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  1. Hi Frederik, Yes, most ports with specific functions can be used in parallel. J8/9 is for SRIO i.e. input/output shift registers that chain in parallel (DIN/DOUT) J19 is for SPI with two chip selects (AINSER/AOUT) etc. Check the STM32F4 Core details The SRIO chain extends in series parallel, no need for additional Cores generally. Regards, Andy
  2. Hi everyone! This is my first post and my first MB project, so I will begin with introducing myself and my project then I will get into my probably simple questions. I was looking for a control surface to use in my home studio that would work with Pro Tools and found that the Avid S3 sells for about $5,000 (USD)! After I stopped laughing/crying, (like always) I looked into DIY options. First I thought of the Arduino solution, but I am awful with programming (no patience for it). I then found midibox and it seemed like the perfect fit! I am experienced with soldering and electronics (from back in the analog days), so I ordered components (Mouser) and PCBs (Modular Addict) and constructed the enclosure. So, long story even longer, here is my goals for the control surface (very simple and basic): 9 channels (probably will expand in the future) Each channel will have: 1 fader (non-motorized for now) 3 buttons (select, record, solo) 3 LEDs (one for each button to indicate toggle state) 1 rotary encoder (not sure for what yet) VU meter for each channel via OLED modules 2 LCD displays (2x40) Keeping very simple for my first build, but I am sure that once this is done, I am going to find quite a few more functions that I want to add. Here is the hardware that I am using: 1-STM32F4 core 1-AINSER64 2-DINx4 1-DOUTx4 It is also based on the MBNG project by TK. So, now that that is out of the way, I have been having some trouble that I am sure it is just me making things harder than they are. I uploaded the MBNG files to the core. I have studied the user manual and wiki very intensively for the past few weeks, but I am not having any luck with any function that I try to program! I started with the "First Steps" section of the user manual (skipped the LCD "hello world" because I don't have my LCDs yet). I put in the code exactly as it is stated, but my button on D0 doesn't send any MIDI message (according to MIOS Studio). Here is the code that I put into "Hello.ngc": RESET_HW LCD "%CHello World!" EVENT_BUTTON id=1 type=NoteOn key=36 I have also tried to get the LED on the DOUT pin D7 to come on when the button next to it is pushed with this: EVENT_BUTTON id=1 fwd_id=LED:1 type=NoteOn key=36 range=0:127 button_mode=Toggle Once again no light and no MIDI event in MIOS Studio. I know that I am probably missing something very basic and I apologize if this question has already been answered a million times, but every thing that I found so far on the forum or wiki has not seemed to make any difference. Also wanted to add that since I am new to forums in general (I'm an old timer), I am sure that I am missing some pertinent information that you guys need to see what is going on, so please let me know and I will do my best to help you help me! Thank you for all your help! videoman199
  3. SSl Blog Post 02 Hello again, Last time I wrote about the design process of my console. In this post I want to focus on the electronic part. In the last couple of weeks I searched for the right knobs, faders and pots for the project and I nearly found all I need. The pots were the simplest part. I opted for the Alpha 10k Lin https://www.musikding.de/Alpha-Potentiometer-16mm-10k-lin Each channel will have one motorized fader. Here I choose the PSM01-082A-103B2. https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/bourns/psm01-082a-103b2/?qs=MAZTpT1IVl8rvdecO07rRA==&countrycode=DE&currencycode=EUR 14,76€ when I buy more than 25 is a good deal I think. The ones from alps are very pretty, but with prices over 30€ per piece they are quite expensive especially because I need 33. For the bus channels I opted for simple 60mm faders. Also 10k lin, not very investing. https://www.reichelt.de/schiebepotentiometer-stereo-10-kohm-linear-rs60n12-lin10k-p73870.html?