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Everything posted by sineSurfer

  1. Hi TK, quick question: will we be able to use MIDIbox NG with a SMT32 core?, just found out I have a spare one, while looking for the gm5 pcb hehee. Laters!
  2. The queue is replenished for this year,whee!

    1. jojjelito


      My backlog will last a lifetime :D

  3. Whee, danke TK!, now the lonely mini pcb will get some love
  4. Hi shimoda, thanks a lot!, yes it could work as rosh suggests to skip shipping twice. As I already have a spare mini pcb, I'm ok with 1 chip if you don't mind. Laters!
  5. hey tb, here are my diy rack cases: and: what do I win again? did I just hear "one gm5 chip"? cool :D
  6. Hi there and... arrrrgh!, I missed the chip bulk order for a couple of days, is there anybody buying more chips than needed who could let me buy one? Thanks!
  7. Nice one TK!, had a quick look at the wiring schemes but couldn't figure out, will this work ok with a 2 octaves fatar keyboard? Maybe I'll just need the LPC17 as I already built a 1 DIN + 1 DOUT for a pic core (but couldn't get the code working back then). Laters, Freddy
  8. sineSurfer


    Nice work eptheca! a Norwegian cousin for my stereo SID hehee
  9. Just downloaded the svn files again and compiled the seq with iOS 4.2, all ok. Any updates on the midi connection kit front TK? Btw, just in case anyone else hates white icons, "proper" Default screen + app icons: MIDIbox_ipad_default-icons.zip Laters!
  10. needs to go back to work on the queue

  11. Hi echoer, after burning other LCD I went with this green text/black bg LCD, looks really good. mouser #: 805-51847NFQJLGACN
  12. No external psu on the 4x4 so yes, it would need a usb hub in between But the gm5x5x5 worked just fine bus powered by the iPad so no need to use the psu ;) I'll have to try this too!
  13. Ouch, I forgot the smilie at the end of my sentence, there you go: And yeah, no DOG lcd is good, teach the german... now don't be shy and sow the whole thingie, no moar teasing! (edited for kb dyslexia)
  14. cheap? Are you talking about the prototype I built Wilba?
  15. Update on the iPad + MIDI front: Last weekend I tested the iPad with iOS 4.2 + iPad Camera Connection Kit+ midi monitor app + gm5x5x5, and... IT WORKED!!! , ok... just tested moving things on the app, the gm5x5x5 leds shine away like a christmas tree, I'll have to test midi input too later. (tried also with a m-audio midisport 4x4, no go) But somehow the last time I tried to compile mbSEQ I couldn't (like a month ago) so I don't know if it will work without any further modifications, have you tested this TK?
  16. Que tal Cristian, puedes revisar esto: que los cables midi funcionen y estén conectados correctamente(la mayoría de las veces resulta que el problema está aquí) que tu interfase midi no sea alguna de estas: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midi_interface_blacklist&s[]=midi&s[]=interfaces si una una vez descartado esto sigues atorado, podemos explorar otras soluciones Saludos!
  17. so... mbSEQ hardware or mbSEQ in iPad as Logic controller?
  18. Don't forget to add a good heat sink to the 7805 if going with 9VAC
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