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Everything posted by ilmenator

  1. ilmenator


    Yes - go check the shop!
  2. You can do that yourself, just edit your initial post!
  3. Apart from the bling, I wonder why the LED rings should be necessary if you have these displays anyways? Leave the LED rings unsoldered and place the displays horizontally between four encoders, with each corner displaying a small bar representing the current encoder value.
  4. But that again is almost more expensive than the display including a carrier board! OSHpark make great quality board and I recommend them wherever I can, but they are only cheap for prototyping a small number of boards.
  5. I'd take on that challenge if I had more time, but I'm afraid this is one of those periods in my life that I need to concentrate on other things than MIDIbox :-(.
  6. At least it would allow for a more seamless integration into the control surface, given that there are no DIL headers that eat away precious board space.
  7. Tim!Mike, do you have a part number available for those front panel mounting brackets that can be soldered to the two boards above?
  8. That's a bit on the low side - try something in the 10k range or higher.
  9. Great support - really! I'm just saying this since I don't even remember when we moved to the ARM Cortex core and left the PIC world behind... For the MB6582: I guess only updating the "main" PIC which handles the UI is enough and doesn't break the interplay between all four? Best, ilmenator
  10. I guess this is true for most, i.e. 99% of the units that have been built :rolleyes: .
  11. IIRC there were some problems with (the packaging of) some of the cases, is yours in perfect shape/state?
  12. Yes. Use BLM-Scalar or BLM-X code. It's in the repository.
  13. Right, days are getting shorter again, but I have been relocating over the last weeks, and in my new place winter is not as bad as it used to be where I was before... Now seriously, the project is not dead, but I have to admit that I will probably not finish this in the next half year or so. New job, new country of residence, lots of other responsibilities - you get the picture. However, the WS is still clearly my favorite synth, so this WILL happen, eventually. Thanks for your interest and your patience. Any news on the project will be in this thread. Kind regards, ilmenator
  14. The current status is documented in the Wiki, and jojjelito has a set of boards and FPGA core to do some beta testing. I am currently relocating to another country, hence the extended period of silence and lack of recent updates. It will probably take me until after Christmas until I have my workshop up and running again. However, the unit is basically working the way I intended, and jojjelito volunteered to do some torturing tests. Best, ilmenator
  15. Nein. Aber hier ist der Schaltplan, und das Layout ist nicht allzu kompliziert - TK hat den ersten Prototypen auch auf Lochraster gebaut. Ob das allerdings den Aufwand lohnt, weiß ich nicht - ich würde einfach die fertige Platine von Tim aka SmashTV ordern.
  16. That should reverse the pinout, so you need to be extra careful to get it right (unless you do the same on the target board as well).
  17. You could modify the headline of your first post, adding a [solved] so everyone knows this has been fixed already!
  18. Sh##t, I just realized these are not the regular MIDIbox SEQ4 ones but the MI Shruthi ones, right? I have to retreat then, I'm afraid. I am truly sorry for the hassle...
  19. I think that is a wise decision for now. I have sent you a PM. And yes, a few full kits are still available.
  20. Yes, this data sheet looks ok. And no, it cannot be fixed in software. You might cut some traces and run little wires instead, but this would require you to understand the schematics and find the right traces on the PCB - and then figure out where to cut them for least effort.
  21. You are correct, your soldering is probably ok. However, you picked the wrong 7-segment displays, the pinout on yours is different. You need those that have common cathodes on pins 3 and 8 like the ones from Reichelt. On the ones you have, pins 3 and 8 are connected to segments c and g - the ones that are lit in the picture above.
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