&trstct=pol_1&nbc=1 The knobs where a little harder to find. For the Solo Cut and Rec knobs I want to have knobs with Leds which I can connect to an DOUT module separately. So I could press Solo on the console but deactivate it inside my DAW and the LED would follow my actions. After quite a bit of searching and some phone calls with distributors I finally found these. https://de.farnell.com/nidec-copal-electronics/cfpb-1cc-4w9/drucktaster-spst-0-005a-5vdc-panel/dp/3498758 The knobs inside the channel strip are still to be found. The need to be snapaction knobs with a white cap with the measurements of 5mm per side. I couldn’t finde the right ones even after quite some hours of searching. Maybe I’m just searching without the right search terms? Maybe someone of you knows the answer to that problem I didn’t start the search for LEDs just yet. I think and hope these should be easy to find. For the modules I chose STM32F4 for the cores, AINSER 64 for the pots and faders, NG MF for the motorfaders, DIN for the knobs and DOUT for the LEDs. I especially need quite a lot of AINSER modules and I’m still figuring out a way to connect more than two to an STM32F4. I found some blogposts but could get the answer out of these. They suggested it should be even possible to connect more than three? I obviously want to use as less cores as possible. This build will be huge either way. I can connect the MF modules directly to a pc without a pc. Thats what is written on the website. But how do I connect these to the pc? Via midi? There is no USB port on these modules right? And I also should cascade them. I need 5 modules. I want to use 33 motorized faders and that’s quite unfortunate because every mf module only supports 8. How do I cascade these modules? Also via MIDI? The last problem I ran into is the meter bridge. This could be a whole blogpost of its own… My plan was, or partly still is to use 10 7“ displays connected to a 10 times HDMI splitter, which tells the PC there is only one REALLY big screen. But after buying quite some displays to test out I figured out 90% of the screens for sale online are totally crap! Ok, I searched for quite cheep ones, but I need 10 of them and if I had unlimited money I would buy the original ORIGIN console… But I don’t have access to unlimited amounts of cash so I need a cheap display which works. The first one I ordered was the perfect size and easy to operate. But I only could see the image looking from one specific angle. Moving my head just a little bit the whole display would turn blue. The second one was advertised to be 7“, but the one that were delivered to my was only 3,5“…are you kidding me? Out of anger I searched for analog VU meters. I really like the looks of these and figured out these work with voltage. Is it possible to drive VU meters with a midibox module? Maybe with an AOUT module? So many more questions but I already wrote a whole book here…sorry for that. If you still reading in this point thank you very much! Have a nice day! Frederik
  4. https://github.com/midibox/mios32/blob/master/mios32/STM32F4xx/mios32_ain.c https://github.com/midibox/mios32/blob/master/modules/ainser/ainser.c https://github.com/midibox/mios32/tree/master/modules/aout Basic drivers/assignments: https://github.com/midibox/mios32/blob/master/mios32/STM32F4xx/mios32_spi.c https://github.com/midibox/mios32/blob/master/mios32/STM32F4xx/mios32_iic.c Maybe it would be easier for you to use the Arduino and output an analogue voltage to be read by the STM32F4 AIN? That way you can use your working system without much extra coding effort. MBIO supports AIN either on the MCU ports J5A/B or using the AINSER module (typically less noise on the signal).
  5. As far as I know, there are no I2C peripherals that were coded into MIOS32. The closest thing that I am familiar with is the I2C MIDI modules, that according to TK. were not trivial to code for, and at that on very low-performance 16F PIC chips. All the MBHP framework gives you is a hardware port on the MCU. You could consider to compare your arduino sketch with a device running off an STM32F4 chip or similar. Alternatively, you might find more code examples of SPI devices. Maybe you can try to code a driver for a similar sensor with an SPI interface? The uCapps project is here: http://ucapps.de/midio128.html -- it is more targeted towards general users who would like to use the project without writing code for it. The git project is here: https://github.com/midibox/mios32/tree/master/apps/controllers/midio128_v3 You would need to modify the code to suit your needs. Note that the code is written in C, not python. You can find the documented functions and some examples here: http://www.midibox.org/mios32/manual http://ucapps.de/mios32_c.html Best of luck to you if you decide to follow this journey. Others will probably not write the software for you, but if you post your modifications and explain where you are having difficulty, some might be able to help.
