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Ditto on the thanks. Great news. I'll still be hanging out for complete kits though, to consolidate shipping expenses. Doug is still working on his set of panels too. Really looking forward to it, particularly after hearing some of the seriously kick ass demos.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but the time frames actually suit me pretty well. There is always so much going on, and various financial demands, that I doubt I would have had the resources to build a kit any sooner, anyway.

Cheers to those concerned. I hope I get to buy you all drinks some time.

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Damn what the hell happenend to the shipping rates for the Netherlands????

Total only for shipping: $33!!! :o :o :o And that for 2 flat pcb's??? The last time i ordered everything came within a week and way waaaayyyyyy cheaper on the ship costs. So how is this possible??


first, i'm really psyched about the MB6582 stuff being ready. YAY! hooray for Smash and Wilba.

I guess this goes to Smash,

I just tried to order the 2 boards plus the new pics on the order page, but when I tried my two visa debit cards (that i've used for other stuff online) it says I cannot place the order with that card. Is it because I want it shipped to Germany even though my billing address is in the US?

[edit Sept 1st]

tried again, both with my US address and my German one (for delivery destination and billing address), on both cards. It says I'm unable to use the card. I even tried with an old card that I know is cancelled and it said a different message, "This card has been denied." So its not a problem with my actual card. Is it perhaps because I have check/debit cards instead of credit? Its not making sense.

Please if anyone has an answer let me know. thx


Ok people now this is THE news !!!

I have to thank you for the hard hard work !!

you know what, there was a time when i was checking the forum every day,

and then i figured out that the best way was to forgot about all this

time will come when...

and BAM today this mail was like a throw of fresh water that woke me up :

"man, there is this AWESOME project run by AWESOME people that i forgot about,

glad to be part of this !!!!"

so thank you guys again and again

and i think that the best way to contribute will be to run, like Wilba suggested, a bulk order

for PT-10 case for Europe !!!!!! Right now.

long life to this project !!!!!

ps: Wilba, isn't your judoka dancing like mc-hammer..? smooth moooves !! :)

ps2: i'm asking the same question as my fellows:

is it possible to wait for the kit to be available and group the order into one shipping ?? or is it safer to order pcbs now ??

and to my french coleague: if you live near paris we can group our orders and split shipping fees, waddya think ??


Smash you are the man, and Wilba too!

I ordered a Base PCB this morning, I want to put Seppomans filters in so I haven't decided to order The CS yet or not. I know I will need a bigger case, but I could maybe still order the CS later. what is the availibility going to be like?

Thanks again guys!


Smashtv, thanks.

I missed this thread and was hanging around at SmashTV's site and saw the boards and ordered.  It part of the horder/impulse buyer in me.  Anyway, I guess I'm going to have to go it alone on the parts.

I had some questions and I searched all the threads and could not answer them.

1.  Are the SmashTV boards a newer version, with no known errors?

2.  Do the face plate files on the WIKI, line up with the control board from SmashTV?

3.  Are the SmashTV boards red like the Wilba pictures?

4.  Are there schematics to go with the SmashTV boards?

Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen.


1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. There is not one single schematic for the entire base PCB, this would be a bit hard to read and redundant, as the base PCB just consists of the required MIDIbox modules to build MB-SID, thus refer to the ucapps.de module descriptions for schematics.


I've noted that there are some surface-mount pads under the Cores, but neither the component list WIKI page nor the Base Construction Guides mention them, by avishowtech CORE part numbers nor as SMD in the parts list/pics. I can detect Core C7 and C8 as being from PIC pins 33 and 34, but am not instantly seeing the ones off of PIC pics 9 and 10.

C7 and 8 are listed as .1 ceramic; I have smd in that value.

What say the masters? It would -seem- that nothing is to be soldered on the SMD pads, but they're there....so? Thanks!!!


lief is correct, those are jumper pads and used only if you want to use the 8bit driver for the lcd.

this is in the faq...

Crap. Didn't search deeply enough, as usual. Thanks.

Kids, let this be a lesson to you all.


Damn what the hell happenend to the shipping rates for the Netherlands????

Total only for shipping: $33!!! :o :o :o And that for 2 flat pcb's??? The last time i ordered everything came within a week and way waaaayyyyyy cheaper on the ship costs. So how is this possible??

