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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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4 minutes ago, latigid on said:

Wow, amazing! Are the CVs distributed out on J19, so the same RC1 channel or is RC2 used as well to double the transfer rate? What is the maximum data rate?

The data update rate is only 35 uS for all 4 modules, so no need to make it more complicated :)
That's also the reason why I enabled all 32 channels by default, it doesn't make a big difference.
Using a second CS line wouldn't help, because SPI transfer time would have to be consumed anyhow.


Is there a functional way to use all 32 CVs with only 16 tracks? Polyphonic tracks?

With channel 9-13 you can route note and velocity value to two CV outs - in this case you need all 32 outputs.
But you can also route CCs of a track to the CV outs (starting at CC#16 as far as I remember...)


Is it possible to set (or preset) the drum trigger length to something longer? This is already available for the clocks but I couldn't see an easy way to do it for triggers.

Actually I looked into this, but there is a technical problem.
The 64 drum triggers are currently cleared with each SRIO update cycle, this was very pragmatic and effective and especially doesn't consume resources (counters) and CPU time (processing the counters)

For individual delays I would have to implement counters for each trigger, and this is very costly.

And for a single delay we would potentially run into the problem, that each mS a new trigger could reset the counter, leading to "stretched signals" for all triggers for which the configured time already passed...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks for the clarification on the CV channels. I could see a usecase for four modules if the velocity function was added, which I didn't remember BTW! This could add some expression, e.g. as a mod source mixed into a VCA -- great! And the accent trigger on the spare gates is awesome.

For the drum triggers, I figured it was a code issue, as the clocks are easy to calculate in advance. In the meantime I think Andrew implemented a pulse stretcher in hardware, but if it is not too much effort I'm sure more software flexibility would be welcomed. Besides, we have the option of the standard trigger length, which I guess is one "step" long?



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Based on my experiences with MB808 the trigger width is crucial, therefore I can fully understand Andrews request that a digital option is desired.

The "pipeline based approach" is working fine, we can now adjust the width from 0 (=off -> gate function) to 10 mS

   o DOUT_1MS_TRIGGER in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file has been replaced by a configurable trigger width which
     can be adjusted in the CV Configuration Page with GP13 now

-> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_096_pre7.zip

It would be great if everybody could help to test this new firmware version, regardless if the new CV features are used or not (I hope that nothing else is broken!)

I would like to create a final v4_096 release, because v4_095 is from last december, and it started to smell! ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Everyone, 

I'd love to be able to sequence the modes of the harmonic/melodic minor scale a little easier. Just as the modes of the major scale are numbered from cc12-18, it would be great if the modes of the melodic minor, harmonic minor or even harmonic major were listed consecutively. I'm often befuddled trying to find these scales in the scale list. 

Harmonic Minor Modes:

Melodic Minor Modes:

Harmonic Major Modes:


please and thank you! legends!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just trying to compile the git master. It fails:

project_build/core/seq_cv.o: In function `SEQ_CV_IfSet':
D:\Temp\midibox_seq_v4/core/seq_cv.c:154: undefined reference to `AOUT_IF_MaxChannelsGet'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [project_build/project.elf] Error 1

Did I miss something? I'm compiling for LPC1769 / Midibox v4.

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to switch to the new MIOS32_PATH for my environment variable. Everything is fine.

Best regards,


Edited by Rio
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On 14/09/2019 at 8:58 PM, TK. said:

-> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_096_pre7.zip

It would be great if everybody could help to test this new firmware version, regardless if the new CV features are used or not (I hope that nothing else is broken!)

I've just had a chance to test this with 2 x AOUT_NG boards and I think I've came across a bug.

The shift register that is assigned to CV_GATE_SR2  in the HWCONFIG file will only trigger once and then remains on. 

I thought I had a hardware problem initially but after some trouble shooting I'm pretty confident its a software problem, either user error or a bug. The reason this is that I swapped the CV_GATE_SR assignment for SR1 and SR2 in the hardware and the problem is always present Shift Register assigned to CV_GATE_SR2.

Both of the AOUT_NG boards are working correctly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, I hope that I am posting in the right place (my first post in the forum!). I am having a blast with the midibox seq4 but I would like to submit my humble request for what would be such a fun feature: implement scala microtonal .tun support to relay by some wizardry to my synthesizers! Thank you!

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  • 4 weeks later...


I posted this in the Midiphy SEQ V4+ troubleshooting thread but after a bit of conversation, it seems the topic is better suited to this feedback thread, as it could be bug related. 

