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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Much voodoo exists over this. Obviously you've already found the two best solutions currently in place - NetJack (best, if you use Jack) and multimidicast (for ALSA Sequencer ports). I guess f you can't use jack, try multimidicast and see how you go.
  2. Thanks for pointing it out Gio :) Updated in SVN. Should be pushed to ucapps soon.
  3. Rare collector's item. You want the crap one instead ;) Check the list out on the wiki. I saw a 1740 on your ebay, for example ;)
  4. Ho-ly crap. That is awesomeness in pure aluminium. 4:27 for teh win, with the shards of hot alu flyin at the camera :D
  5. om nom nom nom (that one's for you nils!)
  6. I'm pretty sure rosegarden will allow midi CCs from the midibox knobs to automate it. Now, I actually thought I was in a different thread here, so I'll butt out now, but before I do - someone's got a prject going on, doing this in another thread, somewhere.... it's recent, that's all I know....
  7. That's a really old machine, you might find that dynebolic is best suited to it... I'd certainly try ubuntu studio first though, it has a massive 'just works' factor. Get 8.04, NOT 8.10! (long story) Do you mean an app for editing seq code?
  8. No comment? You just DID comment. You get more rude every time you post. What was I saying about shit coated in honey? What a surprise, the reply to this... more shit coated in honey, more accusatory tones, more "woe is me", and the same lack of a straight answer. And a thread lock. I *could* just post again; being a mod, thread locks don't effect me... but why draw the attention of this troll?
  9. Good news is that static straps be mighty cheap :) As for the oscillator I think you'd need to build a circuit to make it drive a led or something... Probably easiest to swap it with a new one in that case, if you don't have a scope... I know a few times ppl have grabbed the wrong type of xtal for the FM, are you sure you got it right?
  10. Once upon a time there was a Prince and a beautiful Princess. The Prince said unto the beautiful Princess, "if you wouldst marry me and buyeth me a midibox kit, I will love thee forever and be the happiest man in all the lands!". The beautiful Princess did reply in a boisterous manner: "Buy me a pony!". So, the Prince bought her a pony, and she bought him a midibox, and they all lived Happily Ever After. Until he found out she used his paypal account at avishowtech. That bitch! The End.
  11. Ahh no sweat man. Well 'keeping it active' is usually known as 'bumping' the thread. There's nothing wrong with that, but if you do it too soon it can be considered impolite. Kinda like "are we there yet are we there yet?' :D Takes a while to learn the netiquette, but generally if you relate a situation to it's real-life parallel like that, you'll be on the money.
  12. Yes. It's an application in any language really, it's executable code that needs an OS, just like firefox is an application on windows if you like :) They are optionally included in your application code. Think of them as libraries which provide an API to perform your required functions. People wrote the wiki. I wrote big chunks of it, at great effort to myself, as did the many other people who have volunteered their time to make it what it is. If you want the wiki to improve, perhaps you should join the very small group of time-limited volunteers who are copying the current pages to a new layout which is easier to understand and update. Otherwise perhaps you could be satisfied with what has been provided to you. Might I suggest you show a little more respect if you want me to help you out. Please refer to my signature, click the troubleshooting link. #4 is for you. Like? You keep making these implications that your choices are not being respected and that is putting words into our mouths which is disrespectful in itself. We aren't disrespecting your choices, we don't know wtf they are! That's why I asked you! I was restraining myself earlier, but I'm over it now, so I'll post the whole thing: Car amateur says: I want this ferarri to drive my 8 kids to school Experienced mechanic says: Maybe you'd be better off with this minivan, but I need to know more about your situation to give you good advice. Car Amateur says: FUCK YOU ASSHOLE RESPECT MY DECISION I WANT A FERRARI FUCK YOU GIMME MY FERRARI!!!! (You're a little more passive-aggressive in your response, but the gist of it is the same. I know that a shit coated in honey is still a shit.) Now, it may very well be, that you have 8 kids, who all start school at 0830, and they are all at different schools in different areas, and so you need to carry