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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. mine are used... so they dont look new and you have to be carefull by plucking them in.... 20 eur i would say... what i s arremex in a few words? and what i have to do to calculate shipping costs for them... i dont have a clue
  2. i think i have 4 of them... where you are from? i am from austria...
  3. with original c64 220v psu 8x 9v chips (4x 8580 4x6582) 3 pairs with 18nf caps 1 pair with 22nf - replaceable plug with pinheader test video: 950 incl postage in eu pump... will go the next days more expensive on ebay (since they want 10%... had a try to avoid it,by post it on diverse alternative sellers,but no luck)
  4. is this normal that the Sync-Mode LED (not the sync on OSC - i mean the BPM Sync) dont light up -- in which situation it should light up? - just testing my device thru... and want just check that everything is ok.
  5. PCB-Design: with STM32 Discovery Board... + 4x Midi Sockets/Cables which are not on PCB --- they have to be mounted on Housing. OBSOLATE: (the design is finally done with dipCoreF4 as brain CC_Looper.zip
  6. you may look for a9vac + 5vac usa c64 original psu with original connector...ebay for example. if you dont think you can handle that . i could modify the circuit but that would need more time and additional shipping costs for the parts . and digital money. which i need to pay my bills...i have more cash and alternativ currents... (exchange groups. time current and so on )... anyway if you still want it: i today drilled the frontpanel... but before making a video . i want to upload the newest firmware... but before i need to know from you: quest: what ENGINE do you want - for that inform yourself the posibilities: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid.html i preefer the poly engine instead of multiple parts... would be other when having ledrings.... best mike
  7. thx for connection! yes interested! for eagle file. its cheap and available here in austria.
  8. hei searching for a supllier (EU/Austria) for a SD-Slot - like on STM32F4 Core, or even better would be a micro-SD - slot - because i have a size & price topic! i also need a Footprint/lib for it - Eagle or Kicad - or any other Format which can be easy converted to KICAD (thats what i use) --- so anything that is in the standart library of these programs - and is available in EU i found @reichelt https://www.reichelt.de/Connectoren-fuer-Speicherkarten/3M-SDRSMT2MQ/3/index.html?ACTION=3&LA=446&ARTICLE=224937&GROUPID=7432&artnr=3M+SDRSMT2MQ&SEARCH=sd%2Bsockel&trstct=pos_10 and its looks pretty much like the STM32F4 cores socket... (happy that they have a slot now!) Then the interconnection to the core for me is not clear, @latigid on i think you can help - since you have expierience whith your wcore, http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=wcore_res-sd i have this pin-out: dont know if it is right up to now, and one -i- not connected yet - the CS maybe --- maybe total wrong what i have done... the datasheet from reichelts socket is: qest: are the pinout-Numbers of a Slot Normed? (like on a XLR-Plug, or a Midi-Connector?)
  9. i think: the files you see on ucapps, are made by tk, by not using Kicad. i by me do it this way: open the pdf, and draw it new... dont ask for it - i dont have rebuilt the modules - when i need exact the modules - i buy them... but for example, i am drawing this shematic right now: CC_Looper.zip the bad side, is finding the footprints, since there is a lack of wiki use - a few have to taken from eagle using this script: or from different websites ... the footprint for the discovery module can also be found in the net.... i will try to combine the searched stuff in a lib... but i am not that profi to do so at the moment, - its a little bit a mess... hope to find out how to merge different things...
  10. i downloadet a eagle trial, opened the Library where the Switch was in it --- and in it i run the script: eagle-lbr2kicad-1.0.ulp - download: https://github.com/lachlanA/eagle-to-kicad-libs then just include the library inside kicad,and we have it... @Antichambre : quest: do you have seen this switch too anywhere? :: ITT D6 or also named C&K D6 https://www.reichelt.de/Eingabetaster-Digitast-/DT-6-BL/3/index.html?ACTION=3&LA=2&ARTICLE=7236&GROUPID=7589&artnr=DT+6+BL&trstct=pol_5 i have seen that the are used in seq_v4l MK2: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=seq_v4l_mk._ii&s[]=seq made by antilog devices - @latigid on i think this is you? can you please share your library/or export the footprint? or @ilmenator do you have a footprint for it? and are willing to share? thx for help
  11. well then you have to search for a nother SID seller (scottsover or what was his name? is selling his for 1100 and he is US i think), because i am not willing to change the circuit, by desoldering parts on double sidet pcbs· ....invest in new part and so on...
  12. what stuff you mean they have a lot. what midi? cc clock? a plugin? (asking as intrest cause still use ableton and max some time)
  13. yes cool. hope to be in the limited run... thil xmas then.
  14. like it. will there be a pcb run... or what is the plan?
  15. its time for a Midi - control - Change Looper it records the incoming ccs (from a connected Synth) and sends it looped out again... it needs also note in and midiclock in order to merge it with the cc-automation and send it back to the synth. this device makes sense for synths like the clavia nord rack III where we have ledrings as UI. Features: 4 Midi Channels 128 CCs per Midichannel 4 Pitchbend tracks 256 or 512 Steps at 32th Resoultuion, depends on Ram Sequencer Tact System standart is 4/4 other systems like 3/4 are set with a CC on the system channel (like programchange) 4 Ledbars to indidacte loop position, and loop length 4x Combined Rec/MUTE Buttons (+shift = Rec) Copy, Paste, Clear Select, Clear all Store Load Button Programchange via Midi, progams saved on SD-Card 2xMidi in, 2xMidi out SMD LEDs, and good Tactial Buttons. Easy Case Design a Plexi-Glas Plate with exact one hole (for loop length encoder) + Rest Wood. a fabricated UI-PCB with J8/j9 connection to plug in a minicore sandwitch. Small PCB with 10x10cm max to reduce costs to minimum -a bulk order some prototypes if interest... have to order anyway about 5 pcbs at minimum... pretty much of the code i have already done by other applications(MSQ-CC-BCR, MSQ-CC-LRE, Filterbox...), i just have to adapt the code and strip down a bit, to get ram free for the 512 steps.
  16. yes please would be nice. can you recommend a pcb fabricator?
  17. hi. i am not clear how you want to handle this. do i or do you extend this. since i saw no files and you have the reflow oven - i assume you keep it on your side - so say a whish and you adapt? i will make a topic on user projects the next days... i have already a ui shematic which only needs a j8-9. i will also need 2x midi in and 1-2 midi outs. + the sdcard on the core. thats all. i invite you via pm to the topic once done. maybe we find a solution - would be nice. (the device will be a 4 part controlchange looper)
  18. any news on this?... need to make a new user project (cc-rec). and want to save money and size. this here could be a option.
  19. because the sid is already finished since years... just have not time and money to do frontpanel and housing... dont want to desolder things now pn this double sidet...
  20. no special need for a standalone router route functionality done in the apps itself for special case like seq note processor... latency free it should be. so maybe some programmable chip in combi with a uC acting as ui..... a 16x16 matrix use blm for that . lcd on xy axis beside to label io and functionality... find lcd for the blm16x16+x... what makes it in any case more flexible. routing presets for each song. so a programchange option...
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