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This is #4 because:

6582 SID MEGA-SALE #1: 200 SIDs

6582 SID MEGA-SALE #2: 312 SIDs

6582 SID MEGA-SALE #3: 512 SIDs

6582 SID MEGA-SALE #4: 312 SIDs


I have ordered enough for everyone's preorders that were on the list here:


It is now too late to add any new orders, sorry. People not on the list can wait until after the sale and buy any spares left over. Please do not email me about buying spares until after the sale is finished.


6582 (6582A) SIDs are just like 8580 SIDs and not like 6581 SIDs. They have the filter that works best for the MB-SID V2 Bassline mode, low noise, less bugs. Look elsewhere for whether 6582/8580 is better/worse than 6581.

I use eight of them in my MB-6582 MB-SID V2 Synth:


(but you already knew that)


6582 SIDs cost AU$25 each plus postage and handling fees.

I add up the exact cost of SIDs and postage in Australian dollars, and then multiply by 1.0351966873706 to add the handling fee.

This means 6582 SIDs now cost approximately AU$25.88 or US$23.18 or 15.67 EUR when including handling fees.

Postage will be calculated as the actual cost to post, plus packaging. The PayPal invoice will include the handling fee in the postage amount.

I am now collecting orders only from people on the list!

I am now collecting orders only from people on the list!

I am now collecting orders only from people on the list!


Running the MB-6582 PCB bulk order and selling SIDs has now made me intolerant of people who can't follow simple instructions, reply to their emails within a few days, or don't sent PayPal payments. So there are now three simple rules:

1. If you don't have the cash, don't waste my time with an order.

An order means "I can pay now", not "I can pay when I get paid next month". If you are on the list and can't buy them now, just email me and I'll take you off the list.

2. After emailing an order, you are expected to check your emails daily and make a PayPal payment as soon as you receive a payment request. I try to do things as quickly as possible, but this stuff still takes time.

3. Fill in the order form exactly as described so I can easily copy and paste the details into a spreadsheet.

Email your order to: Jason.S.Williams@ I HATE SPAM gmail.com

The contents of the email should be (without labels!):

MIDIbox username

Real name + Postal Address + COUNTRY

Contact Email Address (same one you are using to email me)

PayPal Email Address

Quantity of 6582A SIDs



Johannes Schmitt

Oberammergaueralpenkräuterdelikatessenfrühstückskäse Str. 29

10997 Berlin


Johannes.Schmitt @gmx.de

Johannes.Schmitt @gmx.de



All SIDs I sell are tested before packing to ensure the oscillators and filter work. These chips are new-old-stock, not pulls from Commodore 64, and are unused when sold, with absolutely no long term guarantee. However, considering these chips have been safely tucked away in antstatic tubes for 15 years, they are less likely to fail than one you find in Commodore 64 that has been power cycled thousands of times and been alternately cooked and frozen in a garage etc. From my experience, after testing over six hundred 6582 SIDs, only 3 were found dead. After salvaging about eight 6581s, all were found to have dead filters or dead oscillators.

If you find any chips faulty through initial testing with hardware that is known to work, I might allow you to return them and get a refund or replacement if possible.

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i don't want any SIDs, but there is one thing I've seen quite often in the forum, and now I finally want to ask how this works.

This has /nothing/ to do with midibox or the SIDs, btw.

Wilba, you've written

These chips are new-old-stock, not pulls from Commodore 64, and are unused when sold, with absolutely no long term guarantee.

So, my question is: why did you write "not pulls from C64" ?

You'e from Austraila, so i assume you're speaking perfect english  ;D,  can you tell me the grammatic term for that?

My english-feeling says that it has to be "not pulled from C64".

I just want to clear that up  :)



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"They are not pulls" is correct. "Pulls" is the plural of the noun "pull". See: http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/pull?view=uk

hehe, so we can be sure they are not "attempting to attract someone sexually."

actually this is slang.  i've only found it in the context of salvage, usually electronic components

and means "objects pulled from an assembled unit" or like such as...

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actually this is slang.  i've only found it in the context of salvage, usually electronic components

and means "objects pulled from an assembled unit" or like such as...


"pulls" can mean a wide range of conditions....ranging from "RFE" - "Removed From (working) Equipment" to "RALIFOGSOWMT" - "Rattled Around Loose Inside then Fell Out and Got Stepped On While Moving to Trash bin"  ;D  ;D

Best regards


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I am now collecting orders only from people on the list!

I am now collecting orders only from people on the list!

I am now collecting orders only from people on the list!


Cant believe i missed this order.

Wilba im going to have to use an RSS feed for your posts or something!

Im convinced your using a time machine now!

EDIT: Added my name to th ebottom, forgot i could do that!

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I don't really get this eventhough Wilba explained it kind of throughly. I was not on the list (http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/wilba_6582a_sid_mega_sale) but would relly like to buy SIDs. Can I add my name to the list? Below the "these people might not get any chips"? Should I just wait for spares? I guess there are many people that can straighten this out for me.... Thanks.

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It is now too late to add any new orders, sorry. People not on the list can wait until after the sale and buy any spares left over. Please do not email me about buying spares until after the sale is finished.

??? I thought there arent any left ? I didnt write a mail because I dont want write sth senceless, but now I see the order was still open >:-( . Ive added mine to the list but I dont think i will get any sids now. Would be nice Wilba, if you could write this a little bit clearer. ( Yes still clearer ;) ) lol. Or are there 30+ spares when everyone on the list gets its order?

greetz and thx Wilba

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First I said:

It is now too late to add any new orders, sorry. People not on the list can wait until after the sale and buy any spares left over. Please do not email me about buying spares until after the sale is finished.

and then when I was able to edit the wiki again (after the forum downtime), I added to the top of the wiki page:

Current status: 312 pcs 6582A SIDs are being ordered now. Collecting details from people on waiting list.

If you want 6582A SIDs, then you need to put your name down on the waiting list (see below).

New entries to the waiting list may or may not be served from this current order.


You can put your name at the end of the list.

If there are enough spare, I can sell you SIDs from this order.

There are about 34 spare at the moment.

Remarkably, these statements do not contradict each other.

Your statement that "the order was still open" is not correct... this is not a bulk order that is open and closed... this is a sale. I am not collecting a whole bunch of orders from people and waiting two months to collect people's money... I see there's demand and I buy enough for the current demand. I don't want "email orders" from people not on the waiting list first, and not until I say "Yes, there are spares enough for your order now".

Now to make things even clearer, people who were on the waiting list before I bought the SIDs have been removed from the waiting list, and the wiki now says:

Current status: 312 pcs 6582A SIDs are being ordered now. Collecting details from people who were on waiting list.

If you want 6582A SIDs, then you need to put your name down on the waiting list (see below).

Entries on the waiting list may or may not be served from this current order.

I expect there to be 34 spare after people who were on the waiting list send me their orders.

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I have ordered enough for everyone's preorders that were on the list here:

Just to double check, does this include the people in the "these people might not get any chips"  list?

I doubt the people on that list, have to re-add their names to the new Waiting list?

For the sake of paranoia, ive put my name down again anyway!

Will remove it as soon as im certain.  ;)

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I have sent PMs to people who were on the list and are now invited to send their orders through email.

That includes you, Smithy.

Thanks for that man, seriously.

The Pop up for PM's must be disabled by default.

Youre actually the first person to pm me (yay a new friend!  :P)

Without that popup its hard to notice really, unless youre expecting a pm and constantly checking for a [1] next to: My Messages.

Sorry for the confusion. And no need to say i didnt need to say sorry this time round lol! ;)

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