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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. HEY YOU! YES, YOU! READ THE STICKY THREADS!!!!!! Please Read Before Posting New Topics: What is a "User Project"? DIY audio patchbay with digital routing....How hard? ;)
  2. This topic has been moved to Design Concepts. [iurl]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=13300.0[/iurl]
  3. I think the basic question here is; How is CoreAudio's kMIDIPropertyUniqueID generated?
  4. Well sarcasm can be a good mechanism for humour but is best abandoned if it's clear that it's caused confusion, which this obviously has. I'll make it clear: I think this is an awesome synth. I don't think it's superseded by softsynths. Ahh :)
  5. What an old piece of crap. You should send it to me, I'll take care of it for you ;)
  6. Heheh, I was too slow ;) Yes please. From your description, it sounds like this box is a prime candidate for "MIDIboxification"... Once it's more complete (code, wiki doco, build instructions, etc) we can move this thread back to the User Projects area.
  7. :D *facepalm* :-[ Well aren't switching jacks on the MB6582 parts list? Maybe this is good old fashioned SID noise :(
  8. I could tell you.... or, I could let you read it in my old quote on the sixth search hit for the word joystick. (Fifth if you don't count this thread as a hit) ;)
  9. This was posted in the wrong forum ;) hehehehehe Another lovely MBOTW :D
  10. Ever looked at how the OPL chips are controlled? ;)
  11. My first sloppy attempt at a search came up with numerous hits, just looking for 'lin log fader'. I'm sure you could find much, much more with some extra searching.. I even found your thread from 2 years ago ;)
  12. It's been discussed before, but.... Don't take our word for it - ask the distributor :)
  13. I have a "new toy" dance which is not dissimilar to my "it's working dance". I'm doin' it.
  14. Yeh, like ucapps or probably on the wiki. But forum attachments is good too :D
  15. stryd_one


    I did that with rings cut out of wetsuit pants :)
  16. Good name! I thought I was the only one who read that, and thought "Heh. Family organ. I have one of those.". Guess not! Heh... family organ. :D
  17. New toooyyyyyyyzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. stryd_one


    LOL this one:http://burks.bton.ac.uk/burks/language/shoot.htm ? Err, is that by hand? ;) I'm goin D O W N.
  19. stryd_one


    Next time I'm in the UK I challenge your Mum to a cross-stitch-off! She's goin' DOWN!! ontopic... it's mad how many languages and uses for them are out there, and sometimes seemingly forgotten...
  20. LOL now THAT is funny :D
  21. Of course if it were onsite, that would be nice ;) </broken record>
  22. You'd just need to do a bit of rearrangement of the LCD lines but it should behave...
  23. Welcome aboard :) Yes. I'm sure that whoever supplies the parts you choose will give you pricing ;)
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