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Everything posted by moxi

  1. it's a great idea, but I think it's not elegant to ask many people to spend a lot of time on such a work to finally pay only one of them, all the other will be frustated :( ... sacha: so your choice is : C. a donation of 100 Euros to TK right?
  2. moxi

    64 or 64e

    I think it's more simple to build a MB64E, since this one orinaly support encoders and pots...
  3. Hi all of you, As you maybe know, I've founded last year an Organisation called "Sound & Breakfast", dedicated to promote Artists and support/help Non-commercial project such MIDIbox one (and mainly this one for the while)... This organisation is fully official, and registered here in France as "non-profit" organisation (Association Loi (law) 1901, the french guy will know what that mean)... So we can ask money for service/goods we provide, but this money have to be re-invested into this organisation to serve its purpose, in the same year to avoid too complicated count...(in other case, I would'nt need to ask you how to spend them!) You will find in this forum that I've started a production of lighted caps for butons, and, after one year, it appear that, selling this cap, we get back more money than the total cost of the needed materials. So, there is now about 110 Euros that must be spend for the MIDIbox community... This buck must go to a registerd member of this organisation (it's the law), participation to be a member have been fixed since the beggining to 7 Euros, so the one who will benefit of this money will have to pay this 7 Euros, so let say it's 100 Euros remaining. I open a poll to know what the best way to use this money: A. One gift of 100 Euros to buy parts at Smash TV or Mike shop for the best project submitted B. Two gift of 50 Euros to buy parts at Smash TV or Mike shop for the two best project submitted C. a donation of 100 Euros to TK D. a gift of 50 E (best project) and a donation of 50 E to TK E. a gift of 100 Euros to help the winner to pay a (schaeffer/other pro) front-panel (but here I have to find a way to be sure money won't be used to anything else..) what I think about what is a "best project" : original, fully documented, innovative, artistic... I think I will ask the help of old members here to decide. I don't want to advantage those who are the richest and so can do a "bigger/costly project", so many thing will be take to judge... Please let some space between your response to the poll (If someone could explain me how to put an automatic poll :( ) and your comments, to make me more easy to count.. I think this competition will run to the middle of the year (let say we close the fight at 30 June), to let you the time to prepare your project as well as possible... Thanks for your attention...
  4. it happen to me too that MIOS Studio lost the MIDI connection (i'm using a MIDIman 2*2 USB interface) have you edited the app (number of connected pot, butons...and most important to set J5 as Analog input for pot (as I remenmber MB64 is originaly configured to use Ain module instead of J5 as direct connection to the pots).. if you don't know how to configure/re-compile the app, follow the instructions on Ucapps...
  5. hi Artesia, i'm working on a MB filter, but let say mine is more simplest... my first project (i will scan my paper note and post them here, maybe you will find here some inspiration) was more ambitious: it was just a multimode filter based on cem chip and multimode filter from music from outer space, and using ssm2404 for routing...but price approximation make me go back to a more easier thing (and cause of my poor skill in prog', even if the first project was based on existing MB project: a mb64e that drive a MBCV...) let me the time to go to the studio then put all of that here... be carefull when using multiple audio input if you plan to mix the signals, cause some phase problem can appear and that can make your filter sounding bad ,as that appear when working with a lot of input on cheap analog mixer with poor EQ (sorry, I can explain more, i'm just technician, not engineer....) try the analog device "ssm2404", there are quite simple to implement (just 4 resistor by chip have to be added), and they're are really clickless (here the value of the resistor have to be adjusted depending oon your signal): I will create another thread to avoid confusion, and just put a link here...
  6. no! it's a great thing , imagine all army of the word with such a thing in the hand and some Synth in their package... Tioo-Tioo - you're dead! -ok!, I go back to home.........!
  7. have you done the MIDI troubleshooting? : http://www.ucapps.de/howto_debug_midi.html check the message in your MIOS Studio Input monitor and compare them to those in the MIDI troubleshooting pages maybe you can try first to upload the app Ain/Dout and Din not connected to the core. What I think: MIOS seems to be correctly uploaded, but something make it freezing as soon as it's initialized...maybe the problem come from your LTC module or some short on your led/buton interface? But not sure, it's better you wait for more comments...
  8. great news! I've ordered my lazertran directly from Lazertran Uk too..
  9. hi, I think you can realize your project just with a core, using j5 as digital input : http://www.ucapps.de/mios/j5_din_v1_3.zip http://www.ucapps.de/mios/j5_din.pdf quote from the main.asm file of the link above: now you just have to find some rock solid butons...search for "anti-vandalism" buton, those used on door interphone (hope this things is called like that in your langage ;)) all is already done...
  10. hi, that's normal, it's the upload requeqt that the bootstrap loader send.. seems like wrong upload (of mios or app) after the message "T.Klose....", your LCD must show "ready" to upload mios correctly the best way is to mark the case called "wait for upload request before starting upload" and "smart mode", then press start button and power on your box..But you seems to have done the mios upload right.. then you can upload ther app'. For the application, you have to uncheck the case "wait for upload request before starting upload", keep the smart option on and start the upload...
  11. hi, are you using the lazertran that match with you printer (there is a lazertran for inkjet printer and another one for laser printer), sorry if my question is too stupid! have you keep your lazertran dryin after the printing, or the problem appear as soon as your paper get out of the printer? from my side, i've used a HP inkjet printer (don't remember which one, a cheap one) and have no problem... have you try to select "normal" paper for your printer, so the printer don't put too much ink on the sheet? maybe it's better to ask directly Lazertran, this paper is not so cheap, so makin a lot of test is not the solution, I remember that I've been obliged to finish my seq panel with the two last sheet after doing some mistake (mainly cause the sheet was dammaged on one side by the package Lazetran use to send me the sheet..) I know, all that won't help you...sorry
  12. Ahm..sorry but my eyes are not the best :-[ :-[ i didn't seem them! all is ok!!
  13. moxi

