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Everything posted by ilmenator

  1. Have you taken a look at the Ponoko / Formulor website? There, all the materials are listed, and you will find that they have non-translucent acrylic as well. As for the cost: I would suspect this to be costing anything between 20-30 Euros, depending on how fancy you'd get with your labels and other artwork.
  2. For the MB-6582 I put one after another in the first socket that had full MIDI IO connection with MIOS Studio and made sure I changed the PIC ID before uploading. Afterwards, I put the PICs back in their respective socket.
  3. Take a look at Ponoko or Formulor and do the price calculus yourself - the costs mainly depend on panel size and time needed for the laser cutter to cut the shapes you have defined.
  4. There are plenty of examples for cases laser cut from 3mm acrylic sheets - for an example look at my Mutable Instruments Ambika case. If designed properly, these cases can be very sturdy and solid. Of course, if you drop them from 1.5m they will most probably break, but they definitely take the normal abuse.
  5. Very nice - both the video and the sound! They complement each other nicely, and the title is spot-on :thumbsup:
  6. Keep the cables as short as possible, I wouldn't expect this to work for cables longer than 1m.
  7. I am using this guy in my MB-6582. Almost the same specs (but only slightly lower input voltage levels allowed, 36V vs. 42V on the TSRN version) but only a little over half the cost.
  8. Even worse: it's in the Swiss variant of German... :smile:
  9. That is a little strange, as your post count is showing 1, meaning that the above is actually your first post on this forum... Anyways, can you give a few more details about exactly what you have tested so far? Which core module you are using, what software you have uploaded, what the messages in MIOS Studio are? Also, it is a good idea to upload a few high-res pictures of your build here, maybe there is just a bad solder joint somewhere.
  10. Hi, just to let all the KiCAD users know there is a very nice library / footprint with accompanying 3D model for the STM32F4 discovery board (and lots of other good stuff) out there from Walter Lain. Go check his homepage! Best, ilmenator
  11. The resistors' values depend on the voltage you apply to the optocoupler. The voltage usually depends on the microcontroller you use. However, the inputs in the MCUs used by MIDIbox should all tolerate 5V.
  12. Yes - I am not sure about the pin names (haven't checked them), but the schematic is the standard MIDI schematic to be used!
  13. Have you tried calibrating the faders?
  14. I'm afraid the last semi kit is gone. But I have two PCBs left, and a pair of the duo LED matrix modules. PM me if still interested. You'd only have to source the other parts yourself (which actually shouldn't be too difficult, see the BOM in the Wiki).
  15. Da wuerde ich mal direkt bei Tim anfragen - leider ist die Dokumentation in seinem Shop ein bisschen mau bezgl. genau dieser Platinen (im Vergleich zu den anderen).
  16. The shift registers don't necessarily have to sit on the same board as the switches. Switch boards could be interconnected with ribbon cables. I don't think your design considerations are a major hindrance for the "matrix approach".
  17. Well, you would actually need far less shift registers than 1,5 per switch if you were using the DIO_MATRIX module!
  18. Using the Digital Ins (DIN) within the MIDIbox framework would cost you three processor pins for (almost) as many switches as you like, as the switches / buttons are connected to the parallel inputs of a chain of shift registers. Add another processor pin and you get virtually as-many-as-you-want digital outputs as well. You could even reduce the number of shift registers required by scanning the inputs in a matrix-style. Of course, it is technically feasible to do it your way, and it has been proven to work before.
  19. Big hassle, and no point in doing that. When building a MIDIbox, simply choose either according to your needs and preferences.
  20. If you look at Mackie's C4 controller (which has 32 encoders), then what you want to do certainly seems possible. However, whether all of those 32 encoders can be used at once to control plugins is probably a software / protocol question, rather than a hardware question. It is totally feasible to use normal pots instead of encoders, because in the end you are just sending MIDI signals, and MIDIbox doesn't really care how these are controlled, i.e. from pots or from encoders. That's also why it should not be necessary to switch off the controller to switch between Mackie Control protocol and HUI protocol (should these be different) - it just needs to send the correct MIDI data.
  21. Das ist im Moment noch nicht dokumentiert, aber du brauchst die "uebliche" MIDI-Beschaltung mit dem Optokoppler im Eingang und den Widerstænden im Ausgang, wie in diesem PDF dargestellt (unten rechts). Welche Pins die MIDI-Signale fuehren muesste sich hier finden.
  22. Hallo und sei willkommen hier! Die Liste sieht soweit gut aus, das PDF-Anhængen scheint nicht geklappt zu haben, zumindest gibt es keinen Link in deinem Beitrag. Evtl. macht es Sinn, nicht mehr auf den LPC Core zu setzen, sondern stattdessen auf den STM32F4 Core. Eine entsprechende Core- und (hier "ausgelagerte" MIDI Port-)Platine gibt es in Tim's MIDIbox Shop. Beim LPC17 gab es eine nicht dokumentierte Verschiebung der Pins des Moduls, so dass Rev. C nicht mehr mit "unseren" Core-Platinen kompatibel ist. STM32F4 ist leistungsfæhiger bei gleichem bis geringerem Preis. Gruesse, ilmenator Edit: jetzt gibt's auch einen Link - ja, sieht gut aus!
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