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SEQ v4 CS PCB clone


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Hi all,

I'm afraid I've not ordered PCBs yet. Unfortunately, I've managed to misplace my control surface aluminium panel, so I can't check if the holes will line up.

The most recent PDF file I printed above seems to be the right size - I printed it out and stitched it together, and the dimensions looked correct. If anyone else with a panel can do the same, and check the holes do line up, then I'll be a bit happier that the PCB is right.


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It lines up well now with Julian's case. There was a bit of an angle on the camera causing some of the pictures not to look 100% square but it lines up  perfectly in person. I checked part sizing as well and it all looks good. Switches line up, encoders line up and ic sockets are spot on. The smaller switches line up as well. I did not have any of the larger square switches to test out. The ones with the switch caps that the case is cut for line up perfect.  I have some large double sided copper clad if you post the artwork for the top and bottom I can make a test print.  It might take me quite a while to get it done though I am short on spare time to do all the drilling in the shop for at least a week or two. Bathroom renovation under way currently eating up all my spare time...    Might be faster to have them run at the fab house. I traced through the board a bit and did not come up with any errors.

I have not seen anyone asking about it on the Seq 4 designs but with the sid cs the lights flicker on startup. latigrid-on had an elegant RC delay solution that he posted in this topic:






Edited by gerald.wert
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Hi all,

Sorry to disappear for a while. Everything has been going wrong for me! First I lose my front panels, and then work becomes a nightmare - the company I work for is being sold, and everything is looking very hazy from this point out.

I'm pretty sure the PCB files are good - I went over them in software and all the nets look good, they look right when I upload them to DirtyPCBs, and Gerald graciously tested the fit as best the image would allow. However, I can't guarantee the boards are going to work until I've had a chance to build one up, which is where we come to the problem.

I don't have any of the components, and I don't have a core32 board. With the future of my job looking shaky, I can't really afford to buy all the parts and the risk of ordering the boards. I could sell the boards I don't need untested with no guarantee, but that's not ideal, and I'm not overly happy with the idea.

If there's a willing, trusted member of the midibox community who's willing to abide by the restrictions set out by T.K., it could possibly be better for me to pass my project files on to someone who's more able to see this through to completion?

Sorry I've been unable to help as much as I'd hoped - I very much understand everyone's frustration.


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No worries, this is a hobby for most of us and everybody understands your situation.

However, I also can offer my help. I have all the parts required - except the CS. Desperately trying to get it...  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im happy to do whatever i can to make this happen.

So many of us have been waiting on the CS boards for so long (as in years) and it feels that, thanks to Lisa, we are now so close...

The boards are probably not huge money, so i think i would be happy to buy un-tested, if others were also.

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Both TK, and Wilba have approved of this.

There are a whole load of people waiting and waiting on the CS pcbs.

A confirmed good file exists, and has existed for years within the community.


Why is it that it cant just be emailed to Lisa (who, again, has TK and Wilba's permission) for her to get some boards made up, and people to get on with building them?




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5 hours ago, julianf said:

A confirmed good file exists, and has existed for years within the community.


Why is it that it cant just be emailed to Lisa (who, again, has TK and Wilba's permission) for her to get some boards made up, and people to get on with building them?

Same situation as the other out-of-production boards (sammichSID, sammichFM, arguably MB6582). The folks in possession of the board files consider them to be proprietary. In the past, there has even been some really ugly hostility from those same folks toward a person who designed their own "clone" from scratch due to unavailability of PCBs or design files.

None of this is in the spirit of open design, and I'm reasonably sure it violates the letter of the MIDIbox license. OTOH, there's really nothing that can be done to compel anyone to comply with the license, so its a bit of a moot point.

Edited by jaytee
formatting, typo
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Sorry for disappearing again - work is absolutely mental.

I've been given permission to do a single small batch of the boards, which with my board house is 10 boards.

