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Project complete! SeqV4


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So here is my build based on a Hammond enclosure.

Labels are inkjet printable vinyl sticker paper from Paplio (http://www.papilio.com/inkjet%20waterproof%20adhesive%20film%20media.html). It took a while to get a good formula for this stuff since it comes out VERY matte out of the printer and is a pain in the ass to cut. Thankfully it is pretty cheap so screw ups are not too big of a deal, down the road I may go with the 11x17 and do the whole thing instead of islands (I only had the 8x11). The adhesive is brutal on this stuff and I had no problem getting it to stick to the painted case. I used their clear coat spray with very light coats to give it a textured appearance that has a little bit of sheen to it. This vinyl is pretty soft so it absolutely needs something on top. They have a laminate for it but I have not used it yet. I made a set of punches (punched from the back) for the round holes and did the rectangular holes by xacto and straight edge.

The case is the standard one available at Mouser and was $49. The CNC work was done by FPE and came to $95 so the case was pretty reasonable. I machined the back myself. The wood sides were laser cut at Ponoko and that is the 5mm double sided veneer walnut. A couple coats of polyurethane and some sanding is all it took and the pics dont really do them justice, they came out better than I had hoped and the burned edges can be left as is IMHO. Best of all, 3 sets of those was $20.

Power wise I opted for a small toroid (3.2VA 7VAC) for power which can be switched out for a 9V one down the road if I decide to go with a AOUT at some point. I also plan to resurrect my 4xIIC board since more midi outs are definitely in order.









Edited by Altitude
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very nice, really

is this sticker or lexan or what ?? quality is amazing

Its an inkjet printable, waterproof vinyl sticker paper. I have the link in the first post but it is very cool stuff. I used it to redo the faceplate on my MB6582 as well and it can be printed solid black (it comes white) no problem for white on black text

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real simple. I find a piece of metal and machine a round on it a hair smaller than the OD of the hole in the panel, then I drill it out about 1mm smaller diameter than the OD and chamfer a sharp edge on it using a chamfer tool or boring bar. I apply the sticker, flip the panel around and punch it from the back. The little ones go by hand easily but the bigger ones I tapped with a hammer. Both we done on a soft cutting mat underneath. Here is my 3mm tool (I used a long bolt)

Hula girl is on order btw


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Wow, that looks fantastic Altitude.

You mention you had FPE engineer the front panel for you. How easy was that process? Do you just send in the panel part of the case along with your design? I'm looking for case options for my meeblip, and this looks like a nice possibility.



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Wow, that looks fantastic Altitude.

You mention you had FPE engineer the front panel for you. How easy was that process? Do you just send in the panel part of the case along with your design? I'm looking for case options for my meeblip, and this looks like a nice possibility.



Very easy, just design the file with their software, send them the case and they do the rest. There is a $14 clamping fee here (may be different with Schaffer) for weird shaped parts but they can do pretty much anything. Another member here got the back of his case (the same case as I used) done at FPE and it only added $30 to the total.

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