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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. Here is a different approach: inverting amp followed by an inverting mixer/unity gain buffer with switchable +5V offset Two more op amps but probably a better design decision. A positive/negative voltage swing is often used to sweep above and below a set control e.g. an LFO modulating a filter frequency. As the new MBCV application will generate LFOs I think full scale CVs are still widely applicable.
  2. There was the option of more gates (at least in V3) but I think CV is limited to 8 outs. I was wondering whether you could clock a second AOUT module for another 8 channels, it's possible in theory but I'm not sure about the programming side. You could always build a second one! The analogue inputs are used as gate outputs in the current setup. There is a tap tempo function however...
  3. Whoops! This has the correct inverting amps!
  4. Thanks for the schem! I have added some filtering for the PSU (10 ohm resistors) and changed the trimming circuit. It's based on a design from http://www.bartonmusicalcircuits.com/dnq/ and uses an inverting amp stage (with additional low pass filtering, the idea of Seppoman) and a switchable offset/unity gain inverting mixer. Some connectors need changing, but this will be done in conjunction with the other board layout. If somebody with a scope could measure the frequency of any digital noise/glitches that would help me design the LPF. Should the DOUT chain perhaps be terminated to stabilise operation? EDIT: I had the op amp inputs reversed, fixed now :)
  5. Possibly relevant for you: I have in mind an idea to create a Eurorack version of AOUT_NG The connection from the SEQ would be buffered/level shifted gates, () DIN sync and clock, and a buffered J19 line through a DB-25 cable. The Eurorack module would receive power from the +12/-12 V supply, powering a re-routed AOUT board. CVs would be passed to another board stacked on top containing 3.5 mm jacks.
  6. The original kits for sammichFM were AUD200, so 4x 6482 is quite a good deal price wise. When you say "new" what do you mean? From Wilba's sales or another NOS supplier?
  7. With regard to AIN, I think these are used for the gate outputs at the moment.
  8. That's about it :) I have some questions if you could: How are you powering the AOUT_NG board? If it's from the Eurorack power buss do you have any issues with digital noise crossover? Do you find the DB-25 connector intrusive in any way? Thanks for stopping by!
  9. http://www.analog.com/library/analogDialogue/Anniversary/2.html AD tips on gain and offset controls
  10. Bumping this topic. As I am interested in re-routing the AOUT_NG board I would like to rectify this issue at the same time. An ideal situation would have unipolar mode from 0 to 10 V and bipolar as -5 to +5 V. What can be done? Should the offset control also include a buffer stage?
  11. I would like to re-route the AOUT_NG board for use in Eurorack systems. I imagine two stacked boards with a final panel of 6-8 HP. The first contains PCB-mount 3.5mm sockets for CV 1-8, Gate 1-8 and DIN SYNC. I don't there's room for proper 5-pin DIN sockets. A DB-25 connector would be used to bring gates, DIN-sync and J19 from e.g. a MB-SEQ or a standalone Core for MIDIBox CV. I would think about simple emitter follower/common collector circuits to indicate "Gate On" states. LEDs could also be useful for CV indication, especially in negative mode. The second board would be a clone of the current AOUT_NG circuit (assuming that this is okay) except fitting onto a rectangular PCB. The power would come from the Eurorack buss, and would probably need extra filtering and/or optoisolation to keep digital noise out of the rails. Either sandwich-style or DIL connectors would bridge the two boards. The benefits I can see are: easier power requirements for a MB-SEQ and a more useful layout of connectors for patching as part of a modular system. I already have a DB-25 breakout board that buffers and level shifts gates inside the SEQ enclosure. Anyway, just a diving off point for further discussion. I firstly need a copy of the .sch file for the AOUT circuit, otherwise I will have to translate it from the .pdf diagram. I did try to contact Seppoman but he doesn't seem to visit here much any more.
  12. Does anyone have the .sch file for AOUT_NG? I'd like to make a stacked Eurorack module with sockets on one board and the AOUT_NG on another. Tx,

  13. Went to the N/O/D/E synth meeting in Lausanne yesterday. New Mutable modules look very cool!

  14. Went to the cool N/O/D/E synth meeting in Lausanne yesterday. New Mutable modules look very cool!

  15. Also, is the computer supplied by the same wall outlet as the audio system? FWIW, I got very good results with no ground loops with my RME Fireface 800 as an expensive "soundcard". Although the converters are excellent, I wouldn't recommend going with this though. Firewire is notoriously difficult to configure, especially on PCs and even more so on laptops. There is apparently a magical TI chipset that avoids DMA conflicts but production has since moved onto different hardware. The results are very poor quality audio with many dropouts if you get it wrong. Does anyone know of a good USB3 or other interface?
  16. Software side is very easy, everything goes across MIDI over USB and the chips can be flashed without any extra programmers etc. http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_download.html It's then a simple process of choosing the correct application and keeping up with TK's constant updates! You may also need an SD card PCB, these are currently not available from AVIShowtech (SmashTV/Tim) but can be found on eBay and Sparkfun.
  17. :smile: It's from days gone by where everything was Moog and Space Echoes! I've since moved on but kept the moniker. OP: SEQ V4 Lite is probably the simplest project to get going on, so if you can solder a few LEDs and switches you're halfway there already.
  18. Hi, check out http://avishowtech.com/buy for the PCB, I think you have to source your own switches and LEDs though. Best of luck!
  19. I think the pinout is different to start with, so you would need a custom cable or connector. Isn't the protocol completely different from MIDI also? Perhaps do a search for DMX on this forum, surely people have tried in the past but not with a 32-bit core.
  20. Je pense qui les pots analogue motoriser sont chaque fois contrôlée digitalement. Donc tu vais besoin d'utiliser un PIC ou quelque chose similaire. Tu peux à regarder le module "MF_NG" pour les idees: http://www.midibox-shop.com/mf_NG.html http://ucapps.de/mbhp_mf_ng.html
  21. Could take one or two, if they indeed work correctly.
  22. latigid on

    All together now

    Quite strange sockets; any reason for this?
  23. Might have to block status updates, they're going crazy over there
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