one of them at a time, and you need to drop one off and pick up the next one from home to take them to school, at super speed. In which case, you really do need a ferarri. Or maybe a gyrocopter. And if I was the experienced mechanic and you told me about the 8 schools and your need to drive at 300km/h, I would have said "you're right, you really do need a ferrari, let me show you this latest 2010 model we have on show...." Switching from the metaphor to reality, like the pots... Now, encoders are generally a much better way to go, for reasons such as those DK has outlined. Now, sometimes, there are actual reasons to use pots instead. Now, to mirror the metaphor, the conversation we have had is like: You: I want pots Me: perhaps you'd prefer encoders, I don't know.... what's your plan? You: RESPECT MY AUTHORITAH! GIVE ME INFO ABOUT POTS! Now, if you said : You: I know what you mean... But I need pots because I am vision impaired and I want to know when I have a certain value. I would have said: Me: Aha you definitely want pots! You will need to implement a soft takeover function, but that is totally doable. Etc etc. I'm not disrespecting your choice, how could I, I don't know what it is, because you refuse to tell us. All I can do is guess, and advise you based on that - and that's exactly what I'm doing. This is a GIGO situation. You get to fix up the input if you want to fix up the output. Don't blame the processor. This "hard to twist your mind to" thing is crap. That's like telling me to go to Townsville but not telling me where it is. Seriously, I have answered every question you've asked. II you're still unsatisfied.... Hell, I couldn't give a damn. I've spent way too much time on this, and so have you. I've answered all your technical questions but I've spent so much time trying to get you to show a little bit of respect I don't really feel inclined to respond further, technical or otherwise. If you wanna be rude, you can do it all by yourself. The stupid thing about it is that you've spent more time bitching about being asked for information, than it would take you to just give the information.
  13. voodoo. Luck at you dude. Wish I could actually, yaknow, help.......
  14. I got bad vibes here.. I was reading along, thinking to myself, "Well tested...He still hasn't ruled out damage to the FM chips though..." then I see: Err, yep. You ougtta be wearing a grounded static strap at all times handling these goodies, especially when the power is on. (hint: ankle straps stay out of the way) Edit: didin't that core rev need hardware changes to run the latest MIOS?
  15. Oh my bad! I didn't realise there was a waiting list for #3. Wilba's chips be the shiny dope NOS variety, and around the same price. Definitely put your name down.
  16. I do try. You'd never guess it to watch me but honest I do. :D Tunes, hm.....Isn't that some kind of deep sea fish? Good in sushi? I dunno, you've got me there. Sorry just providing comedic relief... What G just said is bang on and should be taken seriously.
  17. Hehehe no man you've done nothing to apologise for, it wasn't even really a crosspost because it's on topic. Wen I say "be careful not to hijack" it means "be careful not to hijack" - not "damn you, fool, you hijacked! i will eat your brains!" :D I'm very curious as to what is the culprit here :) Keep us posted.
  18. That is precisely what I've been doing. What else do you want? Edit: Oh btw: What do you think every one of them says? And ahh... If you were serious about this message: Then it's clear you missed a few things.
  19. Yep, you can do that. You'll need to disable SRIO and AIN mux to use those particular pins, and a timer to poll them.
  20. Welcome aboard mate. You can pick up a used Sound Blaster on ebay for like 5 bucks :)
  21. Shh, it's only been a few days, no need to yell... someone will come by...
  22. Nah, I dunno what that e3 means, but all mine have it... perhaps it's a fab plant mark... dunno... You have to read the rev off the chip digitally, IIRC there's an app for it... That is a datestamp tho, and I think you're safe there... I'd focus on the burn process... Yeh, supposedly. In my (known good) core it was just generally screwey... Not sure :/ hvp is about the voltage applied to the MCLR pin, I don't know if it has any effect on the speed you burn at though. That'll be specific to the hardware/software combo you used. Sorry I didn't follow your link. You've now mentioned this thread in two others, one of them you posted in right before you posted that link, I (ass)u(me)d you were talking about that one. The threads: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&as_q=thread+hijacking
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