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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Badass! and a whopping 4x40 too :D I wish!! (I can't find a DB50 lately, but if I do get one, I'll want this app for sure!) Do you have schematics or anything like that? It would be really good to put this in the user projects forum I think :)
  2. Darn. I had a feeling it was a fairly specific requirement :( If I can help with the software let me know! How about HKSS? http://cgi.ebay.com/6x-sequential-circuits-six-track-multi-track-cem3394_W0QQitemZ300304042102QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090330?IMSfp=TL090330151005r20313 $150 for 6, shipped.....
  3. I love when people do that, for one simple reason: Future searchers love when people do that. :D Thanks man! Seriously man, try the distributors. It's extremely common for parts to be non-stocked, but if you ask, the distributors will often ship them in from a big batch of stock which the manufacturer holds in their warehouses for just such a purpose. At the *very* least, you should be able to order a small amount of them as samples. One thing that has just now occurred to me, is that 30mm is extremely small... having a detent in there could be less than useful... Have you/can you consider a longer slider? You might have better luck finding a more 'normal' part. Now I'm really curious what you need such a baby fader for :D
  4. The ones we want are "momentary ON", or "momentary CLOSED", or "NO" aka "Normally Open", which are three of many names for the same thing, and guess what? push-to-make is another name for it. ;) Perhaps you'd like to add push-to-make to the wiki where I explained the different names - I didn't think to use that one, as it's quite old terminology and rarely seen these days... Anyway I voted for push-to-make, because momentary is not a complete specification - they could also be momentary OFF/momentary OPEN, which we don't want.
  5. How about 3396? There are a few of us around here scheming up plans to build with those...... Doug W was talking about a bulk order too a while back...
  6. 3000+ members... [img width=600]http://hw001.gate01.com/geomover/ethmvr/ld/hp4000.jpg LOL
  7. Nah that'd suck mate! Search before post is good if you're asking a question, cause it makes sure noone wastes resources re-answering a question ... but I don't think it hurts us if someone tries to help us twice in the same way ;) (and we don't want to discourage that!) I just thought I'd paste the links as inspiration of things to do with the seeed goodeees :D
  8. Are you new to the internet?
  9. Another reason why offsite doco sucks - sometimes we don't even know it exists ;) </broken record> Edit: No plans/software/schems, just pics :( Nice synthpr0n though, tanstaafl !!
  10. You dropped an 'e' there, and not in the fun way :D (it's seeed_studio) Seee (heh) also: the "ajaxBox", my 4 channel traktor pro controller. Buttons + LEDs = 1$ Fun stuff at that store... Seems like sparkfun competition...
  11. stryd_one


    LOL frailn! Yeh that's for sure... Although, that's not so much an application that's required, as a standardised file format like vCard. Then all that's needed is to embed such a file into any webpage, and many apps can use the technology. As you can see from that link, the tech is already in place... it's just not widely used. That would suggest that the market doesn't exist, but it's clear that .tel are trying to generate that demand based on hype. (see:: iPod, and terminology such as 'podcasting') Thus, the spam is what .tel are doing... They're encouraging online hype about their product by claiming that it is something which it is not. I came across that blog link while I was looking into the specifics of ICANN's "new" policies regarding TLDs (I wanted to make sure my opinion was correct before I mouthed off heh), and I was also visiting icannwatch.org (it's important to get both sides of the story!). I found it particularly interesting because unlike the many opinionated people who mouth off about this matter, who are not really in a position of nameity on the subject (like me) that post was written by someone running an ISP. Kinda hard to argue with what they're saying, given their position in the field, and their educated and informed opinion makes for an educating and informing read :) On that note, I was also chatting w/ my flatmate, who's a big iron unix guru who has worked for a large Australian ISP, and he pointed out to me that in order to obtain your own TLD, you must pay a *non-refundable* USD$150,000 *application* fee to ICANN. That means, you have to pay 150K just to *ask* them, and they can still say "no", and keep the money. What's more, if more than one person requests a single TLD, they can take in 10 of these application fees, and only give out one domain. Pretty shifty, but that's ICANN for ya. ICANN are supposed to be non-profit, but anyone who's worked with organised crime syndicates will tell you that NPOs are the #1 way to make money. That's because the organisation itself may be non-profit, but it might be paying a very tasty salary to it's employees. With the price of domains being what they are, I find it hard to swallow that *someone* isn't making a pretty penny out of it. There's a lot of smoke and mirrors going on though, which is why most people aren't really sure where the money is going, or how a company can purchase the rights to onsell these services. Heck, this whole thing is happening because ICANN have standardised their method of application for new TLD's, which didn't actually change anything, so it was really just advertising to the public that it is possible to obtain your own TLD if you want; ie, removing some of the smoke and mirrors. And the really funny part is the original DNS RFC that states something along the lines of "It is extremely unlikely that any new TLDs will be introduced". Even back then , they knew that it was an unnecessary measure. I guess they didn't expect the internet to be such a prime opportunity to create money from nothing, or maybe they underestimated people's inclination to buy into advertising hype and lust for the same old turd in a new bucket :D
  12. Heheh thanks for testing it for us man! You already have access to that support in the chatroom ;)
  13. stryd_one


