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Status Updates posted by Hawkeye

  1. Gas! Just managed to grab a mks 50 :-D. 1987 flashback in a box!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. jojjelito
    3. Antix


      Not only Hoover but nice SoloSynth too and plucks and nice Pads and bass....


    4. jojjelito


      Hoover and Reece is all you need :D

  2. going to kraftwerk expo (munich) tomorrow :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. moonk


      piggy backing on the jealousy :) nice one!

    3. jojjelito


      The concert at Circus in Stockholm was truly cool, laptop zombies and all. The music and visuals were the coolest bit. Wonder when they'll appear next?

    4. TK.


      I visited the munich concert last month and was amazed by the 3d effects in addition to the "kraftfull" sound! It was really worth to visit my second Kraftwerk concert, although the playlist was almost identical to 2004 - they are working on the perfect presentation and it's worth to follow the progress! :)

  3. Green easter synth session:

  4. had obtained eight C64-II from ebay for ripping off 8580s and today the first one with an unbroken warranty seal arrived :)

  5. happly hugs his new seq v4 cs board for the portable sequencer - thanks SmashTV! :-D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Schrabikus


      Has SmashTV board holes for standard encoders or only for big exotic ones?

    3. Hawkeye


      big-size encoders are needed, still looking myself for cheap "pushable" alternatives (for data entry accelleration when pushed), if you find something, let me know, please :) - horizontal distance between the three encoder pins, 4.3mm each. Distance from center encoding pin to "push" contact pin vertical 16.67mm.

    4. Hawkeye


      note: the voti.nl SW-ROT-02 should fit the bill, 16mm size and "pushable" for acceleration - price is ok @ 1.58€ per piece, too... :-)

  6. happy birthday :-)

  7. happy birthday! can i have your number? :-)

  8. Happy Easter, everyone! :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shuriken


      Thanks, i wish all the MB community the same :)

    3. kristal=


      Yes, happy Easter! And don't forget to celebrate Zombie Jesus Day, too. Because if you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.

    4. Lamouette
  9. has just been hit by a cosmic ray

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hawkeye


      it said... back to the solder station, NAO :)

    3. Hawkeye


      and nuthin about missionary, damn :)

    4. jojjelito


      Don't tell us he said something about doggy-style :P That would really take the cake.

  10. has just ordered real ebony wood for the seq v4 cs enclosure :) eco-controlled harvesting, ofc

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Antix


      Dont be scared from hard work...more work more satisfaction

    3. jojjelito


      Don't chicken out on the ebony. It's a real treat once it's done. Now about some real ivory... I kid I kid.

    4. Hawkeye
  11. Have fun with your new MB6582! Let´s also build a MBSEQV4 together, shall we?

  12. haz made a small Voxel Space Demo on 256x64 OLED using new LPCNespresso Core :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Hawkeye


      Thx! And another cool girl synth/drummachine vid:

    3. Antix


      oh...already know "thesynthfreq"...but i prefer this track :)

    4. Hawkeye


      Yes! Great track, also!

  13. if a raptor is approaching, a car won´t save you :)

  14. is building a Polivox VCF on breadboard :) Thanks for the tip, J! :) Looking really forward to hear it with the MB6582 :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hawkeye


      It will be the bareille polivox clone, there are a few mods regarding filter sensitivity, but thats just replacing a few reistors here and there - people interested in it could connect it to the mb6582 via aout, just like seppomans vcf :) http://m.bareille.free.fr/modular1/vcf_polivoks/vcf_polivoks.htm

    3. Brathering


      Nice to see bareille here *lol*

      Receive four nicely Nixie-IN13 today for the VU-meter shown there. :-)

    4. jojjelito


      Ohh, congrats on those :) I also got 4 nixie tubes for those VU meters about a month ago. Hmm...

  15. is happy as can be :-)))

  16. is having a stiff back and shaky hands from soldering most parts of the MB6582 last night. Soo many solder connections...

  17. is rockin´ the mb6582 :) - fine fine fine thanks thanks thanks!

  18. is seeing pink elephants again =D

    1. kristal=


      try to catch one and keep it as a pet (-:

  19. is soon heading to holidays and can´t take his midibox stuff :(

    1. Kartoshka


      soooooo similar to my situation.

  20. iz now hackin´ pic asm (copy & paste rather) for mb6582 OLED - Wilba, it really is yellow (not green)... me haz seen some characterz by now, but it is still garbage :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hawkeye


      ok, the grilled OLED is off to tech support (Electronic Assembly) now...

    3. jojjelito


      Make them send you moar units!

    4. Hawkeye


      mhm, letz see what they do, but me is not optimistic. Also the device was not standards compliant (mios8 hacking necessary)... so maybe a vfd is the next try :-)

  21. just hates customs, i mean, just a simple SEQ CS PCB it could slip through, once? Its not about the money, but about having to appear in person and wait for an hour to pay a few euros of fee after a 30km drive - one small customz bureau visit can ruin your whole day...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hawkeye


      that system makes total sense - i don´t understand why they don´t implement it here, its not about the cash, its about the lost time and nerves :)

    3. jojjelito


      Sweden haz the same system as Norway, plus no EU customs. If only we did free trade with more countries...

    4. gslug


      The UK is the same - it goes to the post office. The only problem is that this sometimes takes a few days, sometimes several weeks.

  22. just noted, that the current unix time starts with 1337 :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bugfight


      too leet to queet

    3. technobreath
    4. Hawkeye


      also, mah calculations have shown that this epic leetness event only occured seven times since 1/1/1970

  23. just ordered parts for a stereo analog delay build (for whenever the weather is not so nice) - thanks for the smallbearelec link, J :)

    1. ytsestef


      which one? :)

    2. Hawkeye


      the dirtbag deluxe (x2/stereo) from madbeanpedals :)

    3. jojjelito


      Small bear rules! They ship fast too :)

  24. just searched the gold plated chest of the dragon´s loot and found a resistor+10!

    1. jojjelito


      Oooh! Did you also get the +3 OLED h4xx0r in the hidden chamber?

    2. Hawkeye


      darn! missed that one! but me took the gold plated empty chest instead, must be worth something :)

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