  6. I plan to use alpha pots. I got them recommended from a friend. Hopefully they will do a good job. I found an article in another thread which referred to the possibility to use 3 cores or even more. I found some background information about using 3 cores with an stm32f4 but not more. There should be a limit to the core processing wise but unit now I couldn't find the numbers. Thats an interesting idea with the minicomputers. I have to look into that! Thank you very much so far :)
  7. i do managed to get a a workflow with kicad to get PCB assembled by JLCPCB... all parts are reffered to the jlcsc too... so after a while of different prototypes i have a good database of SOICs 0805 1208 sized parts that are used for different modules or Userinterfaces, also some common Buttons, and SSD1306ers... Dipcore, and i also have STM32F4 Discovery Footprint - but that one have to be repaired first... mostly you whould choose waveshare anyway (which i dont have, i use dipcore since i have small project at the moment) but the the 3D Folder and the Footprintfolder is full of not used files, which would blow up a database for others, and that is not a good starting point, so some kind of "sammle alles und speicher woanders ab" "collect and save too" script would be nice, as i said, if you can deliver me such thing, i am the last that want to hide my work...
  8. my frist try to code this RGB LEDs... i use http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=elo as hardware i searched for examples or tutorials, but did not found it... i know there is a midibox ng code, but that is to complex for my mind, better start from the ground... so i opened the docu: http://www.midibox.org/mios32/manual/group___w_s2812.html but i think i miss something: #include <mios32.h> #include "app.h" #include <app_lcd.h> #include <glcd_font.h> #include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <portmacro.h> #include <task.h> #include <queue.h> #include <semphr.h> #include "tasks.h" #include "file.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <wchar.h> #define PRIORITY_APP_Tick ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 ) //2 lower then midi // WS2181 #define WS2812_BUFFER_SIZE ((18)*24) #define WS2812_SUPPORTED 1 void APP_Init(void){ WS2812_Init (); } void APP_Background(void){ // led should be in the range 0..WS2812_NUM_LEDS-1 // colour 0=R, 1=G, 2=B // value 0..255 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 0, 0, 255); //1 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 1, 0, 255); //2 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 2, 0, 255); //3 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 3, 0, 255); //4 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 4, 0, 255); //5 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 5, 0, 255); //6 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 6, 0, 255); //7 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 7, 0, 255); //8 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 8, 2, 255); //9 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 9, 2, 255); //10 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 10, 2, 255); //11 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 11, 2, 255); //12 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 12, 2, 255); //13 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 13, 2, 255); //14 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 14, 2, 255); //15 WS2812_LED_SetRGB ( 15, 2, 255); //16 } void APP_Tick(void){ } void APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage(mios32_midi_port_t port, mios32_midi_package_t midi_package){} void APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(void){ } void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void){ } void APP_DIN_NotifyToggle(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){ } void APP_ENC_NotifyChange(u32 encoder, s32 incrementer){ } void APP_AIN_NotifyChange(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){ } A compile (stm32F4 discovery) gives me: make rm -f project.hex project_build/app.o: In function `APP_Init': /home/inet-stick/c/elo-skeleton/app.c:49: undefined reference to `WS2812_Init' project_build/app.o: In function `APP_Background': /home/inet-stick/c/elo-skeleton/app.c:58: undefined reference to `WS2812_LED_SetRGB' /home/inet-stick/c/elo-skeleton/app.c:59: undefined reference to `WS2812_LED_SetRGB' /home/inet-stick/c/elo-skeleton/app.c:60: undefined reference to `WS2812_LED_SetRGB' /home/inet-stick/c/elo-skeleton/app.c:61: undefined reference to `WS2812_LED_SetRGB' /home/inet-stick/c/elo-skeleton/app.c:62: undefined reference to `WS2812_LED_SetRGB' project_build/app.o:/home/inet-stick/c/elo-skeleton/app.c:63: more undefined references to `WS2812_LED_SetRGB' follow collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status /home/inet-stick/midibox/mios32/include/makefile/common.mk:144: recipe for target 'project_build/project.elf' failed make: *** [project_build/project.elf] Error 1 inet-stick@inetstick:~/c/elo-skeleton$ maybe there is a missing "include"?
