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Everything posted by Altitude

  1. The whole concept, there is a ton of wiring tiny ass wires to tiny ass parts. You need LEDS with leads like this: , ones with solder pads wont work. I cant find pics of mine but here is Wilba's
  2. 3 SMD leds epoxied to the base of each encoder then wired together in series like a big spider net. I have a dimmer on mine to control the brightness, wilba used a resistor. Not for the faint of heart.
  3. My $0.02: Someone outside of Europe should run this so we dont pay VAT. I didn't pay any duties last time I ran this..
  4. Yep, 50 transparent for me as well. Cant go wrong with backlit knobs:
  5. Since the case is hold right now, my seq work has been bumped to the end of the queue but, yes, I do plan on running some boards next time I am making circuit boards (this month for sure).
  6. it would probably cost the same to just get a pic programmer and do it yourself.. I use one of these: http://cgi.ebay.com/iCA01-USB-Microchip-PIC-Programmer-Set-ICSP-Adapter-/270668816624?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f051e60f0
  7. so what's that conspicuously placed device in the background there :drool:
  8. Here is what I did: JLcooper CS-10 Mac (RS-422) control surface (8 faders, transport, jog wheel, everything soft assignable) :$20 abandonware Midibox GM5 USB-midi 1x1 interface: $20 MOTU RS422 Mac Midi interface :$7 Result: Steinberg native supported control surface for less than $50 with USB
  9. I've looked. No luck. I'm pretty sure they are made by magical elves in the Black Forest somewhere and exclusive to Deutschland. Slick design though, should talk to FPE about it.
  10. Who said that the cases come with a FP? If that is the case, we can just ship those to FPE and save another bundle
  11. I could get them screened way cheaper if that is what everyone wants. I have the place that I use for my x0xb0xes and they are both inexpensive and very good quality wise. It would come out to around $13 ea to get them screened (2 colors) and that would drop the price of the panel to $138 (10-19 pcs). We could also add whatever graphics wise (lines etc) And yes, the "matching case" portion of that bulk order is not active. Doug has more than enough on his plate right now and TK's is pretty much ready to go. As far as the back panel goes, everyone's will likely be different but if we can get a consensus and standardize on one design, we could get those as well.
  12. Dont get me wrong, I appreciate the offer but I can get these done at FPE at $160 a pop with the threaded blinds, not have to pay any sales tax, and have them shipped for ~$10 so it would have to be a sweet deal to get them done overseas..
  13. If you can do the blind holes and ship it for less than $10 then we will talk
  14. Sure. Good point Prices on those range from $56-96 USD at mouser. The ones at the top are $84-110 USD
  15. These? They do look nice but the metal looks pretty thin so no engraving..
  16. http://www.hammondmfg.com/HWCHAS.htm This has midibox waiting to happen to it:
  17. Whe're rocking now.. 10 more and that will be $140 each..
  18. Looks like there is enough interest to warrant a wiki page, you know the drill: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=mbseq_panel_gb
  19. This is for Wilba's seq PCB board There is an open ended waitlist for the PCB, here is the thread: and the bulk order page: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/wilba_mb_seq_pcb_bulk_order
  20. I'm just trying to gauge if there is any interest, no need for a wiki page yet
  21. I have decided not to pursue this route so this is canceled. If anyone is interested in a case, please post here:
  22. How is this wired up? Those losses do look a little high..
  23. Well, for one thing a single tap of a 6VAC trafo will not be enough to drive a 7805 vReg. The general formula for DC out from full wave rectified circuit is: VAC out of trafo - 1.4 (the voltage drop across 2 diodes) x 1.414 (peak voltage from VAC RMS value). For a 6VAC trafo, that is not enough ,you need over 2V difference between the input and output voltage of a vReg. You are only seeing 8VAC out because there is no load.. Here is a good explanation: http://www.electronics-tutorials.com/basics/power-supply.htm
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