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Share your early (not-so-great) works! (formerly your first one)


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I'll start with mine. Made with Techno eJay (?) or something, one night while intoxicated. Was practicing with the build-in "synthetizer" it had, also included some samples outside. Enjoy ;)

Edit: link fixed for third time

Edited by Enth
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Hehhehe, somewhere in my mother's house, there is actually a tape of me singing and "playing guitar" on my first tune, at age 4.... Even if she can find it, and even if I would speak to her, either of which require a thin layer of ice on the surface of hades, there is no chance I'd share the recording online :D

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I dont have the first track i have eaver made...man that was 2001 or 2002 or so... after 5 harddisccrases and bad DVDs, there exist not much from this time...

but the first track was a good track!  :D  ... you jumped into a mystical world of electronic music, so much ideas, and feeling! of course good a ideas, but not the technic to get it proffesional into reality, so it all sound shitty, but with a good melody or or sound into it....

One of my oldest tracks (5 mounth after starting to producing), played with a modified mam mb33II modified and rewired by phatline  8) (harder noisier more saw more drive more tweet more glide, less resistors more germanium diodes leds or whatever in the signal path  :D) , the sequencer was a roland mc09 (that was brand new @ this tim) , drummache was.... i think a korg electribe er1?...whatever:


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  • 3 weeks later...

nice to hear some tracks from everyone...

i've just in the last few years become interested in making music, though i've always enjoyed making lots of noise. here is an early track i put together using fruity loops, reason and cool edit... just trying to figure everything out.    love it or hate it, it's here! ;)

TheMostDopePSA (August 27, 2007) - http://www.archive.org/details/TheMostDopePSA

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont have the first track i have eaver made...man that was 2001 or 2002 or so... after 5 harddisccrases and bad DVDs, there exist not much from this time...

I'm pretty much in the same boat, since '98 when I started there have been alot of mishaps with my various DAWs and most of my CDs from way back when have been damaged and/or stolen.

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm, I wish I had ANY of my tracks recorded. Lost them all. I really enjoyed elements of my first track.

It was called Axiom, made with Musix-X 2.0 on an Amiga 3000. I made it with a good friend, one Roland Juno 106, a Yamaha TG-300 GM box (mostly pretty crap, but some conventional sounds were OK, and could really mess with the feedback settings for some carzyness), and a Yamaha DJ mixer with analogue delay (very lush, but extremely noisey).

It was really spacey big bass minimal electro. I used some Amiga 8 bit samples, of some Moogs, and a distorted filter swept vocal: "My mind is going...and I like it".

Unfortunately, I ran out of things to accompany the main hook from the 106. I ended up adding a really crappo cheasy melody to the end, just so that I could finish the track, and take it to a demo night with some muso buddies. Most people liked the first two minutes, building up, then a minimal spacey break down, a bit of percussion intro...to the cheasy finish. All but one broke out laughing, some with tears in eyes. Ahh, such memories. The one guy who didn't laugh, said he really liked the end, but didn't know what to make of the start - he was an R&B singer. A really goood guy, and a hell of a good singer, but just didn't get electro/tech/trance at all.

Wish I still had that tape.

I haven't actually recorded anything in the last few years. Haven't even had somewhere to set up my gear in one place for very long at a time. Since my early experiments with almost no gear at all, I am trying to gather a bit more of a collection, before focussing on writing/recording again. Damn, I miss it though. It's so much fun to share demos with your mates. Unfortunately, my wife also just doesn't get what it is all about.

Great thread though. Love the topic.

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I haven't actually recorded anything in the last few years. Haven't even had somewhere to set up my gear in one place for very long at a time. Since my early experiments with almost no gear at all, I am trying to gather a bit more of a collection, before focussing on writing/recording again. Damn, I miss it though. It's so much fun to share demos with your mates. Unfortunately, my wife also just doesn't get what it is all about.

Seems like the trap I am in...

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Seems like the trap I am in...

Hi Strophlex,

Are you in the exact same situation, gearwise, spacewise, and wifewise?  :o Hurts sometimes, doesn't it.

At least now, I have a reasonable amount of gear to get started with, when I have time. A fair bit of my gear needs repairs though. Also, there is so much good music software around now, requiring less space, and less money. I still love my hardware too, though.

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Hi Strophlex,

Are you in the exact same situation, gearwise, spacewise, and wifewise?  :o Hurts sometimes, doesn't it.

At least now, I have a reasonable amount of gear to get started with, when I have time. A fair bit of my gear needs repairs though. Also, there is so much good music software around now, requiring less space, and less money. I still love my hardware too, though.

Well, not exactly. I haven't got enough gear to create anything yet, and the virtual stuff (Reason etc) I used before doesn't appeal to me anymore since I work at the computer all day long. I am slowly making a collection of DIY units and hope to be musically creative soon. My girlfriend is very understanding, not beacuse she understands the music but because she understands my urge to be creative. Anyway, here is the stuff I made before going midibox-idle... http://www.myspace.com/artbysnipers

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Well, not exactly. I haven't got enough gear to create anything yet, and the virtual stuff (Reason etc) I used before doesn't appeal to me anymore since I work at the computer all day long. I am slowly making a collection of DIY units and hope to be musically creative soon. My girlfriend is very understanding, not beacuse she understands the music but because she understands my urge to be creative. Anyway, here is the stuff I made before going midibox-idle... http://www.myspace.com/artbysnipers

I'm listening to your tunes. Pretty cool. The music I used to do didn't have nearly as much to it, a what you have done.

I still like to use a fair bit of software, but really like my hardware synths too.

I see your myspace page mentions you also used to use Amiga. Cool.

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  • 1 month later...
..., that sequencing without a sophisticated control surface is hopeless due to my underdeveloped musical talents

hahaha :)

Same thing here with this my first song of my first project made in 98 or 99 using Fruity Loops 2... lol (control surface?? MIDI controller? In 99 here it was something like dream :-) Nothing new in this song, just some elements of trance of the 90's.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

606, Simmons SDS-8, System 100, Digitech Studio Quad FX, voice samples from turntable; bamboo windchime, stormy night and the first tram of the morning through Tandy PZM microphone - recorded live in a single pass to DAT (32khz longplay), and then accidentally mastered at 44khz.  So about 1/3 too fast and high.


Track 9:  bunsen honeydew; wedded bliss

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a small fragment of one of my first tracks, made on playstation's music when I was 14 or something. It got featured on Future Music (the Dutch version, not the UK version) with a really promising review (although the track really wasn't that special)

dj chillswitch - dungeon

afterwards i got myself some Korg Electribes, a TR505 and an alpha juno, recording stuff like that (beware, 4/4 techno/acid/stuff)

poq - emocore

during those days i made some ambient/idm stuff under another alter ego. don't have the earliest tracks online but some are here: darf fader (farewell is quite good)

Finally I ended up with the "rvooh" name, with TB303's, hardware sequencer.. That was my first track (2003) rvooh - moon note

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