Original post for more details: 

Basically I've come across a couple issues:

1)  When removing the SD card while the SEQ V4+ is powered on, all of my push buttons become unmapped, losing matrix assignments, although the encoder turns do remain mapped. Since the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file is not reloaded upon SD re-insertion (according to the MBSEQ_HW.V4 section of the user manual at: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_in.html), the push buttons remain unmapped and unusable until I reload the release package midiphy_rh MBSEQ_HW.V4 with MIOS Studio, issue reset command with MIOS Studio, or power cycle the SEQ V4+ with the SD Card installed.


2)  Exporting songs, tracks, groups, or patterns to .MID files (Utility -> Disk -> MIDI Files -> Export) causes a Hard Fault. Pretty much anything I try to export results in either a Hard Fault with an address such as "PC=0x08049b0c" or "08049b5e", or the unit will just freeze with the "Exporting G_T_ to /MIDI/___.MID" notification on the OLED screen. This requires a hard power cycle on the V4+. I provided an example session with basic generic patterns I whipped up, but the crash/freezing happens with any session, large, small, or freshly created. 


I guess I'm just curious if these two things happen to anyone else with a standard issue Midiphy RH V4+ w/VGT6 chip, or if it is specific to my build. 

Everything else seems to be working great.


MIOS Studio query data:

Operating System: MIOS32


Core Family: STM32F4xx

Chip ID: 0x10076413

Serial: #1D0027001851373337323532

Flash Memory Size: 1048576 bytes

RAM Size: 196608 bytes

MIDIbox SEQ V4+.095

(C) 2018 T. Klose


Thanks to everyone for their support and welcoming comments. I'm new to the Midbox forum and the Midibox universe, in general.




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Hi @TK.

I am having a blast with the Midibox and the cv expansion eurorack boards made by Midiphy. I was trying to get lfo working on a cv channel but it seems this can't be done at the moment? @Hawkeye had a check at the code and it seems that the current lfo is note based per step and can't be used for a lfo out to a cv channel i a nice flowing way. If this is possible i would really love to have this to get more fun with lfo's and CV to my eurorack in the future.
Maybe i am doing somehting wrong and it already can be done but at the moment i am scratching my head :)





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@lp1977thanks for the information! Problems are understood and fixed in:


@sis.tmjust tried at my side, it works!
(and sometimes I'm surprised what can be done without special consideration in the sources ;-)

  • assign track to CV
  • in LFO page, set the ExtraCC# to 16..23
    16 will send to CV channel #1, 17 to channel #2, etc - which means: with the CC number you can address the CV channel you would like to use as LFO output

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks @TK.! That was a quick fix.


Question: Does/can the Midi Song Export honor the "Restart all Tracks on Pattern Change"? (Utility -> Options -> 5/33 -> enable)

If I do not enable this, in Song mode, the tracks with patterns that have random Step direction fall out of step alignment on the next change to a pattern with a Forward direction, for example,  since it just continues on to the next step after the last randomly chosen step from the previous pattern. 

Enabling it fixes the issue in Song mode, making all the tracks start at Step 1 on the next pattern, but I don't think this is reflected in the Midi Export.


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  • 4 weeks later...

MIDIbox SEQ V4.096 has been officially released under http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_download.html


MIDIboxSEQ V4.096

   o Only for MBSEQV4+: support for up to 32 CV outputs (and corresponding gates).
     Means: up to 4 AOUT modules can be chained.
     Tested with MAX525 (and midiphy Eurorack Expander), but should also work with TLV5630 based AOUT_NG
     The additional CV outputs can be accessed with MIDI port CV2..4.

   o AOUT port has been renamed to CV1..CV4

   o Utility Page, GP Button #11 now changes to the CV Configuration Page

   o DOUT_1MS_TRIGGER in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file has been replaced by a configurable trigger width which
     can be adjusted in the CV Configuration Page with GP13 now

   o Improved selection handling for midiphy frontpanel:
       - if you press&hold the Bookm/Step/Track/Param/Trigger/Instr/Mute or Phrase button, and then
         make a selection with SEL or GP buttons, the selection button will jump back to the previous
       - if you press&release these buttons without a selection, the function stays active.

     Example: let's say the track selection is active.
     Press&Hold Param button, change to a new parameter layer, then release the Param button
     -> the selection buttons will jump back to track selection.