    [X] fm chips

    :) trade done Stryd' ! check your PM!
  14. ok, thanks, I will try to work with the AND function, I was thinking first that value will be added together with this function...I do some test and keep you informed :)
  15. MTE: don't you plan to add the 4 buttons to select group directly?
  16. moxi

    [X] fm chips

    hi, I'm looking for the chips needed to build a MB FM (yac512 and YMF262). I've really no bucks this time, so I can trade an 2*20 LCD (standard green one) or/and some Smash TV bourns Encoders... or two max525 and one MAX6007B shunt, but for this maybe you will have to add something to keep the exchange right... I accept donation too ! ;) thanks.
  17. ...and here a quick view of the signal flow of this filter...more option will be added one time this will be workin fine.. I own an Oakley Filtrex 2 too, so maybe I will try to mix this two device in one, to be abble to choose between two type of filter (the Oakley one is really smooth -moog like- , the cem3378 is more "rough"...)
  18. Hi, I'm workin on a CV controled filter based on the "analog toolbox" app. what I want to do is to add for each CV output some butons to select the modulation source.. this part of the work is already done, I can now select which mod source is applied to the cv output (the eg, the lfo ...or the pot connected to the core... but instead of being obliged to choose between any digital mod source and the pot, I want the pot to be used as "offset", but I don't understand how to program to get two value "mixed" before sending them to the cv out : I don't want to add the two value, the pot have to set the max value that the mod source won't exceed...hope that's clear.. for the while, my prog look like that: I'm not sure that adding the two value into the app is the best way, I would prefer to simply add a pot that drive directly the cv intput of my filter (i.e. that will not be sampled by the core then converted back to analog) , but I'm not sure about the way to mix two cv signal without damaging my chip (a CEM 3378). I've seen somewhere that you can mix many CV using current limiting resistor, if someone know how to do that for my chip....
  19. part plutot sur les plans de la MB64E, (core + din (boutons) + ain (potars) + dout (led) et un LCD. Lit attentivement la page consacrée à la mb64E, tu y trouveras le nombre de chaque module qu'il te faut.. ...ce qu'il faut commencer par vérifier avant de te lancer dans quoi que ce soit, ça va pas être évident de trouver des potar facilement démontable et dont tu pourras échanger les pistes résistives sans les endommager (ceux-là on l'air démontable: http://www.gotronic.fr/catalog/passif/passif-frame.php?page_cible=potars1.htm (les "Potentiomètres doubles 6mm") mais ils sont un peu limite niveau qualité) sinon comment ça marche: vu qu'une piste de ton potar est assignée à ton circuit audio, en manipulant le potar, tu vas agir directement sur le son de ton EQ, et comme l'autre piste est connectée sur ta midibox, la MIDIbox va lors des manips envoyer la valeur correspondant à la position du potar en MIDI (valeur que tu pourras alors enregistrer sur une piste MIDI de ton séquenceur sur le pc). Tu pourras également sauvegarder la valeur des potar directement dans les banques de la midibox. Par contre pour rappeller les réglages tu seras obligé de programmer ton application (le programme dans la midibox) pour que celle-ci allume une led lorsqu'en tournant ton potar tu retombe sur la valeur sauvegardée dans la Midibox... ça risque vraiment d'être trés compliqué ( peut être plus que de faire comme dans l'ancien temps, où on reproduisait simplement sur une feuille de papier la façade d'un appareil, on faisait des photocopies et on marquait sur la photocopie la position des potars - je dit "on" mais, heureusement, je n'ai jamais connu cette époque! ;-)) Sinon c'est quoi le circuit que tu as fait? ça risque d'être plus simple de travailler avec des VCAs et une MIDIbox CV... et là , tu n'auras pas à remettre tous les potars à la bonne place manuellement...