  9. Hello everybody, These are some design Questions! I was wondering about assembling some midibox modules to achieve a little graphical ocilloscope to watch my audio/CV like in this vid : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utr23hp2nRM (like on the 4 OLED screens) - I think a great part the work is already accomplished if TK already realized that. Am I Wrong? - What is the exact voltage range of the Core32 DACs ?. Edit : From The Ucapps Page STM32F4 Core module : 0-3.3V for native ADC From AINSER Module Page : 0-5V - Audio Inputs Should be ok for Core32 DACs/AINSER? What about bipolar voltage?And if i have "high" voltages like for example +15/-15v , is an OpAmp setup with dividing gain of 3 ok to reduce voltage range to -5v/+5V? - What is the biggest resolution and screen size that MIOS32 already supports? (i was expecting a 5cmx5cm wide 256px*256px monochrome display or something like that) - Is the combination of Core32+AINSER8 is modules enough to support 8 analog inputs (audio/CV)? I also thought Few DIN/DOUT Serial Registers may allow to have a little Control Surface to switch between inputs and make few changes about display calibration. Please correct me if i am going in a dead end way =) Thanks in advance for your advices! Greets, Jerome
  10. no sound card on midibox. but Midi via USB to Control Tractor. what you probally need for FADERS (if you need more then 8 Pots and Faders): http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_ainser8.html or http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_ainser64.html and as Brain and Midinterface to Traktor: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core_stm32f4.html The Firmware you might use is: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng.html it is not out of the box "Traktor" its out of the Box "Midicontroller" - so you have to configure it. and not necessery, but usefull a Dislplay: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_lcd.html you also will need Mios Studio to upload new Code or to Configure your Midicontroller (if you dont use LCD thats the way to configure): http://www.ucapps.de/mios_studio.html but first after you finished your CORE-STM32F4, you have to upload the bootloader: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_bootstrap.html
  11. Does anyone have any info for the MB909 sequencer for the 9090 TR-909 clone. I need to know how it was connected to the STM32F4 core board as I only have a wiring diagram for the LPC17 core. Thanks
  12. mb909hex.zip STM32F4 and LPC17 build.... i got some warnings when building LPC17 --- so try it out.