    Err, and how does that differ from By three letters. that's where the difference ends. TLDs are all meant for a different purpose to all the others, that's what they do, they logically (and only logically - only inside our heads) delineate by purpose. At least, that was the idea. Time has shown that they don't persist. Regardless it's needed because while there might be a mcdonalds restaurant, so mcdonalds.com, there may also be an ISP called mcdonalds, so mcdonalds.net. That' why the concept that the entire world will be using a .tel domain for a contact address is bizarrely flawed. I would guess that my real name would already be gone. Why would Fred Bloggs choose FredBloggs1980.tel or some other crap he doesn't really want, when he can just take FredBloggs.com? That page you linked us to talked about phone apps for example. There's no reason whatsoever why the apps can't use *.com or *.to or *.whatever.au, just as well as they can use .tel. It's not the domain name that dictates what your device can do with the data it receives from the server, it's the data. Which brings me to the next bit: Exactly, and that is why the Domain Name System, or DNS, was conceived. DNS resolves a server's name into it's IP address. There's nothing a .tel can do that a .com, .net or .frog could do. It occurred to me, so far I've ignored the well known issues of lost and worse yet parked domain names. They may actually be able to get around that though..... how? well... This whole thing is worse than just erroneous. It's intentionally misleading, and IMO dodgy as hell. What's going on here is that some company has bought it's own TLD, with the intent to forcibly attach a service to it's subdomains and charge for it. So, while the TLD itself is no different to any other, the owner of the TLD, is different. Well, kinda - because in the end, selling domain names is a crock. While we're posting links: Crazy Domain Insane Note in the comments, the only disagreement to him, comes from people making a buck by selling domain names that they bought not because they needed them, but in order to develop an artificial scarcity. What .tel is doing, is pretending the real scarcity doesn't exist, and trying to create a demand that doesn't exist. I called spam, and I call it again.
  14. No, really, I don't mind - I just really wanted to know how this happens so very often. AHA so that's what it is! That is exactly what I wanted to know. This is a bug in the forum software and I will report it to SMF/the plugin developer, so we can get a permanent fix. The forum should ignore whitespace before and after separators. THANKS!!!!! :D :D :D
  15. Fairytale. Don't believe everything you read ;)
  16. OK I can't take it any more..... Sorry to hijack, and yes I will tidy up and split this conversation off later and make your thread go back to normal..... WTF is up with everyone posting tags that have a space in front of them like that? How did that happen? What part of the system is it, that makes this so common? I'm ***really*** tired of fixing up poorly entered tags. Is it something like, you are entering them all on one line as one big tag and the system is splitting them? or you're using commas between them or something? Please, don't get me wrong, I am not mad at you, and **I don't want you to fix them** (because then noone will know what I'm talking about). I want to find out **how/why** it keeps happening, so I can prevent it in future.....
  17. Wow, that's impressive silicium! I can't use it myself but it's sure got my curiosity going anyway :D
  18. I wish I could help.... ... but you seemed so friendly I just wanted to say "Welcome aboard" :D
  19. Thanks for the good info! I hope you don't mind I straightened up the table... what on earth did you do to it? :D
  20. stryd_one


    That's pure spam. It's just another TLD. If people purpose it differently, it doesn't change that it's just another TLD. If I draw a picture with a pencil, is it a pencil? Now if I write a letter with a pencil, does that stop it from being a pencil?.....
  21. That's because you resurrected a 4 year old thread instead of using this cool thing called google :D Not only that, but these forums also have a search engine, wooot!
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