  20. ... and you have to use the last version of MIOS studio, be sure it's the beta 7_4 that you're using..
  21. realy nice! just a hint: you can center the screen, check for that in your main.asm file: really nice...
  22. salut, et bienvenue... oui, avec les faders motorisés (MIDIbox LC), mais c'est les faders servent ici à emmetre des tensions de contrôle, pas à agir sur un circuit audio.. Pour faire ce que tu veux, il te faut travailler avec des VCAs (c'est à dire modifier les circuits de ton EQ), que tu pourras piloter à partir de l'appli "MIDIbox CV. Tu peux sinon tenter d'utiliser des potentiomètres stéréo, dont une piste est utilisée par ton circuit audio et la seconde par la midibox (comme ça si tu tournes un potar, ça agit sur ton circuit audio et simultanément ça envoie à la MIDIbox une valeur qui correspond à ton changement). Contrainte: la MIDIbox utilise des potar 10K linéaire, il faut donc que ton circuit utilise des potars de même valeur (ce qui ne doit pas être le cas vu qu'en audio c'est souvent des potar log). Une ruse pourrait être de te procurer des potars doubles de 10K linéaire ET des potars de la valeur de ton circuit qui soit démontable et d'en faire des potars "hybride", c'est pas gagné... Contrainte 2: la MIDIbox n'est pas prévue pour des potars motorisés (moteur trop lent), donc tu ne pourras pas actualiser la valeur de ton EQ depuis ta MIDIbox, la ruse consisterais à instaler une led à chaque potars qui s'allumerait lorsque tu remets manuellement le potar sur la valeur enregistrée... quoi qu'il en soit c'est vraiment beaucoup de boulot.... je te conseillerais plutot de construire par exemple ça: http://www.musicfromouterspace.com/analogsynth/STATEVARVCFFEB2006/STATEVARVCFFEB2006.html et de le piloter depuis une MIDIbox CV...
  23. hi, you don't need to hook up anithing to make your pic workin right. MIOS seems to be not installed correctly first, use the "wait for upload request" and smart mode to upload the MIOS (turn off your core, click on the "start" buton, then turn on your core, the upload of MIOS will begin. one time it's finished you should see on your screen "MIOS 1.9c ready" then turn off the "wait for upload request", then start the upload of your app... hope that will help... ;)
  24. hi, CV means Control Voltage VCF means Voltage Controlled Filter (so the VCF input is a CV input that drive the filter frequency) VCO means VCA means Voltage Controlled Amplifier, so a VCA is a circuit with one input for your audio signal (and one output, of course) and another input on which you can apply a voltage to drive the amount of gain that will be applied to your audio signal no, Gate signal are simple pulse, CV are continuous voltage.. a MIDI to CV converter simply transform the digital signal comin from an MIDI device into an analog signal.. The MIDIbox CV does that well...but As we can see, your Juno only support a CV for the filter freq...so if you want to drive the pitch (note) and the gate, you will be obliged to open your device, then do mods in the circuits...hard work... But to trigg the note (gate), i think that could be done more easyly, as your juno have a keyboard, take a look to the thread here about Organ midification.. what is written above the input between "pedal hold" and "analog(?) clok in" , what I read is "pitch shift" but i'm not sure...maybe it is an input to drive the Pitch with a CV...
  25. you can try to send note OFF messages for all note, maybe with a loop that increment the note number until all are Off...I think it's what is done in the seq, but only for notes who are enabled...
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