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Everything posted by julienvoirin

  1. Dear Boxers i need your help for an Akai device (not midibox but I am sure there are experts here) The Pads on my MPC2500 do not respond to pressure anymore as they would be dead. Pads are done the following : sandwich = grey rubbers (upper layer) lying on FSR sensors (2nd layer) glued to a piece of metal (the lower layer) The rubbers are fine. FSR sensors are organised as a matrix. there are 4 inputs and 16 outputs (1x4 + 1x4 + .. +1x4). A 20 wires flat ribbon cable goes to a decoder and the datae are then transmitted to the MCU of the MPC. The ribbon cable is plugged to a connector with 20 pins. I bypassed the FSR matrix using a wire to connect the in/out appropriated Pad terminals ; doing so i tested that all 16 crosspoints were OK in order to test the decoder. From this test I can certify that the decoder is working (it well indicates the good "pressed" pad) The problem is more in the FSR or the ribbon cable. I more or less tested continuity of the ribbon cable : each wire is protected by a plastic film , so i had to use a pin to get the contact between the multimeter and the wire . It was rather complicated but ribbon cable should be OK FSR seems dead. Does anybody have an idea about that ? Thanks for your help and advices JV
  2. hi twinx what tones are good ? shipping for France? what are the differences between v5 and V6 of the ml303 ? what drums ??? isn't it a bassline ? is there a frontpanel included in your sets ? what clone is it ? Best regards
  3. impossible : there isn't really enough space into. more over it is very complicated to design a smaller PCB than the existing one !! BTW consider this : SID are producing heat, lots of heat wo you need some air inside the case or they will burn Wilba introduced the fan into his design for this reason Switch to another case or design a 2U/3U rack
  4. julienvoirin


    more pics please and macro :console:
  5. julienvoirin


    So perfect ! congrats :thumbsup:
  6. au fait ! conso du pic seul : sans LCD 58 mA coupe le backlight du lcd (un simple inverseur sur le fil Kathode) et tu sauves 300 à 400 mA je te rappelle que la lgr max des cables midi est fixé par la norme à 7m. ceux de 10m marche généralement. plus long ... à tester (interferences sur scène ?)
  7. bienvenu ! faisable FAUX il te faut effectivement le core, le module AIN si tu as plus que 8 potards, du DIN et du DOUT. Etant un gros radin, je te conseille la solution "scan matrix" afin d'utiliser le moins possible de registres à décalage( logiquement tu devrais n'avoir qu'un 74HC165 et qu'un 595 pour reconnaitre 64 boutons (25+40 = ... ça tombe bien !) il n'y a pas de "module" LCD. je te conseille juste un grand ecran (genre 4x20 sur ebay china ça coute que dalle) afin de faire le development et d'afficher tout plein d'infos oui FAUX. j'ai adapté pour reboot le code scan matrix (fouille dans mes posts) à destination d'un clavier yamaha de dx100 (c'est grosso modo le meme) J 3,5cm de haut. sinon format eurocard (100x80) très bien si ton code est bon ça ne plantera jamais. le mios est solide auj
  8. it is really cheaper to get an already made (Neutrik, Behringer) and add the Sum circuits you need inside
  9. patch : cheap, easy, visual (get short coloured cords), no supply
  10. thanks widdly ! exactly the kind of reply i expected
  11. very very nice :thumbsup: try to change luminance (50K) trimmer imho for your dim problm have you though to 7805 getting too hot and then not delivering enough power ?
  12. MISO MOSI for thoses who knows .. edit file for your needs with textedit, save and copy it to the root of SD Card there are some folders to add : /sessions /backup /sysex keep an eyes on the walkthrough and it must be formatted in DOS (fat16)
  13. check that every encoder and switch has at least +5V at one pin, that every LED is connected to ground for its small lead (anode) and not very sure that a DIN can be connected to a DOUT. You need to do an Y cable from the corefalse a DIN can connect a DOUT (at least for R5) did you swap the shift registers ?
  14. yep Gnd is gnd, 5V is 5V. that's all. You are correct I remember that some DIN modules of Smash TV (R3 ?) were false on their labels for D0 ... D7. Check his "datasheet"
  15. if you followed TK basic design you don't need sdcard to test. the card is just used to store patterns or sessions for example. TK basic design : buttons http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq/mbseq_v3_din.pdf leds http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq/mbseq_v3_dout.pdf
  16. mastomo had similar problems it was bad wiring : continue to check using bipbip :thumbsup: (continuity of ground / 5V lines + no short circuits) be sure about your wiring and hwcfg.v4 file do you use a matrix like wilba or not ?
  17. as synthy, test without sd card if you got the initial settings also test (multimeter bipbip mode) that S1/S0 of J8/9 go were they are supposed to.
  18. yes and no ah interesting ! my idea was more to use something like a custom midibox 64 with AOUT_NG moduleS integrated especially, i am curious about the calibrating of the various CV as i noticed that not all modules were working with CV=0 ; 12V (e.g doepfer ask for (0 ; +5V) on a CV input my idea is also to ask what need to be "cabled" on this Doepfer Synth and what doesn"t (if i well understood, CV123=CV4 on the VCO ) i am also interested by a modulation matrix in hardware, so what solution : relays ? everything should be small in order to fit a very small Casiotone i found in a garbage (50cm x 5cm x 10 cm) the general idea is to have a complete analog solution for the audio and a complete digital solution as control (analog synth midi controlled)
  19. Dear Boxers Does anybody has though to design a basic synth, completly controlled by a custom (or not) application using midibox modules (AOUT_NG, 4066, relay, etc) ? I was thinking to design a VCO module after testing Seppoman SSM2044 module (it sounds great !) and was looking to ADSR and LFO solutions but i discovered the Doepfer DIY synth : http://www.doepfer.de/DIY_Synth_e.htm
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