     If it's desired to permanently control the parameter layer with the selection buttons, just
     press&release the Param button.

   o It's now possible to customize the list of labels which are used during track/pattern
     name and category and drum selection. After booting the new firmware, following files
     will be created in the /PRESETS folder: TRKLABEL.V4P, TRKCATS.V4P and TRKDRUMS.V4P

     Edit these files with the MIOS File browser. Uploaded changes are immediately taken

     - TRKLABEL and TRKCATS: are used in MENU->EVNT, "Trk Inst.", "Edit Name" page
       (Use GP15 to select the Preset)

     - TRKDRUMS is used on the same page when a drum track is edited (instead of a
       track name we configure instrument names)

       Special treatment: TRKDRUMS.V4P also maps MIDI notes to the drum labels.
       Whenever a new preset drum is selected, the drum note will be changed accordingly.
       This allows you to fully customize drum maps.

       The first 16 drums are taken by default whenever a drum track is initialized, and the
       remaining drums in the list can be optionally selected to replace on of the 16
       drum instruments.

     - TRKLABEL and TRKCATS are also used when a pattern is saved

   o New option 9/33 allows to unmute tracks on pattern changes

   o New option 14/33 allows to change the steps of the current selected view only

   o the MIDI mixer can now send CC values to a bus.
     This especially allows to record CC changes (configure MENU->MIDI->Port accordingly
     so that it listens to the bus in Jam mode)

   o New parameter layer "Ctrl" allows to change track parameters as documented in
     the doc/mbseqv4_cc_implementation.txt table (previously this was only possible
     from a dedicated loopback track).

   o Recording function considers "Ctrl" layers as well if the assigned parameters
     are changed on the UI

   o CV Calibration in CV page: special handling for Hz/V curve

   o CV Calibration in CV page: press GP7 button to switch between bipolar/unipolar display

   o fixed "lost button mapping" issue if SD Card is removed

   o MBSEQV4+: fixed MIDI export crash

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Using a fresh compile of master from Github to try out that amazing v4.96 feature set, I tried to set a track to control an AOUT using the LFO as mentioned recently. Indeed assigning the extra out sends the LFO to the AOUT, excellent another source of modulation!

But on my set up (unipolar original AOUT) the output seemed weird. For example, when I first turn on the LFO effect, and set the output to sine I get a triangle. Then changing through the waveforms gave me just lower volume versions of the wave, it seems to be a saw. Having seen this on the scope, this made me go back and check the output via MIDI CC and it seems the same. If it helps, I have experimented with amp and offset. I expected that with both set to 64 I should see the full waveform, i.e. triangle going from 0 to 127. But what I see seems weird to me!

FWIW both the AOUT and the CC seemed to have same behaviour. Let me know if you need more info or the session sending :)

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5 hours ago, monokinetic said:

Using a fresh compile of master from Github to try out that amazing v4.96 feature set, I tried to set a track to control an AOUT using the LFO as mentioned recently. Indeed assigning the extra out sends the LFO to the AOUT, excellent another source of modulation!

note that this is not really comparable with a real LFO - it's a LFO intended to send out MIDI events, and a typical resolution of MIDI is 1 mS -> means, higher frequency will appear very steppy!

5 hours ago, monokinetic said:

But on my set up (unipolar original AOUT) the output seemed weird. For example, when I first turn on the LFO effect, and set the output to sine I get a triangle. Then changing through the waveforms gave me just lower volume versions of the wave, it seems to be a saw. Having seen this on the scope, this made me go back and check the output via MIDI CC and it seems the same. If it helps, I have experimented with amp and offset. I expected that with both set to 64 I should see the full waveform, i.e. triangle going from 0 to 127. But what I see seems weird to me!

I looked into the source code (that I wrote many years ago) - and you are right:


case SEQ_LFO_WAVEFORM_Sine: { // currently no real sine!

Sine is a bipolar triangle, and triangle only used the positive range

At the time I implemented this, I found this sufficient

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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1 hour ago, sis.tm said:

i uploaded the new hex file but when i start to press play on my midiphy now i get a hard fault at pc=0x08036200 . I am trying to find a way to download 0.95 again but i don't know how

I need more input to help on this.

Last time you tried v096_pre9, and this version seem to work at your side, right?

Older versions are archived under: http://ucapps.de/mios32/backup/

so, you could try the archived v096_pre9 again - is it crashing as well?

And in case it is crashing (maybe because you are using a feature which wasn't tested by myself): which of the pre* versions doesn't cause the problem?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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