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Everything posted by Altitude

  1. SS: Good point about the board size nILS: Define "weird angles". I can get rid of the traces between the pins without any major changes but the isolate is a big as I can make it before I start getting into problems with the ground plane, what should I have it at ideally?. I also use the "drill assistant" ULP so the final product will have that layer added. Thanks for the input.
  2. interesting. I have had my eye one these for a while: http://www.dimensionengineering.com/DE-SW050.htm but that definitely trumps it on price. Would be nice for my MB808 which has to burn off 10V on the 7805
  3. hehe. left is in the eye of the beholder :) How's this?
  4. Ok, Here is the revision. No jumpers IIC order changed holes changed DIN7 connector added
  5. Thanks TK, just the input I was looking for. 5th socket for the BLM connector: is there a diagram for the wiring? Also, if I read your comment correctly, I can clamp the 5V rail directly to pins 12/13 with no 10K for a no jumper board? (I was wonder about this before laying this out).. When you say 20mm between mounting holes and "socket side" at least, you are referring to the clearance for the profile in the case correct?
  6. Additional midi inputs are not supported on Seq4 atm. This is out only
  7. **edited This is the latest version for the Kobiconn DIN8 connector available at mouser and reichelt. Previous versions removed. Pinswap fixed
  8. bf beat me to it. That was my question also, shipping to the states..
  9. got it. Didn't see the slots initially. So the extrusion is 1mm deep 1mm thick? I have been holding off on ordering my front panel..
  10. Very Nice! Will this include the bottom panel? Also, how are the panels (top, rear, bottom) attached to the frame?
  11. Sounds like a job for the good ol midifilter! http://ucapps.de/midifilter_16f.html. You can run this on batteries but the pic16 will probably be too much for bus power (but dont quote me on that!)
  12. no not yet. It is not something specific to the file since both you and smash are using it. However, I tried to open the hex file in another (PICprog) software suite and it also threw up an error saying that there was a error in line one related to a wrong length. I am stumped
  13. So I am testing the new PICkit2 burner that I just received and it works fine with everything I have thrown at it (18F4620, 12F629, 18F452 using MBHP and other hex files) except for the IIC firmware contained in the mbhp_iic_midi_v1_0c.zip, it will not load the file stating "error reading file". If I make a new hex, I get a warning about "some configuration words not in hex file, ensure default values above are correct" (USER IDS:FF FF FF FF Checksum:1F50 Configuration: 14FE 0003) but it flashes the uC just fine. Is the hex file in the zip bad or is something else going on that I am missing? *edit* I also get an error when loading the hex file in P18.. *edit* I caught smash in the chat and he tested what was in the zip and that looks fine so something is happening to the hex file. Using latest stable 7zip (checked with winrar also) and checked this on a older win2k machine and my 7 64bit machine with same results..
  14. If anyone is interested, I did up a FPE file for the SDcard PCB. I used these mounting brackets: http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Keystone-Electronics/616/?qs=TMDrOSIpnUcl1d%2fTSUe7rw%3d%3d but you may want to adjust the height to whichever you wish to use. Either way, the slot is about 0.5mm to the left of center looking into it for it to center on the card.. http://midiot.net/MB_SDCARD_Slot.fpd
  15. For the US/UK crowd More on those British LRC 10 nF Polystyrene (aka sytroflex) caps: http://www.newark.com/lcr-components/fscex-10000pf-1-63v/capacitor-polystyrene-0-01uf-63v/dp/97K0250 Size wise they are thinner (5mm diameter vs 10mm) than the xicon so they will fit perfect width wise. They are also 1% vs 5%. These are available at Newark (US) and Farnell (UK)
  16. Oop. one more question, for the SDCARD, what is the distance between centers of the mounting holes in the PCB?
  17. Altitude

    New Server

    It's been spotty here also. Today seems fine but had some pretty seriously long load times yesterday
  18. Solution: Replace GM5 New GM5 problems disappeared. Looks like the chip quick gets the chip really hot and I must have fried it..
  19. i'd consider getting creative with MTC or midi clock and using that instead
  20. I was acutally thinking the double layer cardboard at ponoko the holes are 5mm in the buttons so no help there for alignment
  21. I am actually planning on laying out and etching some boards with 4 IIC out channels. Dont know anything about the fore-mentioned hack, but going to 8 would be fairly trivial.
  22. Good to know, I had them figured at 8mm diameter. I'll go with the LRC parts anyway since they are very nice 1% tolerance parts and I can get them doestically..
  23. The TL072 is a super common op amp, just look for a different manufacture or a better spec'd chip (595-TL072ACP or BCP). I have a whole tube of the BCP parts so if you need those, let me know. LM13700 are available from futurlec (and I have a few of those too). If you order from futurlec know 2 things: a) order as much as u can, their prices are dirt cheap for just about everything so stock up on alpha pots, headers, crimp pins, whatever. b) they come out of Thailand so it will take several weeks to get your parts. I'm actually glad I looked up the LRC caps at newark since the radial ones I have (the square ones) wont fit on the SSM PCB but the axial ones that Newark stocks domestically are only 5mm in diameter which most definitely will fit and are acutally smaller and better spec'd than the styroflex parts
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