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SEQ CS board availability


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Hi all!

Time to clear the air about the seq cs waiting list and hopefully answer a few questions.

First off many thanks to the guys who are patiently waiting an unreasonable amount of time.

I finally got far enough ahead of things to buy enough boards for both shelf stock and ongoing shipping to the guys on the list, so I added the boards to the shop a few days ago.

I wish it could have been sooner but money is tight and it took a while to generate a few thousand extra $$ to make that happen.

To be clear: if you are on the list for a kit but would rather build now and self source the parts please do!

Do not view it as some commitment that must be honored especially considering the unreasonable delays and lack of stated time frame. Let's call it an 'interested' list rather than a 'promise to buy' list.

If you do go that route, I would really appreciate it if you would take a minute to remove your name from the list, as it would collectively save me some effort.

If you do want a kit no worries, nothing has changed and you will eventually get a 'yours is ready' email from me.

I could do some blame shifting here and talk about waiting 3 months for switch caps or 4+ months for lite-on to produce more bicolor LEDs, but there were things I could have done better to minimize some of it. It's much easier just to call it my fault and know that I learned some things about avoiding delays.

I have been too quiet about progress and what happens behind the scenes, working under the concept that most would rather have my attention focused on their order not writing a blog about it. Quite a few have shipped and I'm obviously not done.... I am somewhere around halfway through the names.

Fire away with any thoughts or questions, but understand I don't know when I will make it to your name so I would rather not guess and get it wrong. That answer depends on the guys before you (everyone gets 7 days to respond) and how much I can get done in a day with a full inbox to answer.

Best regards


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Tim, thanks for all your efforts supporting this community. It is much appreciated. I cannot help feel this was a forced move and not entirely your own choice.

I read a couple of your responses on this. I can imagine this has been a rather frustrating undertaking. Having 100+ people on the waiting list. Lot's of people not responding....Meanwhile not wanting to gamble your life savings on this.

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I cannot help feel this was a forced move and not entirely your own choice.

Not at all.... honestly I have a stack here ready to go and was already planning to put them in the shop Thursday, but did it Tuesday instead.

Recent discussions were a reminder I likely needed to not be quiet about it though. :)

I read a couple of your responses on this. I can imagine this has been a rather frustrating undertaking. Having 100+ people on the waiting list. Lot's of people not responding....Meanwhile not wanting to gamble your life savings on this.

The kind words from every direction remind me why I do this. Thank you.

Best regards


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Hi Tim, Hi everyone,

many thanks for those kind words about this process.

If you do want a kit no worries, nothing has changed and you will eventually get a 'yours is ready' email from me.

this is my choice, of course, this is easier for me :blush:

I guess your job about all this is crazy,

thanks for all of us, and thanks for me and my own music :flowers:

have a good day / night


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Tim, thanks again for your great job!

And very good idea on dividing the workload - the guys who can´t wait for the SEQ can buy the CS PCB in the shop right now and source the parts themselves, the others wait for a perfect kit :)

Me feels very tempted to buy a CS board for a second portable full-blown SEQ, but will wait a bit, because I guess that demand is very high from people that do not have a SEQ right now.

Have a great weekend!



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Many Thanks for your implication and your hard work.

I'm still shy on the forum but the time for waiting isn't a problem cause it's not easy for me to buy a lot of parts all around the world when you live in the bush :x

I'm still waiting the time for a complete kit.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hiya Wilba,

I am on the order list for 1 seqv4 pcb and parts kit..............I would like to cancel the pcb order as I bought two from the store and order two parts kits instead.

I went to alter the order page but a little voice in my head told me I was gonna screw the order page up..........so for once I listened.



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Hi Paul,

It may be safer to PM/mail Tim/SmashTV about that order change, cause sometimes it may get lost in the forumz ...

Ordered a CS PCB for a portable SEQV4, today, too :frantics:, can´t wait to use it with the MIDIfied piano :)

Many greets,


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Tell me more!

This one:

The SEQV4L is great, but a (portable) full SEQV4 is definitely more powerful...

Many greets and thanks again to all people invovled in the SEQV4 project, it rocks! :)


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

What exactly is the URL for the list?

Here you go:


Some waiting may be involved if you add yourself at the bottom of the list, if it seems to take too long, you could always buy a SEQ CS PCB and source the parts on your own.

Of course, waiting for the full ready-made kit from SmashTV is highly recommended, he offers top quality kits, and you are sure, that everything is right.

Many greets,


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