  13. Ok, I know this project seems a little too much and it’s probably near impossible of not impossible to do, but I want to try it anyway… I want to build myself a DAW controller based on the design and layout of the SSL Origin console. I don’t need such a big controller and its in no way logical to build one and put this much time in this project, but I just love the idea of having a nearly two meters wide mixing console as the centerpiece of my studio. The plan I created in the last month: The controller should consist of 32 channels with one motorfader and 38 buttons/ potis each. On top of that is a mastering section with 8 additional Return/Send/Bus faders, wich will be normal 60mm faders and some basic daw control buttons like play/stop/record. The channel strip consists of the SSL E series eq and 8 additional potis controlling the different Bus channels. On the DAW side I want to build a template with all plutins loaded and with the right mapping, so that I can start working on the console immediately. Now to the hardware: Adding all channels and the mastering section there will be a total of 1246 buttons, faders, or potis and 32 motorized faders. I’m still quite new to this whole universe, so hopefully somebody could look over my thoughts and correct my if I’m (most likely) wrong. I need to read 1246 buttons/faders/potis. I chose the CORE_STM32F4 as my core and want to expand the inputs using the AINSER64 Module. I read there is a way to connect more than two AINSER 64 to a STM32F4, but I didn’t quite understand how this would work. I found a forum post writing about three AINSER 8 connected to a core. Is there the possibility to connect even more? If I think of two AINSER 64 per core, this would mean I can read 128 buttons, etc with one core. So I would need 10 cores for the not motorized knobs etc alone. Is this possible? Can I connect 10 cores all via usb to my pc and program them to one big controller? On top of that I would use the MF module for the motorfaders. Using 32 motorfaders I would need four Mf modules. Since I think there is the possibility to cascade multiple MF modules there would only be one USB running to the pc, right? I have many more things planned and a truckload more of questions, but I will just leave this here as it is and get to the other questions at a later time. I know this is a HUGE project - especially for a newbie and I don’t want to confront anyone, or come across as arrogant. I simply cannot get this out of my head and usually the best way to get it out is eventually just starting the project. This will surely take a long while to be build and programmed and I already have some friends and family helping me with designing, soldering and programming. I’m really looking forward to this project and cannot wait to show my process here. Sincerely Frederik
  14. i need to handle up to 16 (MIOS32) Devices, The OUT >>> Thrubox is the simple thing (i think), is that Shematic correct? (ignore the boxes on the rightside, these are Shroudet Pinheaders to cable my devices with Ribboncables...since that is cheaper then the DIN-Thing) I know there will be a M16-Module, but i think for my task it is a bit overkill (maybe on price...) but what is when i have 16 MIDI-IN to handle, merge isnt possible or?, or is it possible to adress 16 MidiinPorts on a STM32F4? else it will be M16 in the end.... background: I need to copy/route Patches (arreys of Data) from one Device to the other. (a recordet Envelope, Size off [4][4096]), dont really know at the moment how to achive that (Sysex?) there is one Remote Device, and 16 Slaves.... - so the data should be sent from one Slave to the Remote Device, and from the Remote Device there it will be sent to one of the other Slaves.... (they share the same PSU) ...CV1...
  15. Happy New Year to you all... I see you are now confirming build numbers to finishers - out of curiosity, do you know what mine was (completed beginning May 2019)? I was also just doing a new year firmware update on all my hardware - I'm running 097 on the V4+, but the download page stops at 096 (for STM32F4). Am I up-to-date? Cheers, Simon
  16. The LPC17 is not bad and should work for the purpose, but it's outdated and the direct successor is the STM32F4. If you haven't bought anything, then go for the 'newer' board. But I don't have an AINSER 64 and can only say what is generally known about the cores. (PCBs can be purchased from 'modular addict').
  17. That's all right - for the software it is a SEQ v4+, if it has a STM32F4 with 1MB of flash memory - it just can't use the extended UI features of the midiphy SEQ v4+, primarily the secondary selection row and the TPD/Activity Matrix - using the Wilba hardware config file should work fine.
