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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Gday GCoda, That's right, you should install the bootloader by using your burner. Once that is done, you can install MIOS using MIDI, and then you can install your application using MIDI. Grab this zip file Bootloader is in /mios_update_v1_9f/pic18f452/burner/ Burn that with your MBHP-Burner or JDM module. After that, you can use MIOS Studio to upload the hex files, and you should not need to use the burner any more. Can I ask what is your native language? Maybe we can find another midiboxer who can help in your native tongue... hopefully that would be easier for you.. The wiki can be confusing even if you prefer english ;)
  2. That'd be sweet man, you've got a nice combo there too - do it!! :)
  3. The separate PSU thing is known to be somewhat dodgy... but it does work for some people. If it's possible to get a proper PSU for this it would probably help. In the meantime, i have a hunch that this 12V PSU is a PC switchmode PSU? I know they need some current draw to function normally, so perhaps this explains the drop when the faders start to work - it could change the 12V gnd (obviously it drops by ~0.4V), and seeing as it is linked to the 5V, trouble... I wonder if it would be possible for you to use the one 12V PSU (no 2nd PSU) and use it to power a fully stuffed core module. The components on the board will accept 12V (although a heatsink on the 7805 would be good!) and provide 5V power, and hopefully the components especially the big LCD(s) will provide enough draw to keep the PSU stable after initial power-on. Then you can connect the 12 direct from the PSU, to your MFs. Before trying this with the 12V connected to the MFs, you could try with them disconnected, to ensure that the firmware is working correctly and communicating with the host as intended. Not sure it'll work 100%, but it's worth a shot I reckon!
  4. Oops sorry I disappeared. Try virmidi on your linux box, as a loopback device... That'll help to figure out whether it's soundcard related or if it's a system thing (jack vs alsa vs oss/ config problem / etc)
  5. Sorry I missed that part :-[ I had note messages in my brain for some reason heh. What you might want to look into is an external I2C or SPI ADC. MIOS has functions to simplify usage of IIC so that would be the way I'd go personally, it makes the driver writing just a bit easier. I'm no expert on ADCs but I have heard that many of these have pretty ordinary SNR so those lower bits will be of dubious value. Maybe you'd want to go with 16. All the datasheets will have distortion and SNR specs you should check out when you select the device you want, they'll tell you how many of the specified bits are really useful. The trick you refer to with the jumps from the zeroed bits is usually an effect of masking out those lower bits. You can also average it out and other stuff but I'm inclined towards masking out the useless data, and if you have some overhead (16bit > 14bit) then you can use the full depth available. Obviously you're going to need a decent PSU for this too, and you might need to take digital noise into account when you design the board. From the MIOS perspective, you'll want to write a driver module, which you can do in C or ASM if you can (performance will be better). The MIOS32 driver would be in C, no need for ASM there in most cases. If you're writing that windows app in C, the code should port to MIOS 8 or 32 easily, otherwise you'd probably want to write it in C anyway. If your algorithm is free of division, the PIC should handle it fine, otherwise you might have issues... but as you know, a clever bitshift can go a long way ;) So yeh, I think the currently available core will do the job, but if you want to wait til it's ready, core32 probably won't hurt. Just last week there was some experimentation going on with the AINs, so although I'm sure they'll be functional, it might be too soon say anything definite about bit depth yet. It's not that there's any concern, just that it's just 'not ready yet' :) And anyway, the 12bit ADC probably won't be much help for your needs.
  6. If that's not a dodgy connection or dodgy part, it's almost surely a problem with ground connections. (Your hand being an antenna, as opposed to your hand being a mounting assistant) You are doing your testing with ONLY the core module connected right? No SID modules or anything?
  7. Sorry SSP I missed your later posts, my bad! The trimpots should only need to be set once, to get your particular model of screen to look 'right', and you do so with a small philips head screwdriver, so it's safe to mount those parts in the hard-to-get-to place, no need to make them external :)
  8. Can,t help asking... what do you need 14bit for? You're still sending 7 bit values right?
  9. No I haven't, but this situation is common on ebay. Paypal taking forever is also common... If you want to be guaranteed the package will arrive, you have to pay for insurance. Shipping internationally goods over a certain value has a rule attached to it that the seller *must* charge that insurance. Insured packages are always tracked. For items which are uninsured/untracked, you are leaving it up to luck, and can't blame the seller if it never arrives. You're lucky you got a refund at all. Ebay have a solid monopoly going, don't start to think that they care what you or anyone else thinks of them. :( The only thing in their interest is to make sure someone rich and powerful can't sue them. That's where it ends.
