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Trying to order a SEQ V4 parts... confused..


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        i am trying to order all the nececary parts in order to build a SEQ V4. I have seen all the posts regarding Smash tv site etc.  but i got quite confused in how and from where i can order all the parts i need.


Could someone who has already ordered help me out?


Any help would be highly appreciated...


Thanks in advance!  :rolleyes:

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Hi and welcome,


it partly depends on where you´re located and what electronics dealers you have access to.


PCBs you can get from SmashTV. Here you can either get a "standard" (Wilba) SEQV4 PCB, although I think it is not available at the moment.

Or you can get seperate DIN, DOUT, DIO-MATRIX PCBs, if you plan to build a custom SEQV4.


Either way, you definitely need a LPC17 CORE PCB from Smash and a LPCXpresso board from Mouser/Watterott/Lextronic/Ebay... depending on where you´re located.

There will be another, faster CORE MODUL available in the future, but I´m not sure, when this will be. For now, the LPC17 CORE will be the one you need.


If you choose to build a "standard" SEQV4, then you have to get some specific parts which fit this specific hardware design (like buttons, caps, encoders). More info about those specific parts and where to buy them can be found on Wilbas wiki page here. There you can also find more infos about the hardware design and how to build it.


If you choose to build a custom SEQV4 (after your own design ideas), then you´re more or less free to buy any kind of buttons, encoders, ... that suits your functional and aesthetic needs (within the regular Midibox hardware requirements of course).


For the rest of the electronic components (resistors, diodes,....), you can refer to any kind of electronics dealer of your choosing, depending on where you´re located. If you want to build a custom SEQV4 you can normally buy the other parts (buttons, encoders,...) there too.


You also need two 2x40 character lcds (HD44780 compatible) which can be best found on ebay for a reasonable price.



Hope it helps. If you have more questions, just ask.


my regards

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Two more things you will need: a micro SD card (store config files and sequences) and an enclosure. I think that the two biggest challenges in this project are building the front panel control surface and the enclosure. It took me a week to source and build the core module. It took over a year to source and build the rest. The key to success for this project is patience. You have to think of this project as a journey, not a destination. :smile:


You might consider building a seq4-lite first just to get some experience working with midibox components. The great thing about the lite version is that the control surface is already designed for you. I highly recommend trying to source a Wilba pcb for the control surface if you want to build the full mbseq4. It's well thought out and would substantially decrease your build time. 

Edited by jbdiver
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Thank you so much for your replies John and jbdiver!   :smile:  It's a pleasure to meet such a friendly community!


I am located in Europe/Greece so i guess it might be more of a challenge to find some of the parts you mention.


From what i understand i have to put my self in a list in order to get my hands on a SEQ V4 PCB from SmashTv at the page below, correct? Well i am having trouble entering myself in that list... :/  Sorry for all the newbie questions, i am trying my best!  :sheep:




Thank you!

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I sent him a message and an email over the past few weeks and didn't get a response.  I didn't want to hammer him with more messages.  I thought it might have been discussed somewhere, and I might be able to get an answer from someone else.  Not from you though, apparently.  Haha.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm about to embark on a SEQ V4 as well and am wondering if there is a good resource or thread for reading up on how this project has changed in recent months due to updated hardware options.


From reading another thread in this forum I see that the makers of the LPCXpresso board have made a revision such that the LPCXpresso and the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 board don't fit together nicely without some modification. Other threads are mentioning that a faster board with some better features, the STM32F4 is able to be used with the SEQ V4 project.


Are other comments in this thread correct that SmashTV will be selling a revised version of the front panel board eventually? Would it be wise to start working on a SEQ V4 at this point or is waiting a few months until some of these newer revisions show themselves a better option?

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Yes the new lpcxpresso revision moved some pins around for some reason so it's not 1 to 1 with the Lpc board anymore. I would hold off a bit. I also don't expect there to be a new revision to the frontpanel from wilba, I'm not sure where you're getting that.

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I just built a core with the new LPC.  The new rev c LPC module isn't that far off from the Core PCB.  One row of holes has moved a bit, which makes it difficult to fit the two together once you've soldered the header pins on to the LPC module, but I think they would fit together OK if you fit them together before you solder either side.  I didn't notice they were off until after soldering the LPC module headers on, so I had a tough time fitting them together - had to carefully bend pins and force them together, but I think if you didn't solder anything until they were fit together you'd be ok.


Pinout is the same, I think.

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Is there a particular method to adding my name to the Control Surface PCB and kit list on the wiki (http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wilba_mb_seq_pcb_bulk_order)? 


I can't log in to edit the page at all :(

I don't think that page is the way to order anymore.  Just go to midibox-shop.com and place an order there.  Just placing an order there and waiting seems to work.  It took a while (like a month or so) to get my first order, but it eventually shipped.  There's a page on the site that eventually shows the shipping status of your order.  The boards and stuff are great quality, and the prices are more than fair.

Edited by borfo
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Yeah I love SmashTV, only thing is that the wiki page I linked to has buying options for both the control surface PCB (which Smash sells) and a control surface parts kit (which I don't think he sells). I have no problem sourcing parts on my own but I would prefer to buy a kit if it was available and the price was right.

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Hi guys!


I can't log in to edit the page at all :(

Check this post for an explanation:


Unfortunately the spam bots are still aimed at the wiki so it will likely remain this way until we have a registration scheme they cant blow through on auto.


I had the wiki generate an account and send the info to your email, let me know if it gives you any issues.


I am still working through that list as quickly as parts availability and reply time from the guys on the list allow.... I usually ship a few each week.  After the list is taken care of I will add the kit to the shop.


Back to the kitmill!


Best regards



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Hi guys!


Check this post for an explanation:


Unfortunately the spam bots are still aimed at the wiki so it will likely remain this way until we have a registration scheme they cant blow through on auto.


I had the wiki generate an account and send the info to your email, let me know if it gives you any issues.


I am still working through that list as quickly as parts availability and reply time from the guys on the list allow.... I usually ship a few each week.  After the list is taken care of I will add the kit to the shop.


Back to the kitmill!


Best regards



Ahh thank you very much Tim!


I'll be buying a few other parts from you with that order, but I'll wait to hear back when you've gotten to me in the queue. Name added.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Oh I'm glad to hear the kit will be made available in Smashtv's shop because I could not connect or add my name to the MB seq bulk order kit list. I'll check back periodically. Cheers all and thanks to Smashtv for his contribution to the community. He has been very helpful for my MB Sid project. Still patiently sourcing parts and assembling it ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So to summarize (I got confused with the newest and older versions), if I'd want to build a SEQ v4 with midi and OSC ethernet support and I'd like to use a custom interface with a C64keyboard I'll have to find:
a MBHP_CORE_LPC17 from Smash;
a LPCXPRESSO from Mouser;
Encoders and LEDs (provided I do already have the switches);

two LCDs from ebay;

an SD stot and a card with IDC cables;
Caps, diodes resistors, veroboards and ICs;

Nice knobs;

Should it be all? :-)


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