  18. This was a nice challenge for the weekend: I implemented a driver for USB MIDI Host mode into MIOS32 for STM32F4 :smile: (LPC17 and STM32F103 don't support USB Host mode...) Tested with following devices: CME X-Key: Waldorf Blofeld: MIDIbox (here MIDIbox SEQ V4L): Ploytec GM5x5x5 USB MIDI Host mode just replaces USB MIDI Device mode via the USB OTG socket. The update will be available with all future MIOS32 applications, it's always available without special configuration. A special USB Micro-B -> USB 2.0-A adapter is required to connect the MIDI device. Such an adapter is for example available at Reichelt (DELOCK 83183) for 5 EUR: http://www.reichelt.de/DELOCK-83183/3/index.html?&ACTION=3&LA=446&ARTICLE=126860&artnr=DELOCK+83183&SEARCH=DELOCK+83183 Pluck this adapter into the Micro-USB socket of the STM32F4-Discovery board, reset (or power-cycle) the core, and MIOS32 will automatically switch to USB Host mode. Limitations: - USB hubs are not supported, the MIDI device has to be connected directly. - USB based Power-Supply is weak (limited to ca. 200..300 mA), which means that it might be required to power the MIDI Device with an external PSU - the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 module has to be powered from the USB debug socket Please let me know if you are interested to beta-test this enhancement, I could provide a preliminary version of a MIOS32 application. Best Regards, Thorsten
  19. Hi all This is the MIOS based 89MotioN system release and support tread The first PCB batch is now available. It consist of 17 pcb to build a 8 fader pack automated motor fader system as follow: -1x 89InouT, 4 layer 80*260mm pcb, which handle 64 D i/o and 8 A i/o, connection to 8 89MotoR board, connection to core(or line receiver), and optional D i/o chain connector, and power supply distribution. -8x 89MotoR, 2 layer 34*116mm pcb, which handle analog PID motor driver, touch detection, one optional isolated digital output (optocoupler), one optional digital input (button), 6 D i/o through connector from 89InouT to 89 RemotE -8x 89RemotE, 2 layer 14*148mm pcb, which support up to 6 omron B3W-9 series illuminated tact switch. -all pcb HASL lead free Price is (out of stock) (+shipping/packing, +fees if applicable). 12 pcb set available from this first manufacturing what you get: -the 17 PCB described above -BOM -schematic -PCB mechanical drawing -Basic notes for build and calibration What you need for basic build: -all component at the BOM (most ref already fitted for RS and reichelt) 300/400euros -one STM32F4 core running latest MB_NG, configured to emulate Mackie Control. There is universal MCU template available, as my NG/NR config for DigitalPerformer i’ll be happy to share. (request 1 core for each 8 fader pack) -decent PSU, 3 rail total, +5V, +/-15(+/-12 work too). at least 2A per rail, be careful most low cost bipolar supply have poor negative amperage capabilities, sense input is recommended for the +5 rail (I use industrial euro rack Vero trivolt PK120, 500€) -8 motor fader (tested ALPS RSA0N 8V and TKD MF914 10V my current choices) 15 to 100€/pce -A console, a box or a front panel that fit the system (I can provide basic template .fpd file for fader and button cutout) 0€ if it’s a retrofit installation that need no metalwork to 1000€+ in a custom modular setup like mine… -For integration in analog chain you need a +10dB post fader buffer (for unity gain @ fader -10dB attenuation position), to my knowledge all descent console have it so you are fine, in situation of outboard analog mixing/summing you have to think about it. -line transmiter/receiver in case you need/want the core, PSU, SCS and or LCD in a separate/dedicated case or 19inch rack Important notes: This is a 2+ years R&D at hardware side for me, not to mention what TK have done since lot of years, as improvement and new options recently done at NG code which this system won’t work so well without. The goal since beginning is to build a high end automated fader system, dedicated to analog chain/mixing desk requiring low noise and low EMI environment, which is a challenge with digital data lines and motor close to low level analog audio signal. Saying all this I consider this build an « advanced » one, it involves 20 SMD ic at the main I/O board, I won’t do a step by step build tread, so ppl have to know how to read a schematic/BOM and understand what’s going on with all those component. It’s a long built we are close to 1000 component to solder in total… mistake can be exponential with so many part, no special skill, but methods and organization at all stages. My expectations for this first run is to have few fader pack builded around, in a reasonable time range, to have useful feedback and various experience to share. Also, it’s not a cheep build, consider 2-3k depending of hardware integration, motor fader