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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. Usually they will waive the shipping once you get over a certain amount. Is there anything else that you need?
  2. No, I don't think it will work, unless this is an equivalent controller to the Hitachi HD44780 one.
  3. Great, can't wait! :smile: One thing though: why are the "Paypal fees" different if your base currency is not Euro? You will still be paid in Euros and the currency conversion will be covered by the buyers. Others might also have currency prepaid on their accounts.
  4. From Mouser there are 0.5W and 1W solutions for 10,39 and 18,26€ respectively. 70 kHz switching frequency, which I would hope to be high enough to avoid problems, but I'm not sure! The Recom unit seems to have a higher switching frequency of 100 kHz or more, so it is probably better in that regard. http://eu.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Murata-Power-Solutions/NMJ0512SC/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMtwaiKVUtQsNdN9l48nzt7a%252bz8taXcceL0%3d http://eu.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Murata-Power-Solutions/NMS0512C/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMtwaiKVUtQsNcW9zb9tavYg9JdPS%252b2oOa4%3d http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/281/kdc_nmj-19483.pdf
  5. Just in case weren't finished... has anybody considered using a charge pump (i.e. a DC-DC step up converter) or similar to power the AOUT board? We're talking 20 mA max for 2x TL074.
  6. More info please, project and core type? What is the cable length and is the shift register functioning properly?
  7. Hi, sorry to hijack, but your encoders are more expensive than Pollin http://www.pollin.de/shop/dt/MDY2OTU3OTk-/Bauelemente_Bauteile/Passive_Bauelemente/Potis_Trimmer_Encoder/Encoder_ALPS_EC11E15244BY.html
  8. Is the optocoupler installed? With the correct polarity? "If MIDI In not working, blame this part"
  9. Off to see Ander and his mothership on Saturday: http://presenceselectroniques.ch/artist/20 If you are in or around Genève I suggest that you go also!

  10. Hi, are the device IDs set correctly (that is, if you are using 8-bit cores)?
  11. Picked mine up from la poste today. Who knows why, but they were routed through Zürich, thus they are well travelled (double the distance from Montpellier!). Many thanks, I hope to build something nice with them, someday.
  12. Do you receive quantity discounts on amounts like 100/250/1000 knobs or so? Or is the pricing fixed? Cheers for your work :)
  13. Interested in a black datawheel knob for MBSEQ, I am wondering if you will get price breaks for the Waldorfs?
  14. I received two SEQ windows from freddy the other day. They look great, thanks! This means there are two left for anyone who needs them.
  15. Hmm, 3 mm LEDs don't fit into SEQ front panel... :(

    1. Lamouette


      Strange ? mine fit perfectly !

    2. latigid on

      latigid on

      This panel is a few years old now, a drill will fix it. Perhaps the newer ones are better? Not ideal for a £100 job though...

  16. latigid on

    Frontpanel 6

    Wow, epic panel!
  17. Thanks, I did read this. I have a slightly different use-case perhaps as I will use an STM-32 core with a Seppoman MBETH module. So, an internal ethernet cable for me then! Maybe I can extend the antenna outside ;)
  18. I was pondering over the weekend whether it would be possible to convert the OSC/ethernet signal the SEQ generates directly to wireless. If I ever go down the tablet route, I would like to avoid cables completely. So from what I read, it seems like the thing to do would be to basically mount a WiFi router inside the case. I have seen some fairly cheap PCBs which fit this purpose. Am I crazy or is this feasible? Andy
  19. It could be the light, but try touching up the joints on pins 15 and 16 of the DIL-40 socket. Preferably with the PIC removed! I will sound like nILS, but: offsite doco = bad! Please upload your pictures to the forum.
  20. With no bank stick inserted, the default Rhodes Piano patch is loaded, can you test this?
  21. Do you think it's a problem with the optocoupler? And did you check that you are using the sammichFM config file, not one of the others?
  22. Great, but what if want to order more than 20 PCBs?
  23. Soldering the sammichFM. Congrats to Wilba and nILS for a very elegant and simple project!

    1. jojjelito


      We call can haz sammich Pokey next?

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