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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Very nice! I moved this to MBOTW ;) Well you be helping out with the existing community project for your matrix?
  2. Heh, it's probably the resistors. I'm sorry I figured you just left them out of that pic for illustrative purposes. You do need them... How did you calculate those values you tested with? They seem verrry high...
  3. Good luck! Don't sweat it, fortunately it all strung together well when merged - often they are all out of sequence and it makes for a really difficult read... and lots of edits required by a certain cranky janitor ;)
  4. I scrolled up to read the post about your PSU, and I couldn't find it... Then I thought maybe you'd deleted it or something, but I couldn't find my own posts either, so I went to your recent posts page and noticed you'd been crossposting. Please don't do that! Yes, wire the ULNs direct.
  5. Isn't that what the ULNs are for?
  6. So it works fine if only one colour column is connected at bootup, and after boot it works totally OK? Seems like it does something in the init functions that kills it? Code? Where's bugfight, he's BLM guru....
  7. I think you should read Wilba's post again - DON'T bend PIC pins! Put the PIC in a socket and bend the socket pins!
  8. That's right because in MB64e the pots are treated as a type of encoder. See here for more info Anyhow, mind if I ask what app you used to view the sysex? The output appears OK to me, but this hex viewer is not the best thing in the world to read with. Still, I see the whole file as it seems that it should be... So once again I have to ask you to post more information. I stil need the ini file. As well as that, would be good if I could get the output of the script in debug mode, with both the original file and the customised file... so: perl mk_syx.pl midibox64.ini -debug > midibox64.txt perl mk_syx.pl pesce.ini -debug > pesce.txt Then attach pesce.txt, midibox64.txt, pesce.ini and pesce.syx to your post.
  9. Why analog envelopes into AIN? You can just do digital envelopes ;)
  10. Moroe, you've probably already gathered that this is a custom app. Details will be posted when there's something more concrete that you can play with. Still, what I said still goes - I'm not sure if it's possible, but you might want to look into making a custom CS for seqv4. That's how I'd originally planned to do it, but because steps can be of arbitrary length that might not work - what if the step is longer than the track that plays it?... You couldn't press the end step. That being said, such a thing is used more for song automation and not so much for normal track editing, so being that it's more rarely used, it's probably safe to restrict longer note lengths to being set via LCD menu.
  11. stryd_one

    seq v2.4d

    Nice work Chr0! Especially the LED-as-an-axle trick :)
  12. Of course not - That's not an 'equals' sign ;)
  13. Am I allowed to choose "neither"? :) I'd say you want 4620. More RAM than a 452, which will be handy for your app, and still a little bit more than a 4685. 4685 is only really needed if you want CAN buss for some reason.
  14. Aren't they all the same thing?
  15. You seem to be missing the point.
  16. Already in my sequencer Already in my sequencer (it has a very nice enhancement courtesy of lucem too) (I guess you mean a 'drum grid', same difference..) Already in my sequencer Can I please steal this idea maybe? ;) This will go nicely with lucem's enhancement....... We plan to make the CS as compatible with MBSEQ as possible, so perhaps you can have this with MBSEQ V4... I don't know if it's designed for it yet but I'm guessing most of it won't be a major issue....
  17. At least we're likely to agree on *something* that way :D
  18. I suggest you chill, it's only been overnight :P
  19. If that one at the top is a real P3, they'r friggen expensive ($5 each).. If it's not, it'll probably a cheap knock-off, and best suited to low budget projects. Anyway it should be easy to decide - do you want to panel mount or PCB mount? I don't suppose you have links to them? :)
  20. Somewhere about 100 pages back :) I mentioned that we're actually overdue for the next ice age, a period which is typically marked by temperature rises... So I doubt it's recovery from the last one ;)
  21. Just think of the cut resistors needed to do that... the poor things :( *sniffle* Oh, the humanity! :D
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