choices, frontpanel + optional 19in or case if you want/need psu and core far from faders (like me, it request optional line driver) I have great result in my use case, 8 fader(for now) loaded in a discret 32 channel Studer 289 from 1977, however, I can’t guaranty the same result (in term of audio integrity) in another desk, if trouble occurs with digital data line or motor radiation, it could be dependent of specific console design/layout at both mechanical and electronic side. So I can’t say « I will solve your problem » but of course I will try to help. For ppl that just want a DAW controller (no analog audio path in the fader) there is possible cost saving, cheaper fader (like ALPS RSA0N11), lowering fader speed and increase current limiter at motor to use cheaper PSU. For ppl that want motor fader to automated a VCA based system, there is different option to handle this with the system, let’s have a talk if you are interested WARNING ! there is some limitation: -at the moment the system don’t support HUI protocol for fader data, It won’t work as is in Protools !!! Be sure your DAW allow MCU protocol, or have a look at some midi translator software, I made a quick test, and was able to convert pitch bend fader data to HUI raw midi data on the fly, I don’t and won’t push further at this topic for the moment, so I have no measurement or data to share regarding hypothetic extra latency. -Work in progress regarding HUI protocol, now the system handle it natively for all data type, I have a working midibox_ng 1.036 build, it involve a special handling of NRPN data at mbng_event.c (standard NRPN won't work but none are involved in HUI), as some trick at .NGC configuration file. I don't have a Protools licence but will perform test soon with someone that have one. -Another point is about MCU protocole, be aware that some functions are not bidirectional, and some are not « real time » bidirectional. Automation mode don’t return note or CC but only sysex text to print the mode at LCD, it’s still a challenge for now to update automation status LED from DAW All data except fader pitch bend are updates/returned to the system only once per sec, which mean the visual feedback (LED) is not ultra fast. Also as audio is picked-up pre fader at DAW, solo and mute can be complicated to handle depending of your DAW, here those functions are 100% handled onboard with optocoupled remote analog mute and special mute/solo conditional script. Mute automation is done via a separated midi track What I won’t do: -publicly release the schematic, at least for this firs run, and certainly for the few next. -release the layout/ pcb fabrication files. -organize any component and part bulk order /group buy for this first batch. What I hope to do next: -Be able to test TKD LMH5 series (I’m sure it will work fine with the driver, it’s the same 8V mabushi motor as ALPS), it’s an alternative quality between the MF914 and the ALPS RSA0N, which have an interesting mechanical build, to say it quick, motor driver PCB should be directly soldered to the fader terminal, vertical mount, which can be a nice option for future and mechanical integration option. So if someone plane to use those, just drop me a message to discuss about one or two spare fader for test at my side. -Test (me or someone else) a fader with coreless motor -Design a 89TransporT unit for the system, which should be a D i/o extension with button and led, maybe one rotary encoder, to have extended function and DAW transport interface in the same design. -Build a vst/AU plug-in if I can… or if someone have the skill and motivation for this, to have direct connection with the fader, without third party MCU driver. -Go further with RTPmidi, high speed, which combined with plugin should allow the system to have way more than 32 fader in a single channel. -all other things that will com up in mind by the time… Quick technical data: -2000 steps, which equal to 0.05mm for 100mm fader. Theoretically 2048 (11bit), but some dead band are involved depending of calibration and fader curve mapping -100ms for full travel -Repositioning accuracy better than 0.01dB (at static event) -fader tracking is 0.1dB for 2/3 of the fader (upper side) if dedicated interpolation map is used for each fader (it’s some time to measure and write in the config file…) otherwise one global interpolation map for all fader give you at worst the fader attenuation accuracy given by the manufacturer. In short, the system is more precise than any manufacturer taper print you will find. I hope future builder will have fun with this great tool, which to my knowledge is the first analog fader automation available for DIYer If interested just PM me Best Zam the development thread http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19166-fader-automation/