SmashTV wrote on page one:

Unfortunately I lost or had very long customs delays with parcels sent to quite a few countries with Airmail, so I had to switch to Express Mail for those countries.  If you are needing boards only and are in an 'Express only' country let me know, flat mailers are cheaper than will show up on the order page.

Dender, we might be in luck if we just want the PCB's :D



it's not cool to behave this way on a public forum.

(first, failing to read his post, then complaining about shipping, now talking about refunds)

you should discuss such things directly with SmashTV


i've been waiting a long time for these pcb's [...]

So what's wrong about making a remark on that? [...]

Maybe i don't care about fast shipping just want to get the pcb's as cheap as possible

If you don't care how long it takes - wait patiently and silently. Besides it's not only about *fast* shipping, but about shipments that actually make it to their destination.

and i didn't fail to read his post, i just don't agree with it.

You don't have to agree with anything. Just as much as you don't have to order from Smash.

I have ordered in the past and it was cheaper and the package arrived at my doorstep.

Note: "In the past". That's not working anymore. Tough luck.

Well sorry about that then......i've been waiting a long time for these pcb's and now the shipping rate is as high as the whole pcb order......So what's wrong about making a remark on that? Maybe i don't care about fast shipping just want to get the pcb's as cheap as possible and i don't want to make the US postal office rich.....and i didn't fail to read his post, i just don't agree with it. I have ordered in the past and it was cheaper and the package arrived at my doorstep.

I didn't want to step on anyones toes......

So what you are saying is you expect me to take the risk of sending packages off to -your- country's known unreliable postal system so you can save a buck?  Nice.  What happens if your cheap mail does not get there? You get a refund/chargeback from your credit card, and I lost rent money trying to make you happy.

About that refund thing.....a guy in Holland recently ordered and payed for the Wilba pcb's and Smash refunded him some cash on the delivery costs....SO THAT IS A NICE THING THAT SMASH DID THAT.....this was meant to be positive for Smash.
Right, and it was between me and him, so why has it become your business to talk about in public?  Even though people DID NOT READ MY DIRECTIONS, and placed orders without contacting me for a quote first, I took care of them.  Now people are expecting me to clean up thier order mess later on my time after not READING THE DIRECTIONS CLEARLY POSTED IN THIS THREAD and just ordering 25 of whatever looks shiny.

The Netherlands seems to be generating a lot of bullshit for me lately, is it time to take it off the list to avoid the mess and whining?  It makes no sense for me to offer something that is obviously making you so unhappy.

I'm sorry you had to wait, etc. but at this point I see no reason to deal with you at all.



I've been keeping myself busy just doing other things, and I get this wonderful email 2 weeks back stating the 6582 PCBs are available from SmashTV. Props to Wilba and SmashTV !! I'm on for 2 each.....!!

*No instant rice, no instant grits, no instant Midibox*



Damn dude now you're making a drama out of this........he discussed this with me in public on a Dutch forum......i will delete my previous posts just to keep the peace and not to let this thing get out of hand. Hope this will satisfy you.

And a nice thing of you to say about the Dutch........and a unreliable post service?? Never had any problems with any packages from the USA, Japan, Austria, Russia or from Mars. Everything was delivered as it should be.

But i will drop this for now and i'm sorry for the trouble........

And a nice thing of you to say about the Dutch........and a unreliable post service??
Don't take my comment for more than it says.  I have no problem with the people there, but I had bad problems with the postal service.  The guys who lost packages were patient and understanding, making me like the Dutch people even more than I did before.  But most definitely yes unreliable postal service.....losing 4 out of 10 airmail parcels there qualifies that comment.

Never had any problems with any packages from the USA, Japan, Austria, Russia or from Mars. Everything was delivered as it should be.

It's great that you have not lost anything yet, but other people there did.  I need you to understand that I'm not happy about being forced to use a more expensive shipping option just to be sure that a box gets there......and the more I have to hear about it/think about it the more unhappy I become......the less energy/time I have for any of this.



hi,i can say today ,i 've wait a parcel during 3 months...lost by the post...i was very very happy when smash refund me a new order (400 $)completely free (order and shipping) all my next orders will be by express...sure..thanks smash  ;) best regards all.

and the more I have to hear about it/think about it the more unhappy I become......the less energy/time I have for any of this.


You've got more patience than me. I would have refunded any orders to said destination and been done with it.


sahira says

.. what  i have to pay even more for shipping from now on.. no way, i am going to buy a sid station instead at least they don t cheat on shipping fees.

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