If TK gives his permission, I'd be more than happy to open source the files. If someone else is willing to take over the boards under the same conditions, equally I'd be happy to pass them on, but again, permission from TK would likely be wise.

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6 hours ago, lis0r said:

Sorry for disappearing again - work is absolutely mental.

I've been given permission to do a single small batch of the boards, which with my board house is 10 boards.

If TK gives his permission, I'd be more than happy to open source the files. If someone else is willing to take over the boards under the same conditions, equally I'd be happy to pass them on, but again, permission from TK would likely be wise.

Great ;)

I would be happy if you share your Eagle files than i would make my own PCBs too and share the extra with the Midibox community ;)


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On 7/25/2017 at 9:00 AM, lis0r said:

Sorry for disappearing again - work is absolutely mental.

I've been given permission to do a single small batch of the boards, which with my board house is 10 boards.

If TK gives his permission, I'd be more than happy to open source the files. If someone else is willing to take over the boards under the same conditions, equally I'd be happy to pass them on, but again, permission from TK would likely be wise.

The MIDIbox license explicitly allows you to distribute modified MB documentation, so long as you license the modifications under the same terms and shoot an email to TK containing the modified documentation (they also explicitly state that sending the email is all that necessary; no need to receive a response).

It never hurts to check with @TK., but there's also no need to walk on eggshells regarding the sharing of open-source documentation. 

Edited by jaytee
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lis0r: please ask TK. directly via forum message (these should be delivered again as email) to increase his response time on the open-sourcing request.

jaytee: personally, i would think it is very necessary to wait for his response, even if "waiting for the response" is not explicitly stated in the license.

Many greets,

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I recommend to have a single run first to ensure that the layout translation was successful. Once proven, the gerbers can be provided as open source (under whatever license)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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On 7/27/2017 at 4:09 PM, Hawkeye said:

jaytee: personally, i would think it is very necessary to wait for his response, even if "waiting for the response" is not explicitly stated in the license.

Can you elaborate? I don't understand why it's controversial to share—for free—original work based on an explicitly open-source design. This type of sharing is not just allowed under the license, it's expected.

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jaytee: the "Wilba MBSEQ CS PCB" design, being cloned or not has never been "free"  in any way before, so imho you are wrong on your assumption, that this is "free documentation", that could have been openly shared until now. If it would have been "free", it would have been given out by Wilba or SmashTV years ago, and i can tell you, there have been shortages of the board and users willing to go to extremes to get their hands on the gerbers. Due to a shortage of boards, i built my first SEQV4 on veroboard, too, and it was a long process (but a great experience, that i would not want to miss).

The fact, that TK. now open-sources it is a big milestone for the community, that's why i think, that TK. must have the final saying in it. And his decision is good, it makes total sense to validate the board, before giving away potentially faulty gerbers to everyone - that would result in lots and lots of support work from active board members to help people with their messed up PCBs. (Again: i do not believe, that it is faulty, it is just good practice to test it).

Many greets,

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@TK., @Hawkeye

Unless I've missed something, it sounds like Lisa is extremely busy with work, may not be in the best financial situation to do a test run of boards and build a prototype on her own dime, and is ready to hand over the project to someone else once she gets permission. Meanwhile, Julian sounds ready and willing to do a test run of boards and build a prototype in order to prove the design; the only thing stopping him is that he doesn't have access to the design files. I don't understand why we can't allow the community to collaborate on this project in order to keep things moving.

16 hours ago, Hawkeye said:

the "Wilba MBSEQ CS PCB" design, being cloned or not has never been "free"  in any way before, so imho you are wrong on your assumption, that this is "free documentation", that could have been openly shared until now. If it would have been "free", it would have been given out by Wilba or SmashTV years ago,

Again, unless I've missed something, this board is Lisa's original work. It's built to the same layout as Wilba's board, but it doesn't sound as though she actually had access to his original design files. In any case, the MIDIbox license is clear about derivative works.

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