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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. This is effectively like a MIDI thru port; using the IIC modules will give you the benefits of more channels, less configuration required, lower latency etc. How many do you require? Are you aware of the Quad-IIC board available at SmashTV's shop?
  2. No worries, it's outmoded hardware anyway :tongue: Hopefully I can come up with something to work with my board layout.
  3. Thanks TK, but I seem to be getting conflicting advice. What does the setting "J5_ENABLED 2" actually do then?
  4. I have 10k resistor networks connected to each gate and DIN sync, and the common pin is showing +5V. In the HW file I have J5_ENABLED 2 But I only see around 3.7 V for each gate. Any suggestions?
  5. Glad that you're okay! It's hard to imagine so much damage being done in so little time... Wishing you the best, Andy
  6. Cheers, and what step-up converter was used? Many thanks
  7. Sexy stuff! What power supply are you using and did you use an internal SD card only?
  8. I think that we're over the 8 boards that I have available, but there's always the possibility that people back out etc. I am currently waiting on a bit of advice with regard to level-shifting the gates from the STM32 core, I'd rather not fry my pins :) I'm happy to organise another run if there is demand for one.
  9. My plan, unless anybody tells me otherwise (please do if this sounds stupid) is to solder 220 ohm resistor arrays to the core32 pcb in order to achieve the +5 V signals. Will this work with all outputs, including the 8 gates, MIDI I/O 3 and DIN sync start/clock? Or do these pins also require setting to open drain mode? Thanks, EDIT: or is 1k or 10k more appropriate? There is a +5 V rail running very close to J5A/B/C
  10. And dare I ask, in what situations would one use open drain mode?
  11. Just because I have things soldered already :smile: I was hoping for switchable gain between +5 V and something arbitrary like +12 V, but like you say I can just fiddle with the feedback resistors to tailor the gain level. Many thanks and greetings, Andy Edit: the gates should be enabled, but not in open drain mode, correct? J5_ENABLED 1
  12. Yes, this makes sense. Apologies, I did see this note but wanted to avoid the 74HC541 because I am already buffering the gates with my break out board: I wonder what is the best way to proceed while still using the board that I have. Do you think the buffers here would offer sufficient protection to simply use pull up resistors like I thought? Or would it be better to make use of a trimmer pot to have more control over the gain?
  13. This might be a simple question but I don't see it documented anywhere. I want to use the +5 V gates, do I simply connect the gate output to Vdd via a 220 ohm resistor? From the Core 32 schematic these are normally set for 3.3V, correct?
  14. After a few chores I managed to make all of the connections to the SEQ today. Everything fits, although I did have to shave down the SIL headers for the 15 mm clearance below the AOUT_NG. I'm off for a week tomorrow, so you'll have to "watch this space" :)
  15. Okay, we can use this as an unofficial waiting list. I would like to test and document the boards first though. Just finding the time as usual... but Thursday is a holiday for me!
  16. Badass, great job. National colours too :thumbsup:
  17. Is it possible to map an extra parameter on the y axis? :rolleyes:
  18. I'm interested in whether this is planned as a) an add-on for the SEQ (new box), b) an integrated solution in the same case, or c) an iPad/tablet controller. The latter would be neat as you could switch between this and the BLM.
  19. Hello, and welcome to the forum. You have some good ideas for expansion of the SEQ concept but I am not sure exactly how you would go about implementing them. The parts kit for the Quad IIC is not as extensive for the SEQ, and there is no waiting list for this or the SEQ PCB as far as I know. LCDs can range from cheap and generic to quite expensive; you should check the backlight polarity and interface type (Hitachi HD44780) before ordering. It should be no trouble to build a simple control surface expansion on veroboard or even a custom PCB. There is a chain connection for additional shift registers on the main board which you can connect DIN and DOUT modules to in order to scan extra buttons or LEDs. Keep in mind that without (semi-complicated) matrix wiring the maximum number of inputs/outputs is 32 per module, you have 34 buttons in your design. The panel could be easily remodelled for the extra functions. The case is always more work than the panel, it is worth trying to locate this part first. The software side is where it gets tricky. I wouldn't expect anyone (TK) to program these changes for you as it is a single use-case feature set. It is also unlikely that everything can be run on the same core module due to memory considerations; additional routines may affect the timing performance. In my opinion, your best bet would be to use a keyboard program running on a separate core, even an 8-bit one. Then you can forward the MIDI into the SEQ for note editing. The SEQ does have a step-edit (303ish) mode, but I think what you are describing is a different application, and one which you would have to program yourself. The current interface is very powerful and there are many layers for accents and so on. Notes can be added with a standard MIDI keyboard. It is great that you are thinking about something different and applicable to you, but if you say that this is your first project I suggest that you start with a basic SEQ build and see how that goes first. It would be possible to build an expansion later if you found the current interface too limiting.
  20. Everything soldered but yet to test with the SEQ.
  21. I am yet to try this, but perhaps the usage could be changed to: hold the ALL button, select two GP buttons, moving the corresponding step encoder will start the ramp fill. There could be a problem if you used steps outside 1-16 though. [just thinking out loud]
  22. The Cirklon has this functionality, I don't own one or the code though!
  23. The above layout had a few errors including mislabelling of the +/-15V supply and a wrongly routed trace around R2/3D. These were spotted before fabrication.
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