  10. First: Don't bother with JACK yet. It'll only make matters worse. JAVA does not support JACK (or even ALSA, grr), only OSS MIDI, and as such the two drivers will collide, with unpleasant results, such as server errors like the ones you saw - although that refers to the audio engine and I've never ever seen MIDI cause these errors.. more often than not, they just stop each other from working (resulting in lost messages). If you want to use MIOS Studio and JACK at the same time, you should use a loopback device. We can come back to that in some other post, but for now, just stop jack. That aside, once you have your system behaving, You can do this by using MIOS Studio. However, if you can't get it to loop back something as simple as MIDI notes, that's a real bad sign. Sysex is very unlikely to work, and even if it does, the device has proven unreliable. So let's wheel back: What MIDI Interface is this? Is it one from the blacklist by any chance? Now before I go on, I have to make something V E R Y C L E A R (to you and to any future readers who may read this). These procedures are meant for TESTING ONLY and should not need to be used unless some 'guru' around here tells you to do it. 'Smart mode' and 'Wait for upload request' should ALWAYS BE USED for MIOS hex file uploads. ALWAYS. Load up a hex file like normal. Temporarily and for testing purposes only (I hammer this point home with good reason) , turn off 'smart mode' and 'wait for upload request'. Hook up your loopback cable (PC MIDI Out to PC MIDI In). Make sure your MIOS Studio routing is correct. Send the hex file. It should be received as it is sent. Copy and paste the input and output windows into a text editor, search/replace so that you get a stream of bytes, save each file, and then diff the files (use 'meld' on linux, it's great!). If they aren't the same, please add your MIDI interface to our blacklist, get a refund, and buy one that works. Give that a shot and we'll move on.... Oh and slightly OT, the linux transition is a difficult one (for me, it was getting used to a new OS after ~25 years using windows and DOS) but it's well worth it, once you're a few months in you'll be very glad you did it. I'll be happy to help with it as much as I can :)
  11. Glad it helped :) Well don't hate on that seller too hard, stuff goes missing in the mail all the time. I don't know why it took 3 months to get the refund though, you should have had paypal take care of it long before that. TBH that is probably partly some trouble you had because you were new... but it'll get better :)
  12. Word man, I feel that pain. It is kinda satisfying to grit your teeth like "f*** you!" and whoop it's ass though. The finished product makes for some high quality payback :) Rock on!!
  13. If you want midibox CLCDs on ebay try my HD44780 Compatible eBay search search posted on the LCD page on the wiki :)
  14. We can't see the pic... It's in an area that needs you to login to windows live.
  15. Welcome aboard :) The router is cool as can be... But I do wonder: Why do you have to? You should be able to control it all in the chain. (if it's properly designed... I don't know your hardware, maybe there's a limitation)
  16. <cue theme music> When it's more than a truckload, When it's a metric f**kload... MIDIbox Haulpak. MBHP... oh wait, that name's taken :( Guess we'll have to stick to synths and sequencers :D
  17. Wiht a capital 'A' in the include filename, it returns this warning: ./16f/midibox.h:26:Warning [230] found lower case match for include filename Fortunately the assembler is smart enough to just use the (silghtly) incorrect filename, but it still builds that way... Still, I thought it best to avoid it, so I hope you don't mind that I made a change: #ifdef __16F877A #include <p16f877a.inc> #endif Note the lowercase 'a', I guess this is a difference between GPASM and MPASM. I have confirmed that all versions of GPASM use this lowercase variant designator. The necessary change in the makefile to enable this, is: midimerger_pic16f87x.hex: 16f/main.asm gpasm $< $(GPASM_FLAGS) -I ./16f -p 16f877a -o midimerger_pic16f87x.hex Note that although I have used the lowercase 'a' here, the assembler is smart again and will create the define with the capital A regardless of which case you use here, so midimerger_pic16f87x.hex: 16f/main.asm gpasm $< $(GPASM_FLAGS) -I ./16f -p 16f877A -o midimerger_pic16f87x.hex Also works. Anyway the hex: Thanks for testing!! :) midimerger_pic16f87x.hex midimerger_pic16f87x.hex
  18. Something like this old PC, I have failed to multitask properly, sorry! I've had this tab open in firefox but I opened too many other tabs and it scrolled off the side and i forgot... My bad! I'm doing it *right now*!
  19. LMAO! I don't usually go for lolcat crap, but that is prime. Unlike the video, I hope we won't senselessly scare you away at the end though ;)
  20. stryd_one


    Groovy, I didn't know about that, thanks for the linkage man :)
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