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Everything posted by Hawkeye

  1. ich hab mal ein lcd mit genau umgedrehter backlight polarität erwischt (datenblatt falsch), vielleicht hast du auch so eins?
  2. Great to hear you are progressing... Did you order blue flat head LEDs? UV sounds like you need to wear sunglasses for eye protection ;-). Heheh on the solder vapours :)
  3. Hi Futureman, moar pictures please, as your V4 is now finished, as I read ;-)) Big thanks and congratz on that! Btw., after a long research for filters available for 40x2 VFDs, I found a tip on a modder forum to use "lighting gels" used for stage and theater equpiment, also available from amazon. They should also work, are available for everyone (not only commercial buyers) and are quite cheap and big enough for the 40x2 screens. And another question: how did you solve the power problem? The two VFDs should draw a lot of current on the 5V chain, as T.K. said... Did you use an external power source? Would be very interested in your power supply setup, as I want to build a VFDSeqV4 myself :-), will also document it... Thx! Cheers, Peter
  4. Hi TK, I´d like to ask for a "temporary fast" feature to support acceleration of value inputs while rotary encoders with push button are pressed. A single "button"/DIN Port is sufficient, as all encoder push buttons are chained together in parallel (any of the 16 step encoder push buttons pressed triggers the event). This feature is a real outstanding usability feature on the Machinedrum from Elektron and I guess it would also improve handling of the MBSeq tremendously. Thanks a lot! Cheers, Peter
  5. 100k pots work fine for me. look at the photo tutorial for correct soldering tips, it took me some time to figure it out for three pins, don´t ask why, temporal iq drain
  6. necro raise alert, where is nILS the cleric with turn undead +10?
  7. Klingt gut! nILS, ich hab meine Diplomarbeit 3 Wochen vor Abgabeschluß abgegeben, stell Dich ned so an ;-)
  8. Great... thx... ordering :). Will annoy the community with another photo-tutorial for custom MBSeq building ;-)
  9. Thanks Wilba! TK., could you implement "temporary fast"? Thiz feature is nice and haz laserz! Regarding the encoder with push-button, do you think this one would be midibox-compatible? ALPS STEC12E Thanks a lot! Peter
  10. Sorry for asking many questions... Methinks I read somewhere (ofc, can´t find it now), that the SEQV4 supports pushed-down rotary encoders to speed up the value input deltas while turning the knobs (identical behaviour to a machinedrum). Is that true? Which encoder type (manufacturer/name) would you suggest, that supports pushing-and-turning? And to which DIN pins should those "push buttons" be connected? Thanks, Peter
  11. yo dudez u dont understand nthg da music comes when brick hits head
  12. ...just waiting for your approval stamp that´s all ;-) The design rocks! Also maybe we could consider moving this thread back to the sid section, ofc this is completely in the moderators choice, just feel that potential mb6582 builders won´t find it in here :) Have a nice weekend and greetz to downunder :-) Bye, Peter
  13. Thx man, still awaiting Wilba´s word :-) Servus! Peter
  14. ok, thanks for your feedback, will rethink the concept, perhaps using small buttons like those for the mb6582 cs will do the trick and let me stuff them all in ;-). have a nice weekend! peter
  15. should sell off one or two of mine too, need a new winter car :-)
  16. Gibts schon neue Infos? Würd saugern nen SEQ-V4 anschauen ;-), ist auch ne Gelegenheit TK. mal aufn Bier einzuladen (ich brings auch mit, el-cheapo-variante :))
  17. Rave, you can get a 4x20 backlit lcd from china for 9 USD, i guess antix was joking with the 16x2, right? ;-)
  18. Hi there, just planning for a custom minimalistic (but usable) SEQ-V4 control surface. Now, I would like to ask you existing MB-SEQ-users, which of the buttons do you consider essential? Which ones do you use seldom or not at all? The control surface will surely contain two 40x2 character displays, 16 dual-led-backlit step buttons, 16 step rotary encoders, the datawheel and basic data entry buttons. I also have an Akai MPD32 (with transport control buttons and a lot of "buttons") at my disposal, which can send MIDI messages to the SEQ, this is where I would like to offload the seldom-used button functionality. As far as I have understood this should be possible. Is it really possible for a SEQ-V4? (Ender´s thread below did not resolve this question). The reason for this stripping-down madness is, that I want to build a very small SEQ CS in a breakoutbox, which should be put below a synth keyboard. But still, I am unsure if I will regret that move, as TK. surely had a reason to add all this bling ;-). Unfortunately I have no Mac at my disposal to test-drive a virtual SEQV4... Thanks for your suggestions. It is also totally ok, if you tell me to "just build the full CS, as you will regret it if you don´t..." :-) Bye, Peter
  19. Rave-TZ, you can mix them, just make sure that you have the same type in every stereo channel and build with the proper power option (as described in the baseboard build manual).
  20. Wünsche Dir viel Erfolg ;-) Und Fotos machen für spätere Doku nicht vergessen :)
  21. Oh, I loved the nasty fumes... After a few hours the room was multicolored and my world consisted of elephants that ate rainbows and pooped butterflies =D

  22. Oh, I loved the nasty fumes while soldering the mb6582 :) after a few hours the room was multicolored and my world consisted of elephants that ate rainbows and pooped butterflies. :-) sorry for being unconstructive, just had to quote that :-) Otherwise, I have a least-cost 5 EUR 25W soldering iron and it works fine for me, but I understand that you get more comfort in the 40-60 EUR class. Most important is to keep the tip clean and solder properly. Every single solder connection should not take longer than 2-3 seconds, this also makes sure that you cannot ruin your pcb by peeling off solder pads.
  23. Congratulations, your MBSeq looks really impressive! I´ve got a question regarding your modding of the button caps... how did you do it? (Just saw the gallery pic, nice work) Thanks! Peter
  24. Hola... Midiboxes keep the sleep away ;-) The arpeggio and voice comes from a v-synth (old version). Can´t wait to have that MBSEQ up and running to get the timing tighter...
  25. If you don´t get any, you can always try to rip them out of C64s from ebay, just search for the new cases (C64-II) with graphics symbols on the keyboard. In most cases they contain a 8580.
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