devices to use to make music.

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Chill everyone. JV is not a profiteer, and I think we've steered him into doing new projects for fun instead of thinking about a commercial product first.

"capital investment" - are you joking?

You guys have no idea about "capital investment".

This is capital investment.... $7800 worth of SIDs.



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Chill everyone. JV is not a profiteer, and I think we've steered him into doing new projects for fun instead of thinking about a commercial product first.

You guys have no idea about "capital investment".

This is capital investment.... $7800 worth of SIDs.



Wiba, please can you be a bit more careful what you post in the future, my work has a very strict policy on using company machines to look at porn on the net *whack*

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thanks Wilba. did you really paid that ?

where is the porn Goblinz ???

And something i did not tell : last night, while jamming with the modulation wheel on the MB6582 in bassline mode, i was thinking to redesign the Voirinov in order to had several LFO to modulate CC values.

Seriously, how many people would be interested by that ? i am sure you would like to get the code. So now stop being angry, be creative !

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thanks Wilba. did you really paid that ?

where is the porn Goblinz ???

And something i did not tell : last night, while jamming with the modulation wheel on the MB6582 in bassline mode, i was thinking to redesign the Voirinov in order to had several LFO to modulate CC values.

Seriously, how many people would be interested by that ? i am sure you would like to get the code. So now stop being angry, be creative !

The SID-porn  ;)

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capital investment" - are you jokingcreate me an account at radiospares and we talk back. Do you know how much I have to pay components ?! is it normal i recycled components from old VCR ?

1,2 euros for a 74HC595. Not shocked ?

No I am not shocked, I have a fair amount of electronic components in my little stock pile and lots more stuffed into boards. You are also talking to someone who has had custom pot runs done by Alps - that is expensive!

you do not have to pay for knowledge.

You didn't pay for the knowledge, just the components. And for the record I said value, it's interesting you took that to mean money...

what was the best thing to do ? contribute. And I did. Did you ?

you have no idea what I have or have not contributed to this community. given the amount of effort, time and money some people (i.e. not me) have put in here I doubt you really wanna go there, I sure don't....

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Hm .... next time I drink my coffee first.


I just wanted to say my opinion .... I don't like the spirit. ok?

I didn't wanted to start a attack against anything and anybody (.. and I also didn't wanted to start a war or a battle ...)

Sorry, if anybody gets me wrong (normally I'm a nice guy ...)

jealous ?

- No. I make my money by producing (my own) ideas, also.




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Hello Julien,

I hardly reply in sales requests to avoid to feed the endless discussions TK very often dislikes. In your case I felt necessary to say my opinion though, because I frankly liked your activity inside the community and seeing this post shocked me a little bit.

Especially in your affermation "stop to be angry be creative", especially seeing you ask questions in the forum on how to implement lfo, valuable knowledge (in term of human collaboration and natural value, not economical value) to achieve personal profit.

There's no point in attacking you, I hope you'll interpret my post not as an attack, but as an occasion to think about how much you learned sticking to the spirit of the community until now and how much you can learn in the future! And how much we all can benefit for someone willing to learn like you. Money puts an abyssal shadow over all of these brilliant prospectives.

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Hello SounDuke,

as said seppoman

there´s no need to insult people or be angry or moralistic

i only wanted to know if i could sell on eBay, and it offensed some midiboxers.

TK replied the first, and it is good, as the midibox is his creation, i am completly conscious of his rights -droit de regard- on it (this sentence is maybe not not very well, but it is already complicated to me to formulate it in french, so english ...), and that's why i asked. Maybe should have asked TK through PM, I was particularly interested by his opinion on it  ; now i got it.

In the meantime, it can be a good topic for other people having this question in the future.

endless discussions

i hate that

the position of some people in this thread ? Personnally, i do not like moral, i prefer ethic.

Moreover, i am totally conscious about the benefit of this free midibox project  : it allows me to design devices that do not exist. And I am very respectful to anybody helping me during building or coding or explaining how to write some C. And I want it stays like this.

"je ne vais pas me tirer une balle dans le pied ce serait stupide !" could be my conclusion.

PS : for Davidbanner value => valeur => valeur monétaire => monnaie => money. it can be interpreted like this in french, sorry.

when i say "benefit" it isn't benefits $$, but rather advantage, privilège.

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