  20. Hi, All pin of the STM32F4 are General purpose I/O(GPIO) but they have limited alternative functions. The pins for this SD Card are used for other ports/peripherals. PC10 is used for the onboard DAC(Disco) PC11 is the LCD Read/Write PD2 is the UART5 RX(MIDI) PC12 is the UART5 TX(MIDI) Etc... So you will have to remap more than this pins, cause the functions you remove has to move on an other pins, to get all MIOS32 ports available and avoid conflict. I strongly suggest to follow the regular pinout and add an external SD Card Socket ...Or you can download the datasheet, open a blank excel sheet and start a long adventure... ;) Note: your CPU must be a STM32F407xx for MIOS32 to work properly. Best regards Bruno
  21. This feature was requested from a user who just wanted to forward MIDI messages to the preconfigured MIDI port/channels of the tracks without further processing, and this is how it's working. Your request goes into a different direction, it's more like a multi channel live/recording function - currently we can only record or play live (+ FX) on a single (selected) track. Allowing more channels would lead to higher RAM consumption, but it could be provided as a MIDIbox SEQ V4+ option, only working on a STM32F4. I'm unsure how Mutes should be handled in this case. I would expect that independent Mute control would be preferable, e.g. to mute the sequence played on a track when the instrument should be played live, but this contradicts with your request. On the other hand: if separate mutes for this forwarding function are provided, where/how should they be controlled? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. I wired up my 7pin SPI 1306 according to this diagram using 1k res and 10u cap. but i'm failing to get anything out of the screen. trying to just print text through the console lcd command, or the hello world program or even the NG init message. i did set the correct LCD type in the bootloader: there's this other old thread where someone had to connect the OLEDs reset pin to some other core connectors GPIO pin iirc? is that really the way to go, no convenient simple conncetion available? i tried manually setting the reset pin to 0/3.3 via the testlcdpin command, no success. while manual, that should do the same trick as the GPIO pin reset above, right? edit: i realized the J15 reset pin is connected to the DC pin of the OLED? so no manual reset this way? i tried doing some measurements. core board soldering seems ok. power/ground voltages are also where i think they're supposed to be everywhere. is there a page or list with debugging measurement points on the STM32F4 core board? DINOUT and AINSER 64 work for what its worth. more pictures of my "circuit" i realized in the above picture the SDA cable was in p4 instead of p6, that was not the issue though. OLED supposed to work on 2.8-5.5v, i tried both 3.3 and 5v jumper settings. yeah i know my soldering is "sub par" GND and VCC from both j15 and the OLED going to the power strip on the breadboard, and the blue wire to the reset pin.
  23. @latigid on some history on this: while previous boards had a pull-up device for this pin, the STM32F4 Discovery Board had a pull-down, therefore I did'n activate an internal pull device to avoid cross-currents. Good that you didn't completely remove the option for an external resistor! :) @Hawkeyegreat demo, I like it! :) With the step sequencer features the LoopA even becomes interesting for me as a guy who unlearned live playing (too much automation - I was better >20 years ago ;-) The graphics are epic! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. Well, there's nothing in the doc about using ASCII code with MidiBox NG, so i'm not sure you can do that. Unfortunately my STM32F4 board fried last time i plugged it (messy wiring) so i can't try anything right now. Sorry I couldn't help, Thomas
  25. Hi Forum, i have built an old Wilba CS pcb. After finishing i connected it to the wrong port on the stm32f4 core pcb (J4A) instead of J10A. Then, after recognizing my error, the Seq wont start up - showing flickering (very dim) displays. Disconnecting the CS pcb was needed for the Seq app to start. As soon as i reconnected the CS, the app crashed again, with dimly lit flickering displays. I then (one after another) changed !all ICs and, after the error was still there, !all resistor networks. Now the error is still there. It feels like there could be some shortcut somewhere. But i triple triple triple checked everything. That could not be the issue, really. Now i suspect, connecting to the wrong port, i may have fried an IC cap somewhere. But i really want to hear some expert opinion on this, before i begin changing them as well. Hope you can spend a bit of your time and give some thoughts. Below are some pcb pics as well. Thank you very much for looking at it. Best, FFW
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