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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Don't forget IDC :) Definitely a road to bugs........
  2. stryd_one


    LOL at this part: ahahahahahah!
  3. You goofed up the links, they should be fixed now (I hope!) You sure that's a joke? Keeping your "boys" cool, does make for a greater chance of having a boy...
  4. I just had to split this one off the original :D
  5. Your old post, before you edited, asked me: "Do you have a bug up your arse about something or what?" My original reply was the below line: Yes. I find argumentative crossposters even more annoying than normal crossposters. Especially when I have to either clean up after their mess, or put up with their attitude. As for your new edit, stryd - you are stuck on repeat! stryd - you are stuck on repeat! stryd - you are stuck on repeat! ;0) Yes, I am stuck on repeat, and it's an unpleasant situation you place me in. Perhaps you find it worthy of a smiley face, but I sure as heck do not. Please show some consideration. I could have just said "Fuck, newbie, don't crosspost!' and merged up your shit. Or locked this thread and not bothered to take the time to link to the other thread. But I didn't, I thought I'd be polite, and drop a subtle hint. Then you got rude... so I told you more directly... and I got -even more- attitude from you. Now, given that whenever I try to be nice some dude gets all cocky like that, and when I try to be direct, people make out like I'm the forum dictator, can someone please tell me exactly what the fuck a mod is meant to do? No - because (as any moderator, sysop, etc will tell you) no matter how I try, there's always someone ready to do what they want at the expense of others, and they'll usually try to whip up some defense for it - or in your case, avoid the subject completely. So in conclusion, would you rather: The friendly mod - the guy who takes the time out to search his last few days' posts to find the one where he helped you already, in case you somehow missed it, and post a link.. ... or ... The rough mod - the guy who orders you around, and who carelessly tidies up after you by merging/locking/etc.? Your call.
  6. Good work! Look forward to seeing it all boxed up :)
  7. It'll probably be a little more than twice as much time/money :( ultra is bang-on though... whether it's really needed depends on your specific usage.....
  8. Very nicely done! What app is it running? I hope you'll share the code with us! :)
  9. The exact solution is unknown - at least as far as I am aware, noone has done it yet. I have helped, and watched others help, while people tried to do what you are talking about, and I have no recollection of anyone coming back saying "I did this, and it worked". If they did, you will certainly find it by searching using the keyword I gave you. If not, you will have to search for hints. Thats why I gave you a search keyword and not an exact solution. I don't have one. But I told you how to find one ;) Are you under some impression that I have an exact solution but I'm not giving it to you? Or that not getting an exact solution in your other thread would be helped by asking in here? As I've just mentioned, I'm not aware of anyone succeeding in this yet. Regardless, it never hurts to ask if anyone's done it - it's good to not reinvent the wheel, and if we can help make it easier for you, rest assured that we will.......... but crossposting is not the answer.
  10. Heh, be careful ... you can have a very great influence over these young ones... I became fascinated with electonic musical instruments in grade 2, when someone visited our class with a sampling keyboard, and played some tunes with samples of our recorded voices saying "hello".... 25 odd years later, here I am... So, before allowing your kids to do this, ask yourself: Do you want your daughter to spend as much time in the lab as stryd_one? :D
  11. Didn't I already give you the search term for this (scaling) the other day? Edit: Yes
  12. Stupid english language: connect parallel port parallel connect port connect port in parallel connect parallel in port ... etc.... All different things >:( :D
  13. I've flown a few aircraft with red/green lighting colour schemes and never got that 'xmas effect'... but I have seen it on synths... I think it's a matter of how you do it..........
  14. Welcome aboard naum :) You'll need a thru device (buffer IC) for each thru output you want. Parallel port?
  15. well you need to think about how MIDI works, what it really is... It's just a way to pass a message, and how it's interpreted is up to the receiver. If I hold up a sheet of paper with "100" written on it, what does that mean to you? Probably means "why is stryd showing me a number? He's weird." ;) However, if we have previously agreed that when I hold up a number, you will speak it... then when I hold up this sheet of paper, you will know that it means you should say the words "one hundred". Of course, if I hold up a sheet of paper with 'ABC' written on it, you will go back to "why is stryd showing me letters? He's weird" - because we agreed that you would speak the *numbers* I showed you. So, keeping this in mind, I will address your questions: Either, or maybe both. You can reconfigure your DAW to respond differently to the same message from the midibox, or reconfigure the midibox to send a different message to the DAW... or both. Either, or maybe both...depending on how you did the above. If your midibox always sends the same messages, you'd want to save the configuration of the DAW when it's setup to listen to those messages. If your midibox is reconfigured to match the DAW, you'd want to save the midibox configuration. If it's both, both. Either, or maybe both, depending on how you did the above. Say your midibox is setup to send messages that are recognised by the default configuration of fruityloops, then you can take it to any PC running fruityloops, because it will already know how to respond. The flipside: Say fruityloops is configured to respond to your midibox's messages, then you will be able to use that same configuration on any DAW's fruityloops installation, so that it will know what to do when it receives a message from your midibox. Just while I'm typing: It seems you have some terminology/concept confusion: MBHP - Hardware MIOS- Operating system xxxx - Application (that runs on the MIOS OS) MIOS Studio - Tool for installing your application onto MBHP hardware running MIOS
  16. You guys should see MTE's acoustic treatment. Very cool. As for rear porting vs placement, I've found it doesn't make a whole lot of difference... Given that your speakers should be at least a foot or two away from the wall anyways (unless they're embedded in it), they have enough room to breath regardless... and not much sound comes out of the port to echo off the wall behind them, as you know it's just a 'breathing hole', not a 'sound hole'. Madox if you're after some nice cans but the HD25s are out of price range, definitely consider the Sony (Yeh, can you believe it) MDR-V6 (aka MDR-7506) or if you want to bling up slightly the V9 (aka 7509). They don't have the highs of the HD25s and definitely not the mids, they colour/enhance a little (yeh they are still sony), but the lows are really good and all-round they are a good pair of cans, for damn cheap (compared to the alternatives). I don't know if I'd recommend them as a 'monitor headphone' (in quotes cause there's no such animal) but they are really good.
  17. Nope, that's one way to connect the cores. The first pic just has an LTC added also.
  18. White is no good. If you have them bright enough to have useful contrast against ambient light, they are dangerous. If you have them dim enough to be less dangerous, you won't be able to see them in varying light.
  19. Heh I didn't even notice it :D
  20. Are you sure it's wired like the schematic? It kinda looks like you've got it on the wrong jumpers.... Oh to